Unity3D Attributes用法小结(二)

       本文的Attribute总结,是在Unity3D Attributes用法小结(一)基础上继续完成的,Unity Editor属性位于UnityEditor命名空间下面,主要在Unity引擎想Editors情况下使用的。本文参考的API版本为2018.3,它的UnityEditor的Attributes如下:

  • 1.CallbackOrderAttribute
  • 2.CanEditMultipleObjects
  • 3.CustomEditor
  • 4.CustomEditorForRenderPipelineAttribute
  • 5.CustomPreviewAttribute
  • 6.CustomPropertyDrawer
  • 7.DrawGizmo
  • 8.GridPaintSortingAttribute
  • 9.InitializeOnLoadAttribute
  • 10.InitializeOnLoadMethodAttribute
  • 11.LightingExplorerExtensionAttribute
  • 12.MenuItem
  • 13.PreferenceItem
  • 14.SettingsProviderAttribute
  • 15.SettingsProviderGroupAttribute
  • 16.ShaderIncludePathAttribute (已经被弃用了)










using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

public class TestPreview : ObjectPreview
    /// 能否在当前状态下预览此组件?
    /// true 表示可以,false表示不可以
    public override bool HasPreviewGUI()
        //return base.HasPreviewGUI();
        return true;

    /// 实现为Editor的预览区域创建自己的自定义预览,
    /// 用于绘制的预览矩形
    /// 背景图
    public override void OnPreviewGUI(Rect r, GUIStyle background)
        GUI.Label(r, target.name + " is being previewed");


并不需要将其放入Editor文件夹中,该属性有两个用途:1. 定制Serializable类的每个实例的GUI。2.定制自定义PropertyAttributes脚本的成员的GUI。 下面先介绍第一种用途:参考官网代码示例,给出一个序列化类Ingredient.
using System;
using UnityEngine;

public enum IngredientUnit { Spoon, Cup, Bowl, Piece }

// Custom serializable class
public class Ingredient
    public string name;
    public int amount = 1;
    public IngredientUnit unit;

public class Recipe : MonoBehaviour
    public Ingredient potionResult;
    public Ingredient[] potionIngredients;

此时,使用自定义的CustomPropertyDrawer时,序列化类Ingredient每个实例的外观都在Inspector中改变。此时有两种实现方式:(1)通过采用UIElements的方式自定义CustomPropertyDrawer,此时重写 PropertyDrawer类的CreatePropertyGUI()的方法即可。(2)通过采用IMGUI的方式,此时重写PropertyDrawer类的OnGUI()的方法即可.

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.UIElements;//using UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;//using UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements;

// IngredientDrawerUIE
public class IngredientDrawerUIE : PropertyDrawer
    public override VisualElement CreatePropertyGUI(SerializedProperty property)
        // Create property container element.
        var container = new VisualElement();

        // Create property fields.
        var amountField = new PropertyField(property.FindPropertyRelative("amount"));
        var unitField = new PropertyField(property.FindPropertyRelative("unit"));
        var nameField = new PropertyField(property.FindPropertyRelative("name"), "Fancy Name");

        // Add fields to the container.

        return container;


using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;

// IngredientDrawer
public class IngredientDrawer : PropertyDrawer
    // Draw the property inside the given rect
    public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
        // Using BeginProperty / EndProperty on the parent property means that
        // prefab override logic works on the entire property.
        EditorGUI.BeginProperty(position, label, property);

        // Draw label
        position = EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(position, GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive), label);

        // Don't make child fields be indented
        var indent = EditorGUI.indentLevel;
        EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;

        // Calculate rects
        var amountRect = new Rect(position.x, position.y, 30, position.height);
        var unitRect = new Rect(position.x + 35, position.y, 50, position.height);
        var nameRect = new Rect(position.x + 90, position.y, position.width - 90, position.height);

        // Draw fields - passs GUIContent.none to each so they are drawn without labels
        EditorGUI.PropertyField(amountRect, property.FindPropertyRelative("amount"), GUIContent.none);
        EditorGUI.PropertyField(unitRect, property.FindPropertyRelative("unit"), GUIContent.none);
        EditorGUI.PropertyField(nameRect, property.FindPropertyRelative("name"), GUIContent.none);

        // Set indent back to what it was
        EditorGUI.indentLevel = indent;


Unity3D Attributes用法小结(二)_第1张图片

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour
    // Show this float in the Inspector as a slider between 0 and 10
    [Range(0.0F, 10.0F)]
    public float myFloat = 0.0F;


using UnityEngine;

// This is not an editor script. The property attribute class should be placed in a regular script file.
public class RangeAttribute : PropertyAttribute
    public float min;
    public float max;

    public RangeAttribute(float min, float max)
        this.min = min;
        this.max = max;


// The property drawer class should be placed in an editor script, inside a folder called Editor.

