
After this day, many places in China go through thecoldest period, which is called in Chinese, “Shu Jiu”. In total, there are nineperiods with nine days for each. In the first and second nine days, people keeptheir hands in pockets; in the third and fourth nine days, people can walk onice; in the fifth and sixth nice days, people can see willows along the riverbank; in the seventh and eighth nine days, the swallow comes back and in theninth nine days, the yak starts working.


• 冬至:Winter Solstice

“solstice”表示“the time of eitherthe longest day in the year (about June 22) or the shortest day in the year(about December 22)”。一年中最长的一天(大约6月22日)或是一年中最短的一天(大约12月22日)。

• 冬至这天有啥传统习俗?

Winter Solstice is a time for the family to get together.One activity that occurs during these get togethers (especially in the southernparts of China and in Chinese communities overseas) is the making and eating of Tangyuan or balls of glutinous rice, which symbolize reunion.

