

从1969年人类首次登月成功到现在,已经过去了半个世纪,在浩渺宇宙中,从月球到火星,人类一步步地进行太空探索,近日一个里程碑式的发现表明,火星地下埋藏着一个液态咸水湖。这意味着什么?这个红色星球上会有生命迹象么?让我们跟着 Daniel 老师来看看这份来自《自然》的报道吧。


Q1: 什么是“火星快车”?

Q2: "slam dunk" 的本意是什么?

Q3: 如果火星掩埋湖真实存在,科研人员可能会干什么?


There's water on Mars! Signs of buried lake tantalize scientists. 


A large saltwater lake seems to lurk under ice near Mars’ south pole. If confirmed, it would be the first body of liquid water ever detected on the red planet and a significant milestone in the quest to determine whether life exists there.


“It’s a very promising place to look for life on Mars,” says Roberto Orosei, a planetary scientist at the National Institute of Astrophysics in Bologna, Italy. “But we do not know for sure if it is inhabited.” On Earth, similar “subglacial” lakes are home to microbial life.

“这是火星上一个非常有希望寻找到生命的地方,” 意大利博洛尼亚国家天体物理研究所的行星科学家罗伯托·奥罗西如此表示道。“但我们还不能确知火星是否有生物居住。” 在地球上,类似的“冰下”湖泊是微生物的家园。

A team of Italian researchers, led by Orosei, reported the discovery on July 25 in Science. They spotted evidence of the buried lake in radar data from the European Space Agency’s Mars Express spacecraft.

7 月 25 日,由奥罗西领导的意大利研究员小组在《科学》杂志上发表了这项发现。他们在雷达数据中发现了掩埋湖泊的证据,这些数据来自欧洲航天局的火星快车空间探测器。

Others say that the work is tantalizing but, like anything else in the controversial hunt for water on Mars, it needs more supporting evidence. “It’s not quite a slam dunk yet,” says Jeffrey Plaut, a planetary scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, who has searched for water using data from Mars Express.

其他人表示,这次发现很吸引人,但是和其他争议性的火星寻水行动发现的东西一样,这项发现还需要更多的证据支持。“这还不是稳操胜券的事,” 加州帕萨迪纳美国国家航天局喷气推进实验室的行星科学家杰弗里·普劳特这样说道,他曾用火星快车空间探测器提供的数据探寻过水源。

If further studies confirm the existence of a lake, it could open new avenues for investigating Mars. Researchers have drilled into subglacial lakes on Earth and sampled the water for signs of microbes, while others are developing technologies to reach a buried ocean on Jupiter’s moon Europa. There are no ice-drilling missions currently slated for Mars—but the latest discovery could change how scientists think about exploring the planet.



tantalize  /ˈtæntəlaɪz/

v. 引诱;吸引


tantalize the dog with a feed

tantalize the eye

lurk  /lɜːrk/

v. 潜伏;埋藏


A crocodile was lurking just below the surface.

in the quest to



in the quest to find true love

planetary  /ˈplænəteri/

adj. 行星的;与行星有关的

subglacial   / sʌbˈɡleɪsiəl/

adj. 冰川下的

microbial    /maɪ'kroʊbɪəl/

adj. 微生物的

tantalizing    /ˈtæntəlaɪzɪŋ/

adj. 动人的;撩人的


the tantalizing aroma of fresh coffee

a tantalizing glimpse of the future

slam dunk


propulsion   /prəˈpʌlʃn/

n. 推动力;推进


wind/ steam  propulsion

avenue   /ˈævənuː/

n. 方法;途径


Several avenues are open to us.

drill   /drɪl/

v. 钻(孔);打(眼)

Europa   /jʊˈroʊpə/

n. 欧罗巴(木星的卫星)

slate   /sleɪt/

v. 预定;计划;安排


The houses were first slated for demolition five years ago.