// Tell the RangeDrawer that it is a drawer for properties with the RangeAttribute.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System;

public class RangeDrawer : PropertyDrawer
    // Draw the property inside the given rect
    public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
        // First get the attribute since it contains the range for the slider
        RangeAttribute range = attribute as RangeAttribute;

        // Now draw the property as a Slider or an IntSlider based on whether it's a float or integer.
        if (property.propertyType == SerializedPropertyType.Float)
            EditorGUI.Slider(position, property, range.min, range.max, label);
        else if (property.propertyType == SerializedPropertyType.Integer)
            EditorGUI.IntSlider(position, property, Convert.ToInt32(range.min), Convert.ToInt32(range.max), label);
            EditorGUI.LabelField(position, label.text, "Use Range with float or int.");

Unity3D Attributes用法小结(二)_第2张图片


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

public class MyScriptGizmoDrawer : MonoBehaviour
    /// 允许你为任何一个Component提供一个gizmo渲染器。
    /// 正在绘制的Gizmo的对象
    /// 正在绘制Gizmo的GizmoType
    [DrawGizmo(GizmoType.Selected | GizmoType.Active)]
    static void DrawGizmoForMyScript(DrawGizmoTest scr, GizmoType gizmoType)//渲染器的函数必须是静态的
        Vector3 position = scr.transform.position;
        //Gizmos.color = Color.red;
        //Gizmos.DrawSphere(position, 10);
        if (Vector3.Distance(position, Camera.current.transform.position) > 10f)
            //Gizmos.DrawIcon(position, "MyScript Gizmo.tiff", true);
            Gizmos.DrawLine(position,new Vector3(0,0,10));


Unity3D Attributes用法小结(二)_第3张图片


在平铺调色板(Tile Palette)窗口的Active Tilemaps list中,使用此属性可以自定义Active Targets 的排序。此属性需要附加到继承自IComparer 的类或创建IComparer 的方法上才能使用。可以使用该属性生成的IComparer实例用于比较和排序Active Tilemaps列表中的Active Target GameObjects。示例代码如下:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

//继承自IComparer 的类上使用
class Alphabetical : IComparer<GameObject>
    public int Compare(GameObject go1, GameObject go2)
        return String.Compare(go1.name, go2.name);

class ReverseAlphabeticalComparer : IComparer<GameObject>
    public int Compare(GameObject go1, GameObject go2)
        return -String.Compare(go1.name, go2.name);

    //在创建IComparer 的方法上使用
    public static IComparer<GameObject> ReverseAlphabetical()
        return new ReverseAlphabeticalComparer();

注意:在平铺调色板子类别(Tile Palette’ subcategory)(菜单:编辑>首选项> 2D>平铺调色板)(menu: Edit > Preferences > 2D > Tile Palette)中找到“平铺调色板活动目标排序模式(Tile Palette Active Targets Sorting Mode)”设置,使用此属性的功能将出现在它的下方。从下拉菜单中选择所需的排序方法,n能在“平铺调色板”窗口中使用自定义排序。实验结果如下图:
Unity3D Attributes用法小结(二)_第4张图片


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

public class InitializeOnLoadTest : MonoBehaviour
    static InitializeOnLoadTest()
        Debug.Log("Up and running");
        EditorApplication.update += Update;

    static void Update()



using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

public class InitializeOnLoadMethodAttributeTest : MonoBehaviour
    public static void Test()



用于标记Lighting Explorer的扩展类的属性。注意,每个渲染管道仅支持一个。
public LightingExplorerExtensionAttribute(Type renderPipeline);


在方法上使用,可以在Editor中创建一个菜单项,点击后执行该方法,可以利用该属性做很多扩展功能。 MenuItem属性可以将任何静态函数转换为菜单命令。 只有静态函数才能使用MenuItem属性。如果想要创建一个热键,可以使用特殊的组合键。热键文本必须以空格字符开头(“MyMenu/Do_g”不会被解释为热键,而“MyMenu/Do _g”可以被解释).官方API中的代码示例如下:
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
public class MenuTest : MonoBehaviour
    // Add a menu item named "Do Something" to MyMenu in the menu bar.
    //MyMenu菜单栏子项1 功能1
    [MenuItem("MyMenu/Do Something")]
    static void DoSomething()
        Debug.Log("Doing Something...");

    // Validated menu item.
    // Add a menu item named "Log Selected Transform Name" to MyMenu in the menu bar.
    // We use a second function to validate the menu item
    // so it will only be enabled if we have a transform selected.
    //MyMenu菜单栏子项2 选择一个transform物体后,可以执行下面功能
    [MenuItem("MyMenu/Log Selected Transform Name")]
    static void LogSelectedTransformName()
        Debug.Log("Selected Transform is on " + Selection.activeTransform.gameObject.name + ".");

