【AI核心能力】第5讲 机器学习三

第5讲 机器学习三

How does this world run?

  • Functionality
  • Probability
  • Imitating
  • Diversion
  • Split spaces
  • Collective intelligences

Supervised Learning

【AI核心能力】第5讲 机器学习三_第1张图片



【AI核心能力】第5讲 机器学习三_第2张图片


【AI核心能力】第5讲 机器学习三_第3张图片


(xs, ys) = sort((xi, yi) for (xi, yi) in D, key = distance(xi, x))[:k]
  • if regression
    y ^ = n p . m e a n ( y s ) \hat{y} = np.mean(y_s) y^=np.mean(ys)

  • if classification
    y ^ = C o u n t e r ( y s ) . m o s t − c o m m o n ( ) \hat{y} = Counter(y_s).most - common() y^=Counter(ys).mostcommon()



  • 优点

    • 容易实现、容易理解
    • 模型调整容易,可以方便得改变k的数量,或者给不同距离的k进行加权
    • 适合解决各种复杂问题(分类、回归、高纬、低纬、复杂关系、简单关系)
  • 缺点

    • 运行时间久

      • 问:KNN的时间复杂度是多少?

      • 如果是 2.7Ghz 英特尔i7处理器,训练数据有1亿个数据是300维,定义的k=11,则预测100个实例需要大约多久?

      • A. 几毫秒; B. 几秒 ; C. 几分钟 ;D. 几个小时 ;E. 几天
        1 0 8 ∗ l o g k ∗ 300 ∗ 100 ≈ 1 0 13 2.7 G H z = 1 s 运行 1 0 9 次 需运行 1 0 4 s ≈ 2.78 h 10^8*logk*300*100\approx10^{13}\\ 2.7GHz = 1s运行10^9次\\ 需运行10^4s\approx2.78h 108logk30010010132.7GHz=1s运行109需运行104s2.78h

    • 容易被异常值影响

    • 所需空间大

    • 高维空间的距离区分度不大

Eager Learning & Lazy Learning

KNN属于lazy learning因为它没有显示的学习过程,而是直接根据已有数据进行决策。

贝叶斯分类 Bayesian Classfier

对于某种商品,根据以往购买的数据,在任意投放广告,未进行特点渠道优化的时候,点击广告到购买商品的比率为7%, 自然形成的用户中,本科及以上学历的用户占15%,本科以下学历占85%;现在有一笔广告预算,本科及以上学历渠道的获客成本市场100元每人,本科以下人群投放广告的成本是70元每人。问,该广告该投放到本科及以上学历专门的人群还是本科以下人群?(本科及以上学历占总国人的比例约为5%,2016年国家统计局数据)

P r ( 购买 ∣ 本科及以上 ) = P r ( 本科及以上 ∣ 购买 ) ∗ P r ( 购买 )   /   P r ( 本科及以上 ) = 15 % ∗ 7 %   /   5 % = 21 % P r ( 购买 ∣ 本科以下 ) = P r ( 本科以下 ∣ 购买 ) ∗ P r ( 购买 )   /   P r ( 本科以下 ) = 85 % ∗ 7 %   /   95 % = 6.26 % 本科及以上每个人的广告成本为  100   /   21 % = 476 元 本科以下每个人的广告成本为  70   /   6.26 % = 1118 元 产品卖 2 千元,则花费 100 万广告费,只投放给本科以及上人群,则公司可以收入 100 万  /   476 ∗ 2 千 = 420 万 产品卖 2 千元,则花费 100 万广告费,人群,则公司可以收入 100 万  /   1118 ∗ 2 千 = 178 万 Pr(购买\mid本科及以上) = Pr(本科及以上\mid购买)*Pr(购买)\space/\space Pr(本科及以上)=15\%*7\%\space/\space5\% = 21\%\\ Pr(购买\mid本科以下) = Pr(本科以下\mid购买)*Pr(购买)\space/\space Pr(本科以下)=85\%*7\%\space/\space95\% = 6.26\%\\ 本科及以上每个人的广告成本为\space100\space/\space21\%=476元\\ 本科以下每个人的广告成本为\space70\space/\space6.26\%=1118元\\ 产品卖2千元,则花费100万广告费,只投放给本科以及上人群,则公司可以收入 100万\space/\space476 * 2千 = 420万\\ 产品卖2千元,则花费100万广告费,人群,则公司可以收入 100万\space/\space1118 * 2千 = 178万 Pr(购买本科及以上)=Pr(本科及以上购买)Pr(购买) / Pr(本科及以上)=15%7% / 5%=21%Pr(购买本科以下)=Pr(本科以下购买)Pr(购买) / Pr(本科以下)=85%7% / 95%=6.26%本科及以上每个人的广告成本为 100 / 21%=476本科以下每个人的广告成本为 70 / 6.26%=1118产品卖2千元,则花费100万广告费,只投放给本科以及上人群,则公司可以收入100 / 4762=420产品卖2千元,则花费100万广告费,人群,则公司可以收入100 / 11182=178

