比如:cpu有cache mysql 有cache等等,所以我们今天学习guava提供的cache
Google Guava工具包中的一个非常方便易用的本地化缓存实现,基于LRU算法实现,支持多种缓存过期策略
Cached 是本地缓存,数据保留在jvm内存中。我们经常使用ConcurrentHashMap作为本地内存,他虽然是线程安全,但是它无法做到下面几点:
- 控制最大的存储限制(Jvm内存本身有限,我们本地内存不能无限的扩展)
- lru算法(最近最少使用)
- 移除监听器
- 自动加载
- 内存的一些统计等功能。
通常来说,Guava Cache适用于:
- 你愿意消耗一些内存空间来提升速度。
- 你预料到某些键会被查询一次以上。
- 缓存中存放的数据总量不会超出内存容量。(Guava Cache是单个应用运行时的本地缓存。它不把数据存放到文件或外部服务器。如果这不符合你的需求,请尝试Memcached这类工具)
LRU(Least recently used,最近最少使用)算法根据数据的历史访问记录来进行淘汰数据,其核心思想是“如果数据最近被访问过,那么将来被访问的几率也更高”。
AbstractCache 该类提供了缓存接口的基本实现,实现这个接口,只需要扩展这个类并为put和getIfPresent方法提供一个实现。
AbstractLoadingCache 同上
CacheLoader LoadingCache是附带CacheLoader构建而成的缓存实现。创建自己的CacheLoader通常只需要简单地实现V load(K key) throws Exception方法
CacheStats :缓存性能的统计信息。这个类的实例是不可变的
RemovalListeners 常见移除侦听器的集合
ForwardingCache: cache的装饰者,将其所有方法调用转发给另一个缓存的缓存
ForwardingLoadingCache LoadingCache的装饰者
final Cache build = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().build(new CacheLoader() {
public String load(String key) throws Exception {
return key.intern();
CacheLoader loader = new CacheLoader() {
public String load(String key) {
return key.toUpperCase();
LoadingCache cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(3).build(loader);
public int weigh(String key, String value) {
return value.length();
CacheLoader loader = new CacheLoader() {
public String load(String key) {
return key.toUpperCase();
LoadingCache cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumWeight(3).weigher(weighByLength).build(loader);
CacheLoader loader = new CacheLoader() {
public String load(String key) {
return key.toUpperCase();
LoadingCache cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().expireAfterWrite(2, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).build(loader);
CacheLoader loader = new CacheLoader() {
public String load(String key) {
return key.toUpperCase();
LoadingCache cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().weakKeys().build(loader);
CacheLoader loader = new CacheLoader() {
public String load(String key) {
return key.toUpperCase();
LoadingCache cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().weakKeys().build(loader);
RemovalListener listener
= new RemovalListener() {
public void onRemoval(RemovalNotification n){
if (n.wasEvicted()) {
String cause = n.getCause().name();
CacheLoader loader = new CacheLoader() {
public String load(String key) {
return key.toUpperCase();
LoadingCache cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().removalListener(listener).build(loader);
public interface Cache {
* Returns the value associated with {@code key} in this cache, or {@code null} if there is no
* cached value for {@code key}.
* @since 11.0
V getIfPresent(Object key);
* Returns the value associated with {@code key} in this cache, obtaining that value from
* {@code valueLoader} if necessary. No observable state associated with this cache is modified
* until loading completes. This method provides a simple substitute for the conventional
* "if cached, return; otherwise create, cache and return" pattern.
* Warning: as with {@link CacheLoader#load}, {@code valueLoader} must not return
* {@code null}; it may either return a non-null value or throw an exception.
* @throws ExecutionException if a checked exception was thrown while loading the value
* @throws UncheckedExecutionException if an unchecked exception was thrown while loading the
* value
* @throws ExecutionError if an error was thrown while loading the value
* @since 11.0
V get(K key, Callable extends V> valueLoader) throws ExecutionException;
* Returns a map of the values associated with {@code keys} in this cache. The returned map will
* only contain entries which are already present in the cache.
* @since 11.0
ImmutableMap getAllPresent(Iterable> keys);
* Associates {@code value} with {@code key} in this cache. If the cache previously contained a
* value associated with {@code key}, the old value is replaced by {@code value}.
* Prefer {@link #get(Object, Callable)} when using the conventional "if cached, return;
* otherwise create, cache and return" pattern.
* @since 11.0
void put(K key, V value);
* Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to the cache. The effect of this call is
* equivalent to that of calling {@code put(k, v)} on this map once for each mapping from key
* {@code k} to value {@code v} in the specified map. The behavior of this operation is undefined
* if the specified map is modified while the operation is in progress.
* @since 12.0
void putAll(Map extends K,? extends V> m);
* Discards any cached value for key {@code key}.
void invalidate(Object key);
* Discards any cached values for keys {@code keys}.
* @since 11.0
void invalidateAll(Iterable> keys);
* Discards all entries in the cache.
void invalidateAll();
* Returns the approximate number of entries in this cache.
long size();
* Returns a current snapshot of this cache's cumulative statistics. All stats are initialized
* to zero, and are monotonically increasing over the lifetime of the cache.
CacheStats stats();
* Returns a view of the entries stored in this cache as a thread-safe map. Modifications made to
* the map directly affect the cache.
