Opening Doors within 敞開內心之門 November 24

‘By their fruits ye shall know them,’ whether they are for Me or against Me, whether they are of the light or of the darkness. Open your eyes and you will know with no uncertain knowing. Go within and your heart will tell you. Do your own assessing and do not listen to everything without; for if you listen to the many whisperings and rumours without, you will find yourself in such a quandary that you will not know what is the truth and what is not, and you will lose your way. All souls can find the truth within, but it does mean they have to take time to go within. They have to do their own thinking and find their own way, and many souls are too lazy to do it. They find it so much easier to listen to what others say and to accept what is said without going within. Be still and you will know the truth; and the truth shall set you free.




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