朴素贝叶斯分类器 Naive Bayesian Classfier

p ( C k , x 1 , … , x n ) = p ( x 1 , … , x n , C k ) = p ( x 1 ∣ x 2 , … , x n , C k ) p ( x 2 , … , x n , C k ) = p ( x 1 ∣ x 2 , … , x n , C k ) p ( x 2 ∣ x 3 , … , x n , C k ) p ( x 3 , … , x n , C k ) = … = p ( x 1 ∣ x 2 , … , x n , C k ) p ( x 2 ∣ x 3 , … , x n , C k ) … p ( x n − 1 ∣ x n , C k ) p ( x n ∣ C k ) p ( C k ) \begin{aligned} p\left(C_k, x_1, \ldots, x_n\right) & =p\left(x_1, \ldots, x_n, C_k\right) \\ & =p\left(x_1 \mid x_2, \ldots, x_n, C_k\right) p\left(x_2, \ldots, x_n, C_k\right) \\ & =p\left(x_1 \mid x_2, \ldots, x_n, C_k\right) p\left(x_2 \mid x_3, \ldots, x_n, C_k\right) p\left(x_3, \ldots, x_n, C_k\right) \\ & =\ldots \\ & =p\left(x_1 \mid x_2, \ldots, x_n, C_k\right) p\left(x_2 \mid x_3, \ldots, x_n, C_k\right) \ldots p\left(x_{n-1} \mid x_n, C_k\right) p\left(x_n \mid C_k\right) p\left(C_k\right) \end{aligned} p(Ck,x1,,xn)=p(x1,,xn,Ck)=p(x1x2,,xn,Ck)p(x2,,xn,Ck)=p(x1x2,,xn,Ck)p(x2x3,,xn,Ck)p(x3,,xn,Ck)==p(x1x2,,xn,Ck)p(x2x3,,xn,Ck)p(xn1xn,Ck)p(xnCk)p(Ck)