    // Validate the menu item defined by the function above.
    // The menu item will be disabled if this function returns false.
    // MyMenu菜单栏子项2 如果这个函数返回为false,该菜单子项不会被启用
    [MenuItem("MyMenu/Log Selected Transform Name", true)]//作为Log Selected Transform Name功能的有效验证
    static bool ValidateLogSelectedTransformName()
        // Return false if no transform is selected.
        return Selection.activeTransform != null;

    // Add a menu item named "Do Something with a Shortcut Key" to MyMenu in the menu bar
    // and give it a shortcut (ctrl-g on Windows, cmd-g on macOS).
    // MyMenu菜单栏子项3 创建一个热键Crtl+G
    [MenuItem("MyMenu/Do Something with a Shortcut Key %g")]
    static void DoSomethingWithAShortcutKey()
        Debug.Log("Doing something with a Shortcut Key...");

    // Add a menu item called "Double Mass" to a Rigidbody's context menu.
    //添加一个Double Mass菜单选项到Rigidbody的上下文菜单(选择Rigidbody组件右键弹出菜单)
    [MenuItem("CONTEXT/Rigidbody/Double Mass")]
    static void DoubleMass(MenuCommand command)
        Rigidbody body = (Rigidbody)command.context;
        body.mass = body.mass * 2;
        Debug.Log("Doubled Rigidbody's Mass to " + body.mass + " from Context Menu.");

    // Add a menu item to create custom GameObjects.
    // Priority 1 ensures it is grouped with the other menu items of the same kind
    // and propagated to the hierarchy dropdown and hierarchy context menus.
    [MenuItem("GameObject/MyCategory/Custom Game Object", false, 10)]
    static void CreateCustomGameObject(MenuCommand menuCommand)
        // Create a custom game object
        GameObject go = new GameObject("Custom Game Object");
        // Ensure it gets reparented if this was a context click (otherwise does nothing)
        GameObjectUtility.SetParentAndAlign(go, menuCommand.context as GameObject);
        // Register the creation in the undo system
        Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(go, "Create " + go.name);
        Selection.activeObject = go;

Unity3D Attributes用法小结(二)_第5张图片
Unity3D Attributes用法小结(二)_第6张图片


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

public class MyPreferenceItem : MonoBehaviour
    // Have we loaded the prefs yet
    private static bool prefsLoaded = false;

    // The Preferences
    public static bool boolPreference = false;

    // Add preferences section named "My Preferences" to the Preferences window
    [PreferenceItem("My Preferences")]
    public static void PreferencesGUI() //该方法必须是静态的
        // Load the preferences
        if (!prefsLoaded)
            boolPreference = EditorPrefs.GetBool("BoolPreferenceKey", false);
            prefsLoaded = true;

        // Preferences GUI
        boolPreference = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Bool Preference", boolPreference);

        // Save the preferences
        if (GUI.changed)
            EditorPrefs.SetBool("BoolPreferenceKey", boolPreference);

Unity3D Attributes用法小结(二)_第7张图片


该属性用于注册新的SettingsProvider。使用此属性来修饰返回SettingsProvider实例的函数。 如果函数返回null,则Settings窗口中不会显示任何SettingsProvider。示例代码如下:
using System.IO;
using UnityEditor;

class MyCustomSettingsProvider : SettingsProvider
    const string k_MyCustomSettingsPath = "Resources/MyCustomSettings.asset";
    public MyCustomSettingsProvider(string path, SettingsScope scope)
        : base(path, scope) { }

    public static bool IsSettingsAvailable()
        return File.Exists(k_MyCustomSettingsPath);

    //否则返回空,此时不在Settings window显示
    public static SettingsProvider CreateMyCustomSettingsProvider()
        if (IsSettingsAvailable())
            return new MyCustomSettingsProvider("MyCustomSettings", SettingsScope.Project);

        // Settings Asset doesn't exist yet. No need to display anything in the Settings window.
        return null;


using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor;

class XRSettings : SettingsProvider
    const string k_XRSettingsFolder = "Assets/Editor/XRSettings";
    public XRSettings(string path, SettingsScope scope = SettingsScope.Project)
        : base(path, scope)

    public static SettingsProvider[] CreateProviders()
        var files = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(k_XRSettingsFolder, "*.json");
        return files.Select(entry =>
            // First parameter is the path of the settings in the Settings window.
            return new XRSettings("Project/XRSettings/" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(entry));


这个特性在2018.3中被弃用了,当我们尝试些一个shader库的时候,会经常需要include一些存在任意位置的文件,这个特性允许你返回一些列的shader include路径。以官方代码(2018.3的API中没有)为例,在Start方法中测试:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

public class ShaderIncludePathTest : MonoBehaviour
    internal static class DefaultShaderIncludes
        [ShaderIncludePath] //(新版本中已经被弃用了)
        public static string[] GetPaths()
            return new[]

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        foreach (string str in DefaultShaderIncludes.GetPaths())


Unity3D Attributes用法小结(二)_第8张图片

