candidate_index : [ 5 3 21 12 29 20]
candidate_distance : [0. 0.1107 0.1316 0.1701 0.2225 0.2656]
self.mid # 节点索引(中位数)
self.left # 节点左空间索引列表
self.right = right # 节点右空间索引列表
self.bound = bound # Dim * 2 # 当前节点所在空间范围(每个维度由左右边界控制)
self.flag = flag # 表示该节点对应的分割线应分割的维度索引(通过取模来控制变化)
self.lchild = lchild # 左子节点地址
self.rchild = rchild # 右子节点地址
self.par = par # 父节点地址
self.l_bound = l_bound # 节点左空间范围
self.r_bound = r_bound # 节点右空间范围
self.side = side # 当前节点是其父节点的左节点(0)或右节点(1)
# kd_Tree
# Edited By ocean_waver
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class Node(object):
def __init__(self, mid, left, right, bound, flag, lchild=None, rchild=None, par=None,
l_bound=None, r_bound=None, side=-1):
self.mid = mid
self.left = left
self.right = right
self.bound = bound # Dim * 2
self.flag = flag
self.lchild = lchild
self.rchild = rchild
self.par = par
self.l_bound = l_bound
self.r_bound = r_bound
self.side = side
def find_median(a):
# s = np.sort(a)
arg_s = np.argsort(a)
idx_mid = arg_s[len(arg_s) // 2]
idx_left = np.array([arg_s[j] for j in range(0, len(arg_s) // 2)], dtype='int32')
idx_right = np.array([arg_s[j] for j in range(len(arg_s) // 2 + 1, np.size(a))], dtype='int32')
return idx_mid, idx_left, idx_right
def kd_tree_establish(root, points, dim):
# print(root.mid)
layer_flag = (root.flag + 1) % dim # 确定分割点对应的分割线的维度
if dim == 2:
static_pos = points[root.mid, root.flag]
if root.flag == 0:
x_line = np.linspace(static_pos, static_pos, 10)
y_line = np.linspace(root.bound[1, 0], root.bound[1, 1], 10)
elif root.flag == 1:
x_line = np.linspace(root.bound[0, 0], root.bound[0, 1], 10)
y_line = np.linspace(static_pos, static_pos, 10)
plt.plot(x_line, y_line, color='darkorange')
# plt.axis([0, 1, 0, 1])
# plt.draw()
# plt.pause(0.05)
# new bound:
root.l_bound = root.bound.copy() # 先复制一份根节点边界(Note: need to use deep copy!)
root.l_bound[root.flag, 1] = points[root.mid, root.flag] # 改变特定边界的最大值,获取新边界
root.r_bound = root.bound.copy()
root.r_bound[root.flag, 0] = points[root.mid, root.flag] # 改变特定边界的最小值,获取新边界
if root.left.size > 0:
# print('left : ', root.left)
mid, left, right = find_median(points[root.left, layer_flag])
mid, left, right = root.left[mid], root.left[left], root.left[right]
left_node = Node(mid, left, right, root.l_bound, layer_flag)
root.lchild = left_node
left_node.par = root
left_node.side = 0
kd_tree_establish(left_node, points, dim)
if root.right.size > 0:
# print('right : ', root.right)
mid, left, right = find_median(points[root.right, layer_flag])
mid, left, right = root.right[mid], root.right[left], root.right[right]
right_node = Node(mid, left, right, root.r_bound, layer_flag)
root.rchild = right_node
right_node.par = root
right_node.side = 1
kd_tree_establish(right_node, points, dim)
def distance(a, b, p):
Lp distance:
input: a and b must have equal length
p must be a positive integer, which decides the type of norm
output: Lp distance of vector a-b"""
vector = a - b
except ValueError:
print('Distance : input error !\n the coordinates have different length !')
dis = np.power(np.sum(np.power(vector, p)), 1/p)
return dis
# def search_other_branch(target, branch_node, points, dim):
def judge_cross(circle, branch, dim):
Judge if a sphere in dimension(dim) and the space of the other branch cross each other
cross : return 1
not cross : return 0"""
# print(circle, branch)
count = 0
for j in range(0, dim):
if circle[j, 1] < branch[j, 0] or circle[j, 0] > branch[j, 1]:
count = count + 1
if count == 0:
return 1 # cross
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
# --------基本参数设置--------
Num = 30 # 训练点数量
Dim = 2 # 空间维度
Points = np.random.rand(Num, Dim) + 100 # 产生随机点
# Points = np.array([[127,163,255],[126,165,255],[127,164,255],[127,165,254],[127,165,255],[127,167,253],[126,166,255],[126,167,254]])
# Points = np.array([[ 1, 0, 2],[ 0, 2, 2],[ 1, 1, 2],[ 1, 2, 1],[ 1, 2, 2],[ 1, 4, 0],[ 0, 3, 2],[ 0, 4, 1]])
Num = Points.shape[0] # 重新确定点数和维度,调整自定义造成的属性更改
Dim = Points.shape[1]
K = 6 # 查找近邻数量
p = 2 # 计算欧氏距离
# Target = np.array([0.1, 0.9])
Target = np.squeeze(np.random.rand(1, Dim)) # 这里只考虑一个目标点
Target = Points[5, :] # 设定初始点
'''# Test for find_median()
idx_mid, idx_left, idx_right = find_median(Points[:, 0])
print(Points[:, 0])
print(Points[idx_mid, 0], idx_mid, idx_left, idx_right)'''
# kdTree establish
Mid, Left, Right = find_median(Points[:, 0])
L_bound = np.min(Points, axis=0)
R_bound = np.max(Points, axis=0)
Bound = np.vstack((L_bound, R_bound)).T
Root = Node(Mid, Left, Right, Bound, flag=0)
print('kdTree establish ...')