p ( s p a m ∣ t e x t ) = p ( s p a m ∣ w 1 , w 2 , … , w n ) = p ( w 1 , w 2 , … , w n ∣ s p a m )   p ( s p a m ) p ( w 1 , w 2 , … , w n ) = p ( w 1 , w 2 , … , w n ∗ s p a m ) p ( w 1 , w 2 , … , w n ) = p ( w 1 ∣ w 2 , w 3 , … , w n ∗ s p a m ) p ( w 2 , w 3 , … , w n ∗ s p a m ) p ( w 1 , w 2 , … , w n ) = p ( w 1 ∣ w 2 , w 3 , … , w n ∗ s p a m ) p ( w 2 ∣ w 3 , w 4 , … , w n ∗ s p a m ) p ( w 3 , w 4 , … , w n ∗ s p a m ) p ( w 1 , w 2 , … , w n ) = … = p ( w 1 ∣ w 2 , w 3 , … , w n ∗ s p a m ) p ( w 2 ∣ w 3 , w 4 , … , w n ∗ s p a m ) … p ( w n ∣ s p a m ) p ( s p a m ) p ( w 1 , w 2 , … , w n ) ≈ ∏ i n p ( w i ∣ s p a m )   p ( s p a m ) \begin{aligned} p\left(spam|text\right) & =p\left(spam\mid w_1,w_2, \ldots, w_n\right) \\ & =\frac{p(w_1 ,w_2,\ldots, w_n\mid spam)\space p(spam)}{p(w_1 ,w_2,\ldots, w_n)} \\ & =\frac{p(w_1 ,w_2,\ldots, w_n *spam)}{p(w_1 ,w_2,\ldots, w_n)} \\ & =\frac{p\left(w_1 \mid w_2, w_3,\ldots, w_n *spam\right) p\left(w_2 , w_3, \ldots, w_n*spam\right)}{{p(w_1 ,w_2,\ldots, w_n)}} \\ & =\frac{p\left(w_1 \mid w_2, w_3,\ldots, w_n *spam\right) p\left(w_2 \mid w_3, w_4,\ldots, w_n *spam\right)p\left(w_3, w_4, \ldots, w_n*spam\right)}{{p(w_1 ,w_2,\ldots, w_n)}} \\ & =\ldots \\ & =\frac{p\left(w_1 \mid w_2, w_3,\ldots, w_n *spam\right) p\left(w_2 \mid w_3, w_4,\ldots, w_n *spam\right)\ldots p(w_n \mid spam)p(spam)}{{p(w_1 ,w_2,\ldots, w_n)}} \\ & \approx\prod_i^np(w_i\mid spam)\space p(spam) \end{aligned} p(spamtext)=p(spamw1,w2,,wn)=p(w1,w2,,wn)p(w1,w2,,wnspam) p(spam)=p(w1,w2,,wn)p(w1,w2,,wnspam)=p(w1,w2,,wn)p(w1w2,w3,,wnspam)p(w2,w3,,wnspam)=p(w1,w2,,wn)p(w1w2,w3,,wnspam)p(w2w3,w4,,wnspam)p(w3,w4,,wnspam)==p(w1,w2,,wn)p(w1w2,w3,,wnspam)p(w2w3,w4,,wnspam)p(wnspam)p(spam)inp(wispam) p(spam)

【AI核心能力】第5讲 机器学习三_第4张图片

p ( S t e a l ) : p ( Y e l l o w ∣ S t o l e n )   p ( S p o r t s ∣ S t o l e n )   p ( I m p o r t e d ∣ S t o l e n )   p ( S t o l e n ) = 2 5 4 5 3 5 1 2 = 24 250 : p ( Y e l l o w ∣ S t o l e n ˉ )   p ( S p o r t s ∣ S t o l e n ˉ )   p ( I m p o r t e d ∣ S t o l e n ˉ )   p ( S t o l e n ˉ ) = 3 5 2 5 2 5 1 2 = 12 250 \begin{aligned} p(Steal) & :p(Yellow\mid Stolen)\space p(Sports\mid Stolen)\space p(Imported \mid Stolen)\space p(Stolen)\\ & = \frac{2}{5}\frac{4}{5}\frac{3}{5}\frac{1}{2} = \frac{24}{250}\\ & :p(Yellow\mid \bar{Stolen})\space p(Sports\mid \bar{Stolen})\space p(Imported \mid \bar{Stolen})\space p(\bar{Stolen})\\ & = \frac{3}{5}\frac{2}{5}\frac{2}{5}\frac{1}{2} = \frac{12}{250}\\ \end{aligned} p(Steal):p(YellowStolen) p(SportsStolen) p(ImportedStolen) p(Stolen)=52545321=25024:p(YellowStolenˉ) p(SportsStolenˉ) p(ImportedStolenˉ) p(Stolenˉ)=53525221=25012

