
Linux the world of mystery, alternatives, different characteristics. These features of the Linux has colored also the version or distributions of the Linux. Linux provides a lot of different distros each of them represents a different soul. In this tutorial, we will examine the features, pros&const, and use cases of the different well known and least-known Linux distributions.

Linux世界的奥秘,替代品,不同特征。 Linux的这些功能也给Linux的版本或发行版增添了色彩。 Linux提供了许多不同的发行版,每个发行版都代表着不同的灵魂。 在本教程中,我们将研究不同的知名和最不知名Linux发行版的功能,优点和常量以及用例。

的Ubuntu (Ubuntu)

2020年最佳Linux发行版_第1张图片 Ubuntu 的Ubuntu

Ubuntu is a complete Desktop, Server, and Mobile Linux distributions. It is the Windows of the Linux world because of its easiness and completeness.  Another good feature of theUbuntu is we can get both free community and pain professional support from different parties like Ubuntu creator Canonical.

Ubuntu是完整的Desktop,Server和Mobile Linux发行版。 由于它的简便性和完整性,它是Linux世界的Windows。 theUbuntu的另一个好功能是我们可以从Ubuntu创作者Canonical等不同方获得免费社区和痛苦专业支持。

Ubuntu name comes from an ancient African word meaning humanity for others which makes Ubuntu very user-friendly Linux distributions. If there is a problem with Ubuntu the answer can be found easily from official and non-official help forums.

Ubuntu名称来自一个古老的非洲词,意humanity for others这使得Ubuntu非常易于使用。 如果Ubuntu有问题,可以在官方和非官方的帮助论坛中轻松找到答案。

Ubuntu provides different tastes of the GUI like Gnome, KDE, Xfce, Lxde, Unity, etc.  Unity is created by  Ubuntu teams to make Ubuntu experience unique and better.


Linux Mint (Linux Mint)

2020年最佳Linux发行版_第2张图片 Linux Mint Linux Mint

Linux Mint is a Ubuntu-based distribution that has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. What Ubuntu-based is the packages of the Ubuntu are used completely and some tweaks and configurations are changed. Linux Mint is fully compatible with the official Ubuntu repositories.

Linux Mint是基于Ubuntu的发行版,近年来获得了很大的普及。 基于Ubuntu的是Ubuntu的软件包已被完全使用,并且进行了一些调整和配置。 Linux Mint与Ubuntu官方存储库完全兼容。

The main goal of the Linux Mint distribution is providing a classical desktop experience like custom tools, out-of-box multimedia support. We can play most of the video and audio formats like Mkv, mp4, WebM, mp3 with the default configuration out of the box.

Linux Mint发行版的主要目标是提供经典的桌面体验,例如自定义工具,开箱即用的多媒体支持。 我们可以直接使用默认配置来播放大多数视频和音频格式,例如Mkv,mp4,WebM,mp3。

The preferred desktop for Linux Mint is Cinnamon which is very well integrated to the Linux Mint.

Linux Mint首选的桌面是Cinnamon,它与Linux Mint很好地集成在一起。

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Arch Linux(Arch Linux)

2020年最佳Linux发行版_第3张图片 Arch Linux Arch Linux

Arch Linux is a geek distribution which is very less user-friendly distribution. Arch allows us to customize the packages configuration and build where we can avoid unnecessary libraries and also enable useful features that are specialized for our current system and hardware.

Arch Linux是一个极客发行版,它不是非常友好的发行版。 Arch使我们能够自定义软件包的配置和构建,从而避免不必要的库,并启用专门针对当前系统和硬件的有用功能。

The development of the Arch Linux is progressed by and an independent group that does not have any commercial interest.

Arch Linux的开发是由一个没有任何商业利益的独立小组进行的。

Arch Linux distributions provide the pacman package manager which is developed by the Arch Linux creators. pacman makes the management of the packages like install update, remove very easily. It also provides detailed customization about the packages. Arch Linux has a rolling release cycle which means there is no release milestone or upgrade to the new version. Everything is updated in a seamless fashion.

