

the first company i joined is called chainsoft international company. during the time, i majored an energy maagement project. because of the disordered management and limited growth space, i left it after 6 months.

my second job is in PINAN. it major business is insurance. and my department is charge of car insurance. my major work is finishing the daily demand from produce manager and maintainning system stability. besides i need to colleborate with my colleagues who are from outsourcing company. and teach them finish the demand effectively with correct technical proposal. 

after 2 years, i joined tencent. the time in tencnet was the time my technical skill grew fast . i mainly involved in a project called goods management middle-end platform which provide basic goods management ability to different comyany including LINING, MEIYIJIA and so on. during the time, l learned  how to design an universal middle-platform. how to use DDD to help the process of designing abd coding. 


监控系统:monitoring system

告警系统:alarm system

问题排查系统:troubleshooting system

限流系统:flow controll system

促销活动期间维护系统稳定性:Maintain system stability during promotional activities