高斯贝叶斯分类器 Gaussian Bayesian Classifier

When dealing with continuous data, a typical assumption is that the continuous values associated with each class are distributed according to a Gaussian distribution. For example, suppose the training data contains a continuous attribute x

p ( x = v ∣ C k ) = 1 2 π σ k 2 e − ( v − μ k ) 2 2 σ k 2 p(x=v\mid C_k) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma_k^2}}e^{-\frac{(v-\mu_k)^2}{2\sigma_k^2}} p(x=vCk)=2πσk2 1e2σk2(vμk)2



  • 优点
    • Easy to implement
    • It is highly scalable with the number of predictors and data points
    • It is fast and can be used to make real-time predictions
  • 缺点
    • It is not sensitive to irrelevant features ——容易陷入历史局限性

支持向量机 Support Vector Machine

形象的说,我们要找到一条直线使其分割两部分点,点到直线的距离为长度的向量 会来回拨动这条直线,使其最终固定在一个位置。这些向量就被叫做支撑向量

import numpy as np

label_a = np.random.normal(6, 2, size=(50, 2))
label_b = np.random.normal(-6, 2, size=(50, 2))

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


【AI核心能力】第5讲 机器学习三_第5张图片


def f(x, k, b):
    return k * x - b
k_and_b = []

for i in range(100):
    k, b = (np.random.random(size=(1, 2)) * 10 - 5)[0]

    label_a_x = label_a[:, 0]
    label_b_x = label_b[:, 0]

    if np.max(f(label_a_x, k, b)) <= -1 and np.min(f(label_b_x, k, b)) >= 1:
        k_and_b.append((k, b))

for k, b in k_and_b:
    x = np.concatenate((label_a, label_b))
    plt.plot(x, f(x, k, b))

【AI核心能力】第5讲 机器学习三_第6张图片

y i ( w ∗ x i − b ) > ϵ y_i(w*x_i-b)>\epsilon yi(wxib)>ϵ
2 ∣ W ∣ \frac{2}{|{W}|} W2
之所以将函数写成如上形式,是因为我们希望对于一部分点有:w * xi - b > 1;对于另外一部分点有:w * xi - b < -1。因此,我们将label作为 yi,就可以表示成一个式子写入Loss函数。


l o s s = m a x ( 0 , 1 − y i ∗ ( w ∗ x i − b ) ) loss=max(0, 1-y_i*(w*x_i - b)) loss=max(0,1yi(wxib))
为了更快地找到最小的 |w|,我们要加上一个regularization
l o s s = m a x ( 0 , 1 − y i ∗ ( w ∗ x i − b ) ) + λ ∣ w ∣ 2 loss=max(0, 1-y_i*(w*x_i - b))+\lambda|w|^2 loss=max(0,1yi(wxib))+λw2
核函数 kernel function


【AI核心能力】第5讲 机器学习三_第7张图片



【AI核心能力】第5讲 机器学习三_第8张图片


  • w求最小,小于-1大于1求最小w


  • HingeLoss


  • 变换函数


  • 优点
    • 当维度比较少的时候计算得比较快
    • 能解决不平衡的问题——可以根据数据的重要性增加或减小权重(比如将上面的代码中的-1改成-4
  • 缺点
    • 维度较多的时候找不到合适的核函数

决策树 Decision Tree

决策树模型,让计算机自动构建逐层的 if-else 模型

【AI核心能力】第5讲 机器学习三_第9张图片

CART Algorithm:

Classification And Regression Tree Algorithm

这个树的算法核心就是要衡量一个指标,这个指标一般是基尼系数或者(都是用来表示杂乱程度 的)

【AI核心能力】第5讲 机器学习三_第10张图片
import numpy as np
from collections import Counter

def pr(e, es):
    return Counter(es)[e] / len(es)
def gini(elements):
    return 1 - np.sum(pr(e, elements)**2 for e in set(elements))

def entropy(elements):
    return -np.sum(pr(e, elements)*np.log2(pr(e, elements)) for e in set(elements))

features_1 = ['R', 'R', 'Y', 'Y']
features_2 = ['R', 'R', 'R', 'Y']
features_3 = ['R', 'R', 'R', 'R']