Arch Linux发行版提供了由Arch Linux创建者开发的pacman软件包管理器。 pacman使安装更新,卸载等软件包的管理变得非常容易。 它还提供有关软件包的详细自定义。 Arch Linux有一个滚动的发布周期,这意味着没有发布里程碑或升级到新版本。 一切都以无缝方式进行更新。

Tails OS (Tails OS)

2020年最佳Linux发行版_第4张图片 Tails OS Tails OS

Tails OS comes with the motto Privacy for anyone anywhere which sounds very good in today’s insecure world. Tails Os is mainly designed to protect and preserve our privacy and anonymity. which helps us to use the internet anonymously and circumventing censorship.

Tails OS的座右铭是“ Privacy for anyone anywhere于在当今不安全的世界中Privacy for anyone anywhere 。 Tails Os的主要目的是保护和维护我们的privacyanonymity 。 这有助于我们匿名使用互联网并规避审查制度。

Tails OS is mainly designed to run on USB or CDROM on RAM. While using the Tails OS we do not leave any trace on the computer unless we want it explicitly. Also, Tails OS uses state-of-art cryptographic tools to encrypt our files, emails, and instant messaging.

Tails OS主要设计为在USB或RAM上的CDROM上运行。 使用Tails操作系统时,除非明确需要,否则我们不会在计算机上留下任何痕迹。 此外,Tails OS使用最新的加密工具来加密我们的文件,电子邮件和即时消息。

As Tails OS designed in a different fashion in a successful manner it got following Awards.

由于Tails OS以成功的方式以不同的方式进行设计,因此获得了奖项。

  • Mozilla Open Source Support Award

  • Access Innovation Prize

  • APC FLOSS Prize

  • OpenIT Award



2020年最佳Linux发行版_第5张图片 CentOS CentOS的

CentOS is the king of the Enterprise Linux Distributions. Actually, CentOS uses the RedHat Enterprise Linux distribution packages completely but as we can see that RedHat is an enterprise and paid subscription Linux distribution. CentOS successfully mimics the RHEL.

CentOS是企业Linux发行版中的王者。 实际上,CentOS完全使用RedHat Enterprise Linux发行软件包,但是正如我们所看到的,RedHat是企业和付费订阅Linux发行版本。 CentOS成功地模仿了RHEL。

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CentOS is a very robust Linux distribution because it is designed for the enterprise environments which have to meet robustness, availability, performance needs. As it is used in the data center, the enterprise server generally meets the %99.9999 uptime.

CentOS是一个非常强大Linux发行版,因为它是为必须满足健壮性,可用性和性能需求的企业环境而设计的。 在数据中心中使用时,企业服务器通常满足%99.9999正常运行时间。

Package management of the CentOS is done with the yum package manager. The packages of the CentOS are a bit old in order to meet the robustness and prevent errors bugs an crash. The packages are tested over and over again and those who are labeled as stable are released.

CentOS的软件包管理由yum软件包管理器完成。 CentOS的软件包有些陈旧,目的是要满足鲁棒性并防止错误导致崩溃。 一遍又一遍地测试这些包装,并释放那些标记为稳定的包装。

德比安 (Debian)

2020年最佳Linux发行版_第6张图片 Debian 德比安

Debian is the source of a lot of different distributions like Ubuntu, Mint, etc. Debian is a very old Linux distribution that is created in 1996 with a completely open-source philosophy. It strictly runs its open source and free software policy.

Debian是Ubuntu,Mint等许多发行版本的源泉。Debian是一个非常老Linux发行版本,创建于1996年,具有完全开源的理念。 它严格执行其开源和免费软件政策。

Debian has 3 main release paths unstable, testing, and stable. The unstable release provides bleeding-edge software with a lot of bugs. The testing release provides stable but currently testing software with little bugs. The stable release provides very stable and robust packages. The stable release uses the old version of the packages because of its package maturity policy.

