

Do you enjoy shopping?

Like window shopping not actual shopping.

What type of shopping do you like?



Where do you hate to shop?

Poor quality products.

Not friendly staff.

No refund policy.

Waste of time.


Useless products.

Bad environment.

Poor service.

Too noisy.

Un-reasonably priced.

Far from home.

Not good value.

I think quality of the product is very important to me. I think low end productscan not be used.

If I hate a store it is because the they are not friendly. The price is much more expensive than other stores. The environment is dirty and I will hate the store.

The productsare not good quality.plural agreement

The store staff is unfriendly.

Do you have some suggestions on how to spend the budget? Firstly, I think we should change the store refund policy. I think we could do some staff training. We should improve thequality of our staff and make them moreprofessional and give customers more professional advice. If we do this I think our store will be better. I think you have a good plan. The budget is enough for us. I think we can get it approved.

I think we need to improve our store customer service. Do you have any good suggestions?

suggestions- suhg·jes·chnz

The staff is not very good so maybe we could change the store refund policy.


We can give a full refund. If they have a receipt in 30 days we can give a full refund. We could train staff to tell them to be more friendly and smile when customers come in. There are severalchanges I think we shouldcreate a new design to our website because most people shop online.word choices

We can doan advertising campaign. I agree with you I think this is good advice. Also I stress we can prepare some customer comment cards to get customer feedback.

The most basic should be staff training. We can spend $1,000 for staff training. Our customer service staff can provide better service. Obviously we don't have enough sales staff. Third one. We can design our website for customers to leave their feedback. I think we can change the refund policy. We should design a new website. Staff training is also important.

I think this is good advice.

I think all of this is good advice.


If people, if they are lying, their expression is not good, it is not natural. 

This is true because children usually like eating ice cream.

Grammar tips: 

I don't believe he has the...

Because he looks poor./ Because he looks like he is poor.


Finding the facts

How to tell if people are lying:

Expression is not natural

Their voice changes

They don't make eye contact

Not answer questions directly

Possibly (possibility) - a thing that may happen or be the case.

Stereotype - a widely held belief of a particular person or group of people

Consequence(kon-si-kwens) - a result or effect of something happening.

Certain phrases:

I'm sure

That's definitely true

I don't buy it


I know that for a fact

I trust it true

That must be true

That can't be true

Uncertain phrases:

That's probably true

I'm not sure

It's sounds like a possibility

I doubt that


It seems very unlikely

It could be true

He does keep eye contact

I think that when people are lying they don't maintain eye contact

To try and hide their lie

I now live in Shanghai

If someone is lying/ If someone is telling a lie

When people are not telling the truth

Every parent

Most people have flown in a airplane

It will happen

The global economy is currently in a recession

A lot of people

No one is certain

It's a lie

I have never been to the Forbidden city

You must have been there

You are lying

I could have travelled abroad last year

I went to Germany in 2018


patrol  (especially of soldiers or the police) to go around an area or a building to see if there is any trouble or danger:

unkept not tidy or cared for.

unkempt (especially of a person) having an untidy or dishevelled appearance.


probably pro buh blee

engineer en juh neeuh


I had the opportunity to enter into a government department, but finally I quit.

I always like children. I feel very proud to be a teacher. I would have a sense of achievement.

I have always liked children

I would feel very proud to be teacher. 

I've been working a short time.

I need to make a lot of money.

It's a big decision for me. I always want to follow my heart.

I don't know what I want.. I find in medical company. I find it's very rewarding. I have been working for many years. I decide this is my. I will do this job in 10 years. I hope I could do the best in this job.

When I was a child

I have a dream to...............................

Finally I didn't study at ..... If I want to do a job, similar with medical skills. What do you recommend to me.

I think you're smart, you can change things. I think maybe you can take night classes.

Why not?

I'd like to follow my heart for one year. I want to do something for, because I need to do something who have

I want to do something for helping others

I always want to become volunteer to protect animals

You like animals, right?

You can apply. I think study English is also important. If you want to be national wolunteer. You have to good at some major skills.

I'd like to follow my father's steps.

I missed the opportunity to be a doctor.

I study biological

Why I'd like to be









Order words




After that,


Baseball and softball

First, a pitcher throws the ball to a batter,

Next, the batter hits the ball from home plate

Then, if he/she gets a hit, he/she goes to first base

After that, the hitter can "steal" the next base

Finally, another batter comes to home plate


opposite = [ah/pah/zit]

inflexible = [in/fleks/uh/bul]

pool / snooker = some call it billiards

competitor = [khum/peh/tih/tur]

stamina = [sta/min/uh]


score in

Badminton players use a racket and a shuttlecock.

Footballers kick a ball.

Boxers hit an opponent.

Rugby players score a try. 


To play.

To ski

To jump

To run

To climb.

To swim. 

To serve

To catch

To receive the ball.

First serve the ball.

Then, the opponent will hit the ball back.

And maybe then one person scores. .

Picture 3.  This person is preparing to serve the ball, so he throws the ball up into the sky and prepares to hit it to the other side.

Picture 1.  The ball comes to the opponent and he hits it back.

First use the racket to hit/serve the ball to the opponent.

Next if the opponent does not hit the ball back they lose a point.

Two players play.  One player serves the ball and the other player keeps their eyes on the ball and then they try to hit the ball back. 

