在Windows 安装的Ubuntu,如何修改主机名。有列了两种方法,提供给大家参照。
sudo hostname test
mirror@Y2040001-PC:~$ hostname
打开 /etc/wsl.conf wsl.conf这个文件,如果这个文件不存在,则新建:
sudo vi /etc/wsl.conf
hostname = Ubuntu22
generateHosts = false
sudo vi /etc/hosts
# This file was automatically generated by WSL. To stop automatic generation of this file, add the following entry to /etc/wsl.conf:
# [network]
# generateHosts = false localhost Ubuntu22.localdomain Ubuntu22 localhost
If you launch a distribution (ie. Ubuntu), modify the wsl.conf file, close the distribution, and then re-launch it. You might assume that your changes to the wsl.conf file have immediately gone into effect. This is not currently the case as the subsystem could still be running. You must wait ~8 seconds for the subsystem to stop before relaunching in order to give enough time for your changes to be picked up.
可以在power shell中执行wsl --list --running查看子系统是否仍然还在运行。
PS C:\Users\Administrator> wsl --list --running
wsl -t Ubuntu
wsl --shutdown
mirror@Ubuntu22:~$ hostname
wsl.conf 文件,有一些配置选项,大家可以根据自己需要参考:
# Automatically mount Windows drive when the distribution is launched
# Set to true will automount fixed drives (C:/ or D:/) with DrvFs under the root directory set above. Set to false means drives won't be mounted automatically, but need to be mounted manually or with fstab.
enabled = true
# Sets the directory where fixed drives will be automatically mounted. This example changes the mount location, so your C-drive would be /c, rather than the default /mnt/c.
root = /
# DrvFs-specific options can be specified.
options = "metadata,uid=1003,gid=1003,umask=077,fmask=11,case=off"
# Sets the `/etc/fstab` file to be processed when a WSL distribution is launched.
mountFsTab = true
# Network host settings that enable the DNS server used by WSL 2. This example changes the hostname, sets generateHosts to false, preventing WSL from the default behavior of auto-generating /etc/hosts, and sets generateResolvConf to false, preventing WSL from auto-generating /etc/resolv.conf, so that you can create your own (ie. nameserver
hostname = DemoHost
generateHosts = false
generateResolvConf = false
# Set whether WSL supports interop processes like launching Windows apps and adding path variables. Setting these to false will block the launch of Windows processes and block adding $PATH environment variables.
enabled = false
appendWindowsPath = false
# Set the user when launching a distribution with WSL.
default = DemoUser
# Set a command to run when a new WSL instance launches. This example starts the Docker container service.
command = service docker start