Debian有3条主要的发布路径:不稳定,测试和稳定。 不稳定的发行版为尖端软件提供了许多错误。 该测试版本提供了稳定但正在测试的软件,几乎没有错误。 稳定的发行版提供了非常稳定和强大的软件包。 由于其软件包成熟度策略,稳定版本使用软件包的旧版本。

Debian is also well known with its package count which currently exceeds 50,000. This situation provides a lot of alternatives for a specific application where we can select from 50,000 packages.

Debian的软件包数量也超过了50,000,这也是众所周知的。 这种情况为特定的应用程序提供了很多选择,我们可以从50,000个程序包中进行选择。


2020年最佳Linux发行版_第7张图片 OpenSUSE OpenSUSE

OpenSUSE is the community program and open source version of the SUSE Enterprise Linux. OpenSUSE is used as a testbed for the SUSE Enterprise Linux distribution. OpenSUSE is one of the easiest distribution in the Linux world and it aims to be used by more people.

OpenSUSE是SUSE Enterprise Linux的社区程序和开源版本。 OpenSUSE用作SUSE Enterprise Linux发行版的测试平台。 OpenSUSE是Linux世界上最简单的发行版之一,旨在被更多的人使用。

OpenSUSE provides complete Linux experience with different Desktop environments like GNOME, KDE, LXDE, MATE, Cinnamon, etc. Its package management is also easy with zypper.


OpenSUSE is very popular amongst the Applications developers because of its roots with the different popular libraries and support for them. If we want to develop an application for Linux it is the best choice for us.

OpenSUSE在应用程序开发人员中非常受欢迎,因为它源于各种流行的库以及对它们的支持。 如果我们要为Linux开发应用程序,那么这是我们的最佳选择。

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2020年最佳Linux发行版_第8张图片 Fedora 软呢帽

Fedora is personally my old love where I have used it for 4 years. Fedora is a community project of the RedHat Enterprise Linux. Fedora provides recent package versions with different flavors. Fedora is used as a testbed for RHEL and provides a lot of packages then RHEL.

我使用Fedora已有4年了,是我的老爱。 Fedora是RedHat Enterprise Linux的社区项目。 Fedora提供了具有不同口味的最新软件包版本。 Fedora用作RHEL的测试平台,并且提供了很多RHEL软件包。

Fedora is mainly designed for performance where it can beat the major Linux distributions like Ubuntu, Kali with its benchmarks. Fedora community is also very helpful to solve problems.

Fedora主要是为性能而设计的,它可以通过基准测试击败主要Linux发行版,如Ubuntu,Kali。 Fedora社区对于解决问题也非常有帮助。

Fedora was using yum package manager but changed to dnf which is the improved version of the yum. dnf provides the same options and commands. Fedora provides all major desktop environments like GNOME, KDE, Xfce, LXDE, Mate, and Cinnamon.

Fedora使用的是yum软件包管理器,但更改为dnf,这是yum的改进版本。 dnf提供相同的选项和命令。 Fedora提供了所有主要的桌面环境,例如GNOME,KDE,Xfce,LXDE,Mate和Cinnamon。

万家郎 (Manjaro)

2020年最佳Linux发行版_第9张图片 Manjaro 万家郎

Manjaro is a fast, user-friendly, desktop and end-user oriented Linux distributions. Manjaro Linux is based on Arch Linux. Manjaro mainly makes Arch Linux detailed, geek-friendly more easy, simple and user-friendly.

Manjaro是一种快速,用户友好的,面向桌面和最终用户Linux发行版。 Manjaro Linux基于Arch Linux。 Manjaro主要使Arch Linux更详细,更友好,更简单,更易于使用。

Manjaro Linux is currently becoming more popular where for the last 12 months it is the most downloaded Linux distribution on the Distrowatch.com

Manjaro Linux当前变得越来越流行,在过去的12个月中,它是Distrowatch.com上下载次数最多Linux发行版。

Manjaro provides a lot of different desktop environments like XFCE, KDE, Openbox, Cinnamon, Mate, Deepin, etc.


翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/best-linux-distros-of-2020/