### Output:
### 0.5
### Output:
### 0.375
### Output:
### 0.0
### Output:
### 1.0
### Output:
### 0.8112781244591328
### Output:
### -0.0


import pandas as pd

item_scales = {
    'gender':['F', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'M', 'M', 'M'],
    'income':['20', '10', '20', '20', '20', '20', '10'],
    'family_number':[1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2],
    'bought':[1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]

dataset = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(item_scales)

target = 'bought'

print(dataset[dataset['gender'] == 'F'][target].tolist(), dataset[dataset['gender'] == 'M'][target].tolist())
gini(dataset[dataset['gender'] == 'F'][target].tolist()) + gini(dataset[dataset['gender'] == 'M'][target].tolist())
### Output:
### [1, 1, 1, 0] [0, 0, 1]
### 0.8194444444444444

print(dataset[dataset['income'] == '20'][target].tolist(), dataset[dataset['income'] == '10'][target].tolist())
gini(dataset[dataset['income'] == '20'][target].tolist()) + gini(dataset[dataset['income'] == '10'][target].tolist())
### Output:
### [1, 1, 0, 0, 0] [1, 1]
### 0.48

L o s s = m l e f t / m ∗ G l e f t + m r i g h t / m ∗ G r i g h t Loss = m_{left}/m * G_{left}+m_{right} / m * G_{right} Loss=mleft/mGleft+mright/mGright


J ( k , t k ) = m left  m M S E left  + m right  m M S E right   where  { M S E node  = ∑ i ∈  node  ( y ^ node  − y ( i ) ) 2 y ^ node  = 1 m node  ∑ i ∈  node  y ( i ) J\left(k, t_k\right)=\frac{m_{\text {left }}}{m} \mathrm{MSE}_{\text {left }}+\frac{m_{\text {right }}}{m} \mathrm{MSE}_{\text {right }} \text { where }\left\{\begin{array}{l} \mathrm{MSE}_{\text {node }}=\sum_{i \in \text { node }}\left(\hat{y}_{\text {node }}-y^{(i)}\right)^2 \\ \hat{y}_{\text {node }}=\frac{1}{m_{\text {node }}} \sum_{i \in \text { node }} y^{(i)} \end{array}\right. J(k,tk)=mmleft MSEleft +mmright MSEright  where {MSEnode =i node (y^node y(i))2y^node =mnode 1i node y(i)
比如现在有几个y:[9.1, 3.2, 5.3, 8.9, 4.3],那么通过上面的Loss函数就可以将 [3.2, 5.3, 4.3] 分在一块,将 [9.1, 8.9] 分在一块,从而进行回归。


  • 优点
    • Clear to explain
    • Could select salient features——显著特征(最能区分的那些特征)会在决策树的上层,决策树可以找出这些重要的特征,然后再送到深度学习模型中去做更精密的拟合
  • 缺点
    • So sensitive——异常值可能会出现在树的上层,容易过拟合
    • Fit ability is limited——拟合能力有限,处理高维数据必须要构造很深的一棵树;或者特征比较均匀找不到区分点


from sklearn.datasets import load_boston

boston = load_boston()
X = boston.data
y = boston.target

from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor

tree_clf = DecisionTreeRegressor()
tree_clf.fit(X, y)
### Output:
### DecisionTreeRegressor(criterion='mse', max_depth=None, max_features=None,
###                       max_leaf_nodes=None, min_impurity_decrease=0.0,
###                       min_impurity_split=None, min_samples_leaf=1,
###                       min_samples_split=2, min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0,
###                       presort=False, random_state=None, splitter='best')


from sklearn.tree import export_graphviz

export_graphviz(tree_clf, out_file='boston.dot', feature_names=boston.feature_names, rounded=True, filled=True)

for line in open('boston.dot'):
### Output:
### digraph Tree {
### node [shape=box, style="filled, rounded", color="black", fontname=helvetica] ;
### edge [fontname=helvetica] ;