Iterators from the returned map are at least weakly consistent: they are safe for
* concurrent use, but if the cache is modified (including by eviction) after the iterator is
* created, it is undefined which of the changes (if any) will be reflected in that iterator.
ConcurrentMap asMap();
* Performs any pending maintenance operations needed by the cache. Exactly which activities are
* performed -- if any -- is implementation-dependent.
void cleanUp();
LoadingCache 继承了Cache,扩展哪些功能
public interface LoadingCache extends Cache, Function {
* Returns the value associated with {@code key} in this cache, first loading that value if
* necessary. No observable state associated with this cache is modified until loading completes.
* If another call to {@link #get} or {@link #getUnchecked} is currently loading the value for
* {@code key}, simply waits for that thread to finish and returns its loaded value. Note that
* multiple threads can concurrently load values for distinct keys.
Caches loaded by a {@link CacheLoader} will call {@link CacheLoader#load} to load new values
* into the cache. Newly loaded values are added to the cache using
* {@code Cache.asMap().putIfAbsent} after loading has completed; if another value was associated
* with {@code key} while the new value was loading then a removal notification will be sent for
* the new value.
If the cache loader associated with this cache is known not to throw checked
* exceptions, then prefer {@link #getUnchecked} over this method.
* @throws ExecutionException if a checked exception was thrown while loading the value. ({@code
* ExecutionException} is thrown even if
* computation was interrupted by an {@code InterruptedException}.)
* @throws UncheckedExecutionException if an unchecked exception was thrown while loading the
* value
* @throws ExecutionError if an error was thrown while loading the value
V get(K key) throws ExecutionException;
* Returns the value associated with {@code key} in this cache, first loading that value if
* necessary. No observable state associated with this cache is modified until loading
* completes. Unlike {@link #get}, this method does not throw a checked exception, and thus should
* only be used in situations where checked exceptions are not thrown by the cache loader.
If another call to {@link #get} or {@link #getUnchecked} is currently loading the value for
* {@code key}, simply waits for that thread to finish and returns its loaded value. Note that
* multiple threads can concurrently load values for distinct keys.
Caches loaded by a {@link CacheLoader} will call {@link CacheLoader#load} to load new values
* into the cache. Newly loaded values are added to the cache using
* {@code Cache.asMap().putIfAbsent} after loading has completed; if another value was associated
* with {@code key} while the new value was loading then a removal notification will be sent for
* the new value.
Warning: this method silently converts checked exceptions to unchecked exceptions,
* and should not be used with cache loaders which throw checked exceptions. In such cases use
* {@link #get} instead.
* @throws UncheckedExecutionException if an exception was thrown while loading the value. (As
* explained in the last paragraph above, this should be an unchecked exception only.)
* @throws ExecutionError if an error was thrown while loading the value
V getUnchecked(K key);
* Returns a map of the values associated with {@code keys}, creating or retrieving those values
* if necessary. The returned map contains entries that were already cached, combined with newly
* loaded entries; it will never contain null keys or values.
Caches loaded by a {@link CacheLoader} will issue a single request to
* {@link CacheLoader#loadAll} for all keys which are not already present in the cache. All
* entries returned by {@link CacheLoader#loadAll} will be stored in the cache, over-writing
* any previously cached values. This method will throw an exception if
* {@link CacheLoader#loadAll} returns {@code null}, returns a map containing null keys or values,
* or fails to return an entry for each requested key.
Note that duplicate elements in {@code keys}, as determined by {@link Object#equals}, will
* be ignored.
* @throws ExecutionException if a checked exception was thrown while loading the value. ({@code
* ExecutionException} is thrown even if
* computation was interrupted by an {@code InterruptedException}.)
* @throws UncheckedExecutionException if an unchecked exception was thrown while loading the
* values
* @throws ExecutionError if an error was thrown while loading the values
* @since 11.0
ImmutableMap getAll(Iterable extends K> keys) throws ExecutionException;
* @deprecated Provided to satisfy the {@code Function} interface; use {@link #get} or
* {@link #getUnchecked} instead.
* @throws UncheckedExecutionException if an exception was thrown while loading the value. (As
* described in the documentation for {@link #getUnchecked}, {@code LoadingCache} should be
* used as a {@code Function} only with cache loaders that throw only unchecked exceptions.)
V apply(K key);
* Loads a new value for key {@code key}, possibly asynchronously. While the new value is loading
* the previous value (if any) will continue to be returned by {@code get(key)} unless it is
* evicted. If the new value is loaded successfully it will replace the previous value in the
* cache; if an exception is thrown while refreshing the previous value will remain, and the
* exception will be logged (using {@link java.util.logging.Logger}) and swallowed.
* Caches loaded by a {@link CacheLoader} will call {@link CacheLoader#reload} if the
* cache currently contains a value for {@code key}, and {@link CacheLoader#load} otherwise.
* Loading is asynchronous only if {@link CacheLoader#reload} was overridden with an
* asynchronous implementation.
Returns without doing anything if another thread is currently loading the value for
* {@code key}. If the cache loader associated with this cache performs refresh asynchronously
* then this method may return before refresh completes.
* @since 11.0
void refresh(K key);
* {@inheritDoc}
Note that although the view is modifiable, no method on the returned map will ever
* cause entries to be automatically loaded.
ConcurrentMap asMap();