Ellen 的Scalers Talk第四轮《新概念》朗读持续力训练 Day13020190307



001 任务L0 朗读 已发QQ群

002 L3复述 已发QQ群


001 labyrinth n. 迷宫

musty adj. 陈腐的,发霉的

rarity n. 稀世珍品

assorted adj. 各式各样的

various 无效s mixed together

002.litter v. 杂乱地布满

dedicated adj. 专心致志的

bargain hunter 到处找便宜货买的人

peddler 小贩

003 amply adv. 足够地

ample/enough / sufficient / adequate

enough : 数量,程度足够(可放在名词前或后)

ample : 充足而有余的

sufficent 比enough 正式,且只能放在名词前面

The bread is just enough for one meal.

He is old enough to go to the party.

We have sufficient food to last one week.

We have enough food / food enough to last one week.

sufficiently 只放在被修饰词前

old enough / sufficiently old

adequate 数量和质量上的满足

The performance is adequate.

Don’t be worried. They have gotten ample time.

ample / adequate / sufficient / enough

Whatever you do, you must put your heart into it. And then, someday you will be rewarded amply.


01 朗读  每天保证1小时的朗读,读音还是有些问题

02 复述 听了二遍,能够抓住大意,但是犯了个错误,ANITIQUE 不是珠宝。

你可能感兴趣的:(Ellen 的Scalers Talk第四轮《新概念》朗读持续力训练 Day13020190307)