### 0 [label="RM <= 6.941\nmse = 84.42\nsamples = 506\nvalue = 22.533", fillcolor="#f5ceb2"] ;

### 1 [label="LSTAT <= 14.4\nmse = 40.273\nsamples = 430\nvalue = 19.934", fillcolor="#f6d5bd"] ;
### 0 -> 1 [labeldistance=2.5, labelangle=45, headlabel="True"] ;

### 2 [label="DIS <= 1.385\nmse = 26.009\nsamples = 255\nvalue = 23.35", fillcolor="#f4ccae"] ;
### 1 -> 2 ;

### 3 [label="CRIM <= 10.592\nmse = 78.146\nsamples = 5\nvalue = 45.58", fillcolor="#e88d4c"] ;
### 2 -> 3 ;

### 4 [label="mse = 0.0\nsamples = 4\nvalue = 50.0", fillcolor="#e58139"] ;
### 3 -> 4 ;

### 5 [label="mse = -0.0\nsamples = 1\nvalue = 27.9", fillcolor="#f2bf9a"] ;
### 3 -> 5 ;

### 6 [label="RM <= 6.543\nmse = 14.885\nsamples = 250\nvalue = 22.905", fillcolor="#f5cdb0"] ;
### 2 -> 6 ;

### 7 [label="LSTAT <= 7.57\nmse = 8.39\nsamples = 195\nvalue = 21.63", fillcolor="#f5d0b6"] ;
### 6 -> 7 ;

### 8 [label="TAX <= 222.5\nmse = 3.015\nsamples = 43\nvalue = 23.97", fillcolor="#f4caac"] ;

### ...

### 938 [label="mse = -0.0\nsamples = 1\nvalue = 21.9", fillcolor="#f5d0b5"] ;
### 892 -> 938 ;
### }

sorted({n:w for n,w in zip(boston.feature_names, tree_clf.feature_importances_)}.items(), key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True)
### Output:
### [('RM', 0.5907091048839664),
###  ('LSTAT', 0.1963431191613278),
###  ('DIS', 0.07280894664958623),
###  ('CRIM', 0.07011069274201277),
###  ('NOX', 0.026601986615508035),
###  ('TAX', 0.012019253220591294),
###  ('AGE', 0.01068973495782809),
###  ('PTRATIO', 0.007601724863367392),
###  ('B', 0.00708663404275688),
###  ('INDUS', 0.003671588474370431),
###  ('CHAS', 0.0010479321144977688),
###  ('RAD', 0.0006709656440991935),
###  ('ZN', 0.0006383166300875832)]



集成学习 Ensemble Learning

我们把在机器学习过程中用到多个模型的这种学习方式叫作集成学习(ensemble learning),本质上就是分开学习、集中投票,一般使用方式如下

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.ensemble import VotingClassifier
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.svm import SVC

log_clf = LogisticRegression()
rnd_clf = RandomForestClassifier()
svm_clf = SVC()

voting_clf = VotingClassifeer(
    		estimators=[('lr', log_clf), ('rf', rnd_clf), ('svc', svm_clf)],
voting_clf.fit(X_train, y_train)



  • 思想: Bagging使用自助采样的方法,从训练数据集中有放回地随机抽取多个子集,然后在每个子集上训练弱学习器,最后将这些弱学习器的预测进行平均或投票来进行集成。
  • 过程: 由于采用了自助采样,每个子集可能会包含重复样本,这样会有一些样本被多次采样,而一些样本可能被忽略。
  • 集成: 最终的预测通常是将弱学习器的预测进行平均(对回归问题)或投票(对分类问题)得到。


  • 思想: Boosting是一种逐步改进的方法,它通过顺序训练多个弱学习器,并在每一轮训练中,对之前模型预测不准确的样本加以更多关注,从而逐渐提升整体性能。
  • 过程: 在每一轮训练中,模型会赋予错误分类样本更高的权重,以便后续弱学习器能够更好地拟合这些难以分类的样本。
  • 集成: 最终的预测是通过将所有弱学习器的预测进行加权求和得到,权重由每个弱学习器的表现决定。