Scoring language tennis.

15 - 0

15 - 15.

30 - 15.

30 - 30


Game, Set and Match. 

First,  next, then, after that and finally.

J and J

Do you know how to play basketball?

I do not usually play it but I would like to go with you to see a live sports event. 

Can you explain it, how to play it?

I think you need five people for each side.  You also need someback up members.  It is good game for tall people to play.

B and C

What sports do you want to know ABOUT?

Our client will visit my office, so I want the client to some sports event.  So, what is your favourite sport event?

My favourite sport is basketball.

 How many people play that?

There are several ways to play that, for an official way to play it you need five people for each team.

So five people to play it?

How to win?  You need to get more points that your competitors  in the time allocated to win. 

A and L

I want to ask about basketball games, so how do we play basketball, it is difficult for me.  Can you teach me? 

First you should take the ball. 

Next you should throw out the ball into the basket.

Finally the ball is falling down and a basket is scored.  The people start again and the players play to the end of time. 


The site is where you play the game e.g. a football stadium or a tennis court.  The side is like the team you play with for example two sides play against each other.

You get sides to a square so the word side can be used for lots of different things e.g. two sides of an argument. 

Two opposing sides.


thank you for sharing(it / this information) __with__me


the new functionyou canuse / try / have...

how to swim

protected __from__ water


yourcompany will __release__ the new product/ model

willthe phones' battery be better?

thank you for sharing(it / this information) __with__ me




haunted house


thunder & lightning

dark skies

dead body

red blood



scare (v) (n)



I'm hiking in the forest and Ilose my way.

It's late and the sky is turning dark.

When I'm wandering in the forest I find a castle in the depths of the forest. It's looks scary. Then,I walk into the castle and find that there are many rooms.After that,I knock a door and the door opens. There is a a light shining when I walk into the room where I find there is a bed, but in the bed thereseems to be a dead body lying in the bed. It scares me so I start screaming and run out of the room andwhen I'm running,suddenlya person who has a white face and black eyesappears as if from nowhere. He scares me again and keep screaming and screaming.Just then, the alarm clock goes off and I wake up. It's all just a terrible dream. Maybe a scary dream. NIGHTMARE


Good characteristics (strengths):





problem solving skills







Bad characteristics (weaknesses):




bad temper

doesn't work well with others







Target language:

A good employee must be (strength)

We must avoid hiring someone who is (weakness)


confident / insecure

efficient / inefficient

experienced / inexperienced

flexible / inflexible

friendly / unfriendly

hard-working / lazy

motivated / unmotivated

reliable / unreliable

honest / dishonest


Target language


Where did you say you went?

Could you tell me again how you went?


You went to ___, didn't you?

You didn't drive, did you?

I took an airplane there 

The price is very cheap and I stayed in a hotel 

Last winter I went to Thai mountain with my friends 

It has a lot of natural scenery 

Last summer I went to Shanghai with my family

At first I took a taxi to the airport 

Last month I went to my hometown 

3 months ago

The purpose of this journey was to study

We took a bus there

I stayed in a hotel


TV genres/ˈʒɑ̃ː.rə/

game shows, news, dating, dancing and music contest, talk show, reality show, documentary, sitcom, soap opera, cartoons


Smart TV

episodes - seasons - series

subscription - standard, premium, VIP

pay-per-view / rental

player in a game show = contestant vs. professional player

reality shows are very realistic

documentaries broaden our mind and sometimes change our way of thinkg - usually they are about business or nature

talk show - some guys or girls talk about some humorous stories or things going on around us, very interesting topics, most young people like them


Smart TV

episodes - seasons - series

subscription - standard, premium, VIP

pay-per-view / rental

player in a game show = contestant vs. professional player

reality shows are very realistic

documentaries broaden our mind and sometimes change our way of thinkg - usually they are about business or nature

talk show - some guys or girls talk about some humorous stories or things going on around us, very interesting topics, most young people like them

Nice language

All the 6 I love to watch, if I have time

I prefer watching...

I love to watch...

I like wataching the soap operas from the start to the end every day - 'I like tobingeit'

'reach a consensus'


They speak interesting topics -they speak/talk about different topics

I'm very interested in sports

Sometimes we need to 'know' / 'keep up to date with' the important things that are happening in our country, so that we don't fall behind

today it will be a very important soccer game between AC Milan and Real Madrid... - today there will be a very important match... / AC Milan will play Real Madrid, it's going to be very important

Genre = stlyle of programme/ variety of show

Documentaries, sitcoms = situation comedy

Yolanda: Game shows, documentaries,

fantasy TV shows, cartoons

Fantasy =  don't believe it

Yangfen: movie about a policeman who catches criminal. A violent film.

Cookery programme

Documentary = description of nature, or history

or geography

Game show = many people play a game

There is a host

Talk show = an interview with somebody

Boring or interesting?

News = information programme. Recent information

Reality TV show = a true situation


Soap opera

Commercials = not a genre

sports shows

children's programmes = Yolanda's son watches children's programmes. = cartoons

Children like cartoons

Nativenews  = domestic news or international news

Talk shows = make youl laugh, they are relaxing

Soap operas are boring


Educational documentaries

suitable  means appropriate

science fiction is suitable for children. Also cartoons.
