关于JMLR上的一篇文章Local algorithms for interactive clustering(2017)

本文提出了几种高效的半监督聚类算法:对任意满足所定义的natural separability properties的初始样本簇,用户只需在几个不强的条件下对所给样本簇提出分裂/聚合(spilt/merge)要求,每次请求后算法对样本簇进行调整,经过有限且合理次步骤后可以得到很好的分类结果。


在文章的模型中,当所给样本簇包含来自不同ground-truth clusterings(真实样本簇)的样本时用户会提出spilt请求;当所给两个样本簇分别包含至少η倍自身数目,来自同一真实样本簇的样本时,用户会提出merge请求。同时,所给模型只对样本簇做local的改变-每一次只对用户当前请求的对象样本簇进行分裂或合并。这些特点使得模型适用于实际情况,并且大大减少了计算开支。

1.The η-merge model

2. N1和N2是N的孩子,Ci,1 = N1 ∩Ci, Ci,2 = N2 ∩Ci
3. 删除Ci ,用Ci,1和Ci,2替换,并把它们标记成 “impure”
输入:簇Ci 和 Cj, Tglob
1.如果Ci 被标记为 “pure”, η1 = 1;否则, η1 = η;同样根据Cj设置η2
2. 在Tglob 中找最大深度的结点N,N满足 |N ∩Ci|≥ η1|Ci|; |N ∩Cj|≥ η2|Cj|
3. 用Ci \N替换Ci, 用Cj \N替换Cj
4.加入新的簇 N ∩(Ci ∪Cj), 把它标记为 “pure”

通过定义laminar, clean split, stability ,overclustering error δo,underclustering error δu等概念,文章证明了在目标簇满足stability的条件下,对η > 0.5,该算法需要最多δo次split请求和2(δu + k)log (1 /1−η)n 次merge请求得到目标样本簇。
Input: Clusters Ci and Cj, global average-linkage tree Tglob
Search Tglob for a node of maximal depth N that contains enough points from Ci and Cj:
|N ∩Ci|≥ η|Ci| and |N ∩Cj|≥ η|Cj|
If |Ci|≥|Cj| then Replace Ci by Ci ∪(N ∩Cj) Replace Cj by Cj \N ;else Replace Ci by Ci \N replace Cj by Cj ∪(N ∩Ci)
End if
并且证明了对于该算法,对于η > 2/3, 需要最多 δcc次请求找到目标样本簇

  1. Algorithms under stronger assumptions
    然后文章讨论了在更强的条件下算法的改进,如果数据集满足文章定义的strict separation property,算法可以改进为:
    Input: Cluster Ci, local average-linkage tree Tloc.
    1. Let Ci,1 and Ci,2 be the children of the root in Tloc.
    2. Delete Ci and replace it with Ci,1 and Ci,2. Mark the two new clusters as “impure”.
      Input: Clusters Ci and Cj, local average-linkage tree Tloc.
    3. If Ci is marked as “pure” set η1 = 1 else set η1 = η. Similarly set η2 for Cj
    4. Search Tloc for a node of maximal depth N that contains enough points from Ci and Cj :
      |N ∩Ci|≥ η1|Ci|and|N ∩Cj|≥ η2|Cj|.
    5. Replace Ci by Ci \N, replace Cj by Cj \N. 4. Add a new cluster containing N ∩(Ci ∪Cj), mark it as “pure”.
      如果数据满足更强的条件,即所定义的strict threshold separation,合成算法可以进一步简化,即只要求η > 0便可:
      Input: Clusters Ci and Cj.
    6. If Ci is marked as “pure” set η1 = 1 else set η1 = η. Similarly set η2 for Cj.
    7. Let G = (V,E) be a graph where V = Ci ∪Cj and E = ∅. Set N = ∅.
    8. While true: Connect the next-closest pair of points in G; Let ˆ C1, ˆ C2,…, ˆ Cm be the connected components of G; if there exists ˆ Cl such that |ˆ Cl ∩Ci|≥ η|Ci| and |ˆ Cl ∩Cj|≥ η|Cj| then N = ˆ Cl; break;
      End if
    9. Replace Ci by Ci \N, replace Cj by Cj \N.
    10. Add a new cluster containing N, mark it as “pure”.
      Input: Clusters Ci and Cj, global average-linkage tree Tavg.
    11. Let C0 i, C0 j = Split(Ci ∪Cj), where the split is performed as in Figure 2.(第一个分裂算法)
    12. Delete Ci and Cj. 3. If the sets C0 i and C0 j are the same as Ci and Cj, then add Ci∪Cj; otherwise add C0 i and C0 j.

Number of correct (clean) splits on the Google business listings data sets.
Clean-Split 2-Median Spectral-Gap Spectral-Balanced
19 13 12 3
然后用数据集newsgroup documents测试整个模型:
A negative value corresponds to a decrease in error.
Data Set Clean-Split 2-Median
1 -14 -14
2 -5 -5
3 -11 -11
4 -117 -117
5 -42 +90
6 -4 -4
7 -12 -30
8 -27 -27
9 -6 -6
10 -6 -6
11 +6 -8
12 -10 +14
13 -6 -6
14 -12 -22
15 -6 -6
16 -10 +14
17 -11 -27
18 -10 -10
19 -11 -5
20 -10 -10

Framework comparison on harder Newsgroup clustering instance.
Framework Data Set Name Data Set Size Amount of Supervision Output Accuracy
Basu et al. (2002) Same-3 3000 1500 labeled data points NMI = 0.44
Basu et al. (2004) News-sim3 300 1000 pairwise constraints NMI = 0.55
Interactive clustering Data Set E 301 7573 split/merge requests NMI = 1.0

