20190223-I can- awestruck


1. actress 美 [ˈæktrɪs] 女演员

2. work hard at it 连读

3. an architect 连读

4. met a 连读 细节

5. breath 美 [brɛθ] 

6. could've die 

7. because 没有r 音。cause  弱读

8. corrosion 美 [kəˈroʒən]

9. listen up 后面的重读比前面重

10. hear me out 、 please let me finish 让我把话说完

11. radio video  注意o 的发音

12.  ghetto 美 [ˈgetoʊ] 贫民区


1. in god we trust 倒装  美国硬币上写的  we trust in god 我们所信任的上帝

in phenomenal English we trust         


1. make a mental note 心记,默记

2. let me see what it takes 成功的必要条件

3. clear slate美 [slet] 尽弃前嫌,重新开始

4. doctorate 博士学位。 doctor degree 

5. doctor 篡改 it has been photoshoped. 照片的修改,若改照片是为了某个目的、骗钱 the hopto has been doctored.

6. Nothing comes easy. I don't care too much about money. Easy come, easy go. Whateve. You know, Money comes, money goes. 来得快;去得快

7. leaving people in awe 让人肃然起敬

8. awe 美 [ɔ]  很震惊 I’m shocked; something is a shocker.

9.  I was taken a back.  震惊的

10. awestruck 美 [ˈɔːstrʌk]  adj 肃然起敬的;哇,太棒了;改革春风吹满地;程度惊为天人

you know how awestruck I am to see how fast China has progressed.  我对中国的进步有多吃惊。

11. his is a young Wan jianling. 有钱人

12. he is young Ryan Gossling. Eric is a young Ryan Gossling.  Eric is like  Ryan Gossling, but younger version, more handsome version.

13. hold your breath 给你个大惊喜,期待的

14. Don't hold your breath 结果并没有你期待的好、别期望太高 don't hold your breath. That's not gonna be happening.

15. Smell reek smell 散发出什么味道

16. reek  美 [rik]v. 1. [i] ~ (of sth) 散发臭气;发出难闻的气味 it reeks it reeks dead fish 散发出死鱼的味道

17. Watch the company you keep and the crowd you bring 跟什么什么人交往;小心周围的人

18. takers any takers? 志愿者,有人愿意接受挑战,邀请吗?

19. Card :   got carded they carded me 被要求出示身份证 when I went out to buy some drinks, they asked me to show my ID card. passport. They want to know if......     how old I am. When I went to bar, they carded me. I look like 30 years old. They still carded me.

20. act your age 有长大人的样子,多大了,跟个小孩子一样 come on, all right, get a life 做点有益的事; 别呆头呆脑

don't be pretend to be older than your are. give yourself time to go.

21. annoy 美 [əˈnɔɪ]  V vt. 打扰; pain in the ass 某人做事让人讨厌;当他们不爽时,

22. nobody says that you have to get up as early as 6 in the morning yet, 

nobody says that you have to practice English, but if you like just go forward it. (rework一本书)

23. hoes before bros 重色亲友 ;你是 为女朋友赴汤蹈火,还是兄弟两肋插刀? I choice hoes before bros。 女人是衣服,兄弟是手足

24. Y‘all   you 

25. young princess when you get your wedding ring. Your man is saying "She's my Queen"

26. treasure you 珍视你

27. Attitude matters.  I woundn't say Everything, but it does matter.

28. Nobody says you have to be here. 




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