  1. 样本选择: Boosting在每一轮迭代中都会调整样本权重,更多地关注之前分类错误的样本;而Bagging使用自助采样,每个子集之间的样本是独立采样的。
  2. 弱学习器关系: Boosting的弱学习器之间存在依赖关系,每个弱学习器都在尝试修正之前学习器的错误;Bagging的弱学习器是独立的,彼此之间没有依赖关系。
  3. 权重调整: Boosting通过逐步调整样本权重来改善模型的表现;Bagging不涉及样本权重调整,所有子集的样本在模型训练中具有相同的权重。


随机森林 Random Forest —— Bagging


The Single Model Performance

from sklearn.datasets import load_boston
import pandas as pd

boston = load_boston()
x, y = boston['data'], boston['target']

dataframe = pd.DataFrame(x)
dataframe.columns = boston['feature_names']

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test) = train_test_split(x, y, test_size=0.3)

from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor

regressor = DecisionTreeRegressor()
regressor.fit(X_train, y_train)
### Output:
### DecisionTreeRegressor(criterion='mse', max_depth=None, max_features=None,
###                       max_leaf_nodes=None, min_impurity_decrease=0.0,
###                       min_impurity_split=None, min_samples_leaf=1,
###                       min_samples_split=2, min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0,
###                       presort=False, random_state=None, splitter='best')

regressor.score(X_train, y_train)
### Output:
### 1.0
regressor.score(X_test, y_test)
### Output:
### 0.6343814965530834

The Power of Multi-Model

import random

def random_select(dataframe, y, drop_num=4):
    columns = random.sample(list(dataframe.columns), k=len(dataframe.columns)  - drop_num)
    indices = np.random.choice(range(len(dataframe)), size=len(dataframe), replace=True)
    return dataframe.iloc[indices][columns], y[indices]
(train_X, test_X, train_y, test_y) = train_test_split(dataframe, y, test_size=0.3)
split_data = (train_X, test_X, train_y, test_y)

def random_tree(train_X, test_X, train_y, test_y, drop_num=4):
    train_sample, bagging_y = random_select(train_X, train_y, drop_num=drop_num)
    regressor = DecisionTreeRegressor()
    regressor.fit(train_sample, bagging_y)

    train_score = regressor.score(train_sample, bagging_y)
    test_score = regressor.score(test_X[train_sample.columns], test_y)
    print('training score and testing score are {} vs {}'.format(train_score, test_score))

    y_predict = regressor.predict(test_X[train_sample.columns])

    return y_predict

def random_forest(train_X, test_X, train_y, test_y, drop_num=4, tree_num=10):
    forest_predict = [random_tree(train_X, test_X, train_y, test_y, drop_num) for _ in range(tree_num)]

    return np.mean(forest_predict, axis=0)

from sklearn.metrics import r2_score

r2_score(test_y, random_tree(*split_data))
### Output:
### training score and testing score are 1.0 vs 0.5917280873838657
### 0.5917280873838657
r2_score(test_y, random_forest(*split_data))
### Output:
### training score and testing score are 1.0 vs 0.6965445576868898
### training score and testing score are 1.0 vs 0.7714972202701375
### training score and testing score are 1.0 vs 0.7418113141545841
### training score and testing score are 1.0 vs 0.5888290799613515
### training score and testing score are 1.0 vs 0.6849730661491391
### training score and testing score are 1.0 vs 0.7985882167792623
### training score and testing score are 1.0 vs 0.017320614575551896
### training score and testing score are 1.0 vs 0.6632121068660517
### training score and testing score are 1.0 vs 0.6238450233029423
### training score and testing score are 1.0 vs 0.1641639288792096
### 0.8638876491177059



  • Adaboost: Adaptive boosting
    【AI核心能力】第5讲 机器学习三_第11张图片

  • Gradient boosting
    【AI核心能力】第5讲 机器学习三_第12张图片


  • Xgboost

  • LightBGM