kd_tree_establish(Root, Points, Dim)
print('kdTree establish Done')
# 定位初始搜索区域
node = Root
temp = Root
side = 0 # 下降定位在终止时点所在的是左侧(side=0)还是右侧(side=1)
while temp is not None:
if Points[temp.mid, temp.flag] > Target[temp.flag]: # 大于的情况
node = temp
temp = temp.lchild
side = 0
else: # 包括小于和等于的情况
node = temp
temp = temp.rchild
side = 1
print('start node : ', node.mid, Points[node.mid])
# 搜索最近邻点
can_idx = np.array([], dtype='int32')
can_dis = np.array([])
temp = node
while node is not None:
# min_dis = distance(Target, Points[can_idx[-1]])
search_flag = False
temp_dis = distance(Target, Points[node.mid], 2)
if can_idx.size < K: # 候选点列表未满
can_idx = np.append(can_idx, node.mid)
can_dis = np.append(can_dis, temp_dis)
elif temp_dis < np.max(can_dis):
can_idx[np.argmax(can_dis)] = node.mid
can_dis[np.argmax(can_dis)] = temp_dis
search_flag = False # 查看另一支路是否为空
if side == 0 and node.rchild is not None:
branch_bound = node.rchild.bound
branch_list = node.right
search_flag = True
elif side == 1 and node.lchild is not None:
branch_bound = node.lchild.bound
branch_list = node.left
search_flag = True
if search_flag is True: # 开始判断和搜索另一侧的支路
r = np.max(can_dis)
# 构建Dim维球体边界
temp_bound = np.array([[Target[i]-r, Target[i]+r] for i in range(0, Dim)])
if judge_cross(temp_bound, branch_bound, Dim) == 1: # 高维球与支路空间存在交叉
for i in branch_list:
a_dis = distance(Target, Points[i], 2)
if can_idx.size < K: # 候选未满,直接添加
can_idx = np.append(can_idx, i)
can_dis = np.append(can_dis, a_dis)
elif a_dis < np.max(can_dis): # 候选已满,更近者替换候选最远者
can_idx[np.argmax(can_dis)] = i
can_dis[np.argmax(can_dis)] = a_dis
# 向上更新查找节点
temp = node
side = temp.side # 更新刚离开的node所处的左右方位
node = node.par
# 输出结果
sort_idx = np.argsort(can_dis)
can_idx = can_idx[sort_idx]
can_dis = can_dis[sort_idx]
print('candidate_index : ', can_idx)
print('candidate_distance : ', np.round(can_dis, 4))
# print(Points)
if Dim == 2:
# 绘制点
plt.scatter(Points[:, 0], Points[:, 1], color='blue')
for i in range(0, Num):
plt.text(Points[i, 0], Points[i, 1], str(i))
# 绘制框架
plt.scatter(Target[0], Target[1], c='red', s=30)
frame_X = np.array([L_bound[0], R_bound[0], R_bound[0], L_bound[0], L_bound[0]])
frame_Y = np.array([L_bound[1], L_bound[1], R_bound[1], R_bound[1], L_bound[1]])
plt.plot(frame_X, frame_Y, color='black')
# 绘制圆
for i in range(0, K):
n = np.linspace(0, 2*3.14, 300)
x = can_dis[i] * np.cos(n) + Target[0]
y = can_dis[i] * np.sin(n) + Target[1]
plt.plot(x, y, c='lightsteelblue')
# plt.axis([np.min(L_bound), np.max(R_bound), np.min(L_bound), np.max(R_bound)])
# 验证正确性
print('\n---------- Varification of the Correctness----------\n')
dist_list = np.power(np.sum(np.power(Points - Target, p), 1), 1/p)
sorted_dist_list = np.sort(dist_list)
print('correct_dist_list : ', np.round(sorted_dist_list[0:K], 4))
print('sorted_dist_list : ', np.round(sorted_dist_list, 4))
print('original_dist_list : ', np.round(dist_list, 4))