ubuntu 安装sql
A couple of years ago, Microsoft announced that SQL Server would be available on Open Source (Linux). In this article, we will go through the installation of Microsoft SQL Server on Linux (Ubuntu) and each step in detail.
几年前,微软宣布SQL Server将在开源(Linux)上可用。 在本文中,我们将详细介绍在Linux(Ubuntu)上安装Microsoft SQL Server的过程,并详细介绍每个步骤。
SQL Server is currently supported on Red Hat Enterprise Server, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, and Ubuntu. It does not support older than 16.04 Ubuntu version.
Red Hat Enterprise Server,SUSE Linux Enterprise Server和Ubuntu当前支持SQL Server。 它不支持16.04之前的Ubuntu版本。
For windows user, it’s not easy to install and configure the SQL Server in Linux Operating system. In windows, a person can easily install and configure the features as required by Microsoft setup. But in Linux, we need to take care of certain things at the Operating System level and it needs to be monitored in the process of installation and configuration.
对于Windows用户,在Linux操作系统中安装和配置SQL Server并不容易。 在Windows中,人们可以根据Microsoft安装程序的要求轻松安装和配置功能。 但是在Linux中,我们需要在操作系统级别上进行某些维护,并且需要在安装和配置过程中对其进行监视。
To install the SQL Server in Google Cloud, I launched Ubuntu 16.04 Instance with the name of “sql”. SQL Server must require 2000MB RAM to be installed in Linux, so make sure you have configured Ubuntu Instance with mandatory RAM allocation. Otherwise, on the error you need to reconfigure the Cloud Instance and it must require Reboot.
要在Google Cloud中安装SQL Server,我启动了名称为“ sql”的Ubuntu 16.04实例。 SQL Server必须在Linux中安装2000MB RAM,因此请确保已使用必需的RAM分配配置了Ubuntu实例。 否则,在发生错误时,您需要重新配置云实例,并且它必须要求重新启动。
There are two components to be installed in the Ubuntu machine in terms of Package from Microsoft Repository to get installed SQL Server on Linux:
根据Microsoft Repository中的Package,要在Ubuntu计算机上安装两个组件,以在Linux上安装SQL Server:
As pre-step of the installation, if the logged-in user does not have service control access or sudo permission then the user needs to switch as root user in Ubuntu 16.04 Terminal.
作为安装的第一步,如果登录的用户没有服务控制访问权限或sudo权限,则该用户需要在Ubuntu 16.04 Terminal中以root用户身份进行切换。
Using the below command, the user can switch to root account.
Sudo su
If you didn’t set the password for the root user and new to Linux or installing on the new instance on cloud, then reset the new password for a root account with the help of the below command.
sudo passwd root
After switching to root, download the SQL Server Repository in your instance.
切换到根目录后,在您的实例中下载SQL Server存储库。
Microsoft maintains package repositories for installing SQL Server and supports installation via native package managers of Linux such as yum, zypper, and apt.
Microsoft维护用于安装SQL Server的软件包存储库,并支持通过Linux的本地软件包管理器(例如yum,zypper和apt)进行安装。
wget -qO- https://packages.microsoft.com/keys/microsoft.asc |