
脸盲症 face blindness


Face blindness refers to difficulty recognizing faces or telling faces apart.

脸盲症(face blindness)指难以辨认或分别人的容貌的状况。

New findings from researchers at Harvard and elsewhere suggest that a surprising number of people are face-blind, so bad at recognizing faces that they routinely snub acquaintances and have trouble following movie plots. In extreme cases, they may greet siblings as strangers and struggle to discern which child is theirs at school pick-up time.


The syndrome, known medically as prosopagnosia, was long thought to be a rare neurological curiosity that resulted from brain damage.


Research has begun to suggest that most face-blindness stems from genes, rather than brain injury, and that it is far more widespread than previously suspected, with up to 2 percent of the population affected to some degree.


路怒症 road rage
路面上的车越来越多,高峰时段的交通拥堵就难免。而这个时候,开车的人们能够保持心平气和的似乎也不多,稍有不慎便有可能言语相向,甚至动手。当然,堵车至堵心的行为虽然不当,还算事出有因。在路上还有那么一群人,开车无章法,蛮横无理,还随时想要欺负其他的司机,这样的行为就有点病态了,在英语里,我们管这种行为叫做road rage。不管在哪里生的气,放到路面上来发泄怎么说都是不合适的。你说呢?

Road rage is aggressive or angry behavior by a driver of an automobile or other motor vehicle. Such behavior might include rude gestures, verbal insults, deliberately driving in an unsafe or threatening manner, or making threats. Road rage can lead to altercations, assaults, and collisions which result in injuries and even deaths. It can be thought of as an extreme case of aggressive driving. The term supposedly originated in the USA during the 1980s.


The following are common manifestations of road rage:


Generally aggressive driving, including sudden acceleration, braking, and close tailgating.


Cutting others off in a lane, or deliberately preventing someone from merging.


Sounding the vehicle's horn or flashing lights excessively.


Driving at high speeds in the median of a highway to terrify drivers in both lanes.


动力不足综合症 underload syndrome
近些年,我们经常会听到人们说起“亚健康”这个词,说是现在大多数上班族都或多或少有些亚健康状态,而且多是压力太大引起的。可是,有研究发现人在缺少压力的情况下,身体也是会不舒服的,这种状态叫做underload syndrome,你听说过吗?

Underload syndrome refers to ill health or depression caused by a lack of challenges or stimulation at work.

动力不足综合症(underload syndrome)指因为工作上缺少挑战或动力而出现的身体欠佳或抑郁的状态。

Boredom has exactly the same effect on the body as stress. People who lack stimulation in their working lives are likely to be depressed and suffer from "underload syndrome". The most common health complaints triggered by underload syndrome are headaches, fatigue and recurrent infections; it is also a cause of mild depression.


手机幻听 ringxiety

Ringxiety is a portmanteau neologism formed from the words "ringtone" and "anxiety." Ringxiety is described as the sensation and the false belief that one can hear his or her mobile phone ringing or feel it vibrating, when in fact the telephone is not doing so.


Other terms for this concept include phantom ring effect and fauxcellarm. The reasoning for this relates partially to the idea that humans are particularly sensitive to auditory tones between 1,000 and 6,000 hertz, and basic mobile phone ringers often fall within this range. False vibrations are less well understood, however, and could have psychological or neurological sources.

其他可以用来指代“手机幻听”的说法还有phantom ring effect和fauxcellarm。导致这一现象的部分原因可能是人类对1000到6000赫兹的声音频率比较敏感,而手机铃声大都在这一频率范围内。错觉手机振动的反应就不太好解释了,可能有心理或神经方面的原因。

无手机焦虑症 nomophobia

Nomophobia is the fear of being out of mobile phone contact. The term, an abbreviation for "no-mobile-phone phobia", was coined during a study by the UK Post Office who commissioned YouGov, a UK-based research organization to look at anxieties suffered by mobile phone users. The study found that nearly 53 percent of mobile phone users in Britain tend to be anxious when they "lose their mobile phone, run out of battery or credit, or have no network coverage".

无手机焦虑症(nomophobia)指手机联系不畅通时的恐惧心理。这个词是no-mobile-phone phobia(无手机焦虑症)的缩写形式,是由英国一个名为YouGov的研究机构在受英国邮局委托研究手机用户焦虑症状时首创的一个说法。该研究发现,英国有近53%的手机用户在“手机丢失、手机没电或余额不足、或者不在服务区”的时候会感到焦虑不安。

The study compared stress levels induced by the average case of nomophobia to be on-par with those of "wedding day jitters" and trips to the dentists. Ten percent of those questioned said they needed to be contactable at all times because of work. More than one in two nomophobes never switch off their mobile phones.

