juniper EX系列交换机 CLI命令行操作模式



监控和排错 软件,网络连接、路由器硬件。




test@lab2> configure





juniper EX系列交换机 CLI命令行操作模式_第1张图片



lab@ex4200-vc> ?

Possible completions:

  clear                Clear information in the system

  configure            Manipulate software configuration information

  file                 Perform file operations

  help                 Provide help information

  monitor              Show real-time debugging information

  mtrace               Trace multicast path from source to receiver

  op                   Invoke an operation script

  ping                 Ping remote target

  quit                 Exit the management session

  request              Make system-level requests

  restart              Restart software process

  set                  Set CLI properties, date/time, craft interface message

  show                 Show system information

  ssh                  Start secure shell on another host

  start                Start shell

  telnet               Telnet to another host

  test                 Perform diagnostic debugging

  traceroute           Trace route to remote host



(3)可以配合使用下列管道符号 |

  compare              Compare configuration changes with prior version

  count                Count occurrences

  display              Show additional kinds of information

  except               Show only text that does not match a pattern

  find                 Search for first occurrence of pattern

  hold                 Hold text without exiting the --More-- prompt

  last                 Display end of output only

  match                Show only text that matches a pattern

  no-more              Don't paginate output

  request              Make system-level requests

  resolve              Resolve IP addresses

  save                 Save output text to file

  trim                 Trim specified number of columns from start of line

(4)使用set cli 命令设置 cli 环境


lab@ex4200-vc> set cli ?

Possible completions:

  complete-on-space    Set whether typing space completes current word

  directory            Set working directory

  idle-timeout         Set maximum idle time before login session ends

  prompt               Set CLI command prompt string

  restart-on-upgrade   Set whether CLI prompts to restart after software upgrade

  screen-length        Set number of lines on screen

  screen-width         Set number of characters on a line

  terminal             Set terminal type

  timestamp            Timestamp CLI output



juniper EX系列交换机 CLI命令行操作模式_第2张图片


lab@ex4200-vc> show i     


'i' is ambiguous.

Possible completions:

  igmp                 Show Internet Group Management Protocol information

  igmp-snooping        Show IGMP snooping information

  ike                  Show Internet Key Exchange information

  interfaces           Show interface information

  ipsec                Show IP Security information

  isis                 Show Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System information


lab@ex4200-vc> ?

Possible completions:

  clear                Clear information in the system

  configure            Manipulate software configuration information

  file                 Perform file operations

  help                 Provide help information

  monitor              Show real-time debugging information

  mtrace               Trace multicast path from source to receiver

  op                   Invoke an operation script

  ping                 Ping remote target

  quit                 Exit the management session

  request              Make system-level requests

  restart              Restart software process

  set                  Set CLI properties, date/time, craft interface message

  show                 Show system information

  ssh                  Start secure shell on another host

  start                Start shell

  telnet               Telnet to another host

  test                 Perform diagnostic debugging

  traceroute           Trace route to remote host


(1) 进入配置模式

root@lab2> configure

Entering configuration mode




root@lab2#set system services ftp

system {

services {




(2) 配置模式层次

juniper EX系列交换机 CLI命令行操作模式_第3张图片

(3)使用edit 命令类似于cd 命令

juniper EX系列交换机 CLI命令行操作模式_第4张图片

使用edit chassis alarm ethernet 可以直接在ethernet 这一级操作而不需要 set chassis alarm Ethernet 操作。

(4) 使用up 和top 命令

user@host# up

[edit chassis alarm]

user@host# top


juniper EX系列交换机 CLI命令行操作模式_第5张图片

(5)显示Candidate 配置


user@host# show chassis alarm

user@host# edit chassis alarm

[edit chassis alarm]

user@host# show

 [edit chassis alarm]


 比较Candidate 与active 配置的区别

[edit chassis]

user@host# show | compare

alarm {

xxx {

+ xxx xxx

- xxx xxx;




user@host# show | compare filename

user@host# show | compare rollback number


root@router# show | compare

[edit interfaces]


root@router# show | compare | save /var/tmp/patch.cfg

Wrote 9 lines of output to '/var/tmp/patch.cfg'


root@router# load patch /var/tmp/patch.cfg

load complete



user@host# edit chassis alarm xxx

[edit chassis alarm xxxx]

user@host# delete xxx

[edit chassis alarm xxxx]

user@host# delete xxx

[edit chassis alarm xxxx]



 使用 commit 是配置生效。rollback 恢复配置。


and-quit 如果配置成功退出配置模式

at 在定义的时间后commit 配置

check 检测配置,不改变配置

confirmed 知道回滚等到下一个commit 模式是10 分钟

 rollback 恢复配置。系统默认9 个配置在 /config/ 3 个。file show /config/6 个

rollback 或rollback 0 就恢复到刚刚改变的配置

juniper EX系列交换机 CLI命令行操作模式_第6张图片


 使用exit 退回到上一层配置模式

 使用exit configuration-mode 从任意层次退去配置模式

juniper EX系列交换机 CLI命令行操作模式_第7张图片


可以使用save filename 在任何配置模式保持这个层次的配置内容到一个指定存放位置便于下



cli# save filename



 load (replace | merge | override)

replace 取代现有的配置并且配置正确

merge 合并配置

override 取代现有的配置

user@host# load merge /var/db/config/juniper.conf.4

 可以通过 show system storage 查看文件系统,或用file show 来查看。
