在本章中,我们将描述执行矩阵向量运算的 Level-2 基本线性代数子程序 (BLAS2) 函数。
cublasStatus_t cublasSgbmv(cublasHandle_t handle, cublasOperation_t trans,
int m, int n, int kl, int ku,
const float *alpha,
const float *A, int lda,
const float *x, int incx,
const float *beta,
float *y, int incy)
cublasStatus_t cublasDgbmv(cublasHandle_t handle, cublasOperation_t trans,
int m, int n, int kl, int ku,
const double *alpha,
const double *A, int lda,
const double *x, int incx,
const double *beta,
double *y, int incy)
cublasStatus_t cublasCgbmv(cublasHandle_t handle, cublasOperation_t trans,
int m, int n, int kl, int ku,
const cuComplex *alpha,
const cuComplex *A, int lda,
const cuComplex *x, int incx,
const cuComplex *beta,
cuComplex *y, int incy)
cublasStatus_t cublasZgbmv(cublasHandle_t handle, cublasOperation_t trans,
int m, int n, int kl, int ku,
const cuDoubleComplex *alpha,
const cuDoubleComplex *A, int lda,
const cuDoubleComplex *x, int incx,
const cuDoubleComplex *beta,
cuDoubleComplex *y, int incy)
y = α o p ( A ) x + β y y=\alpha op(A)x + \beta y y=αop(A)x+βy
其中 A 是具有 kl 次对角线和 ku 超对角线的带状矩阵,x 和 y 是向量, α \alpha α 和 β \beta β 是标量。 此外,对于矩阵 A:
o p ( A ) = { A 如果 t r a n s a = = C U B L A S O P N , A T 如果 t r a n s a = = C U B L A S O P T , A H 如果 t r a n s a = = C U B L A S O P H op(A)= \begin{cases} A\ \ \ \ 如果 transa == CUBLAS_OP_N,\\ A^T \ \ 如果 transa == CUBLAS_OP_T,\\ A^H \ \ 如果 transa == CUBLAS_OP_H \end{cases} op(A)=⎩ ⎨ ⎧A 如果transa==CUBLASOPN,AT 如果transa==CUBLASOPT,AH 如果transa==CUBLASOPH
带状矩阵 A 逐列存储,主对角线存储在 ku+1 行(从第一个位置开始),第一个上对角线存储在 ku 行(从第二个位置开始),第一个子对角线存储在 ku+2 行 (从第一个位置开始)等等。所以一般来说,元素 A(i,j) 存储在内存位置 A(ku+1+i-j,j) 中,因为 j=1,…,n 和 i ∈ [ m a x ( 1 , j − k u ) , m i n ( m , j + k l ) ] i\in[max(1,j-ku), min(m, j+kl)] i∈[max(1,j−ku),min(m,j+kl)] . 此外,数组 A 中的元素在概念上不对应于带状矩阵中的元素(左上角 ku * ku 和右下角 kl *kl 三角形)不被引用。
Param. | Memory | In/out | Meaning |
handle | input | handle to the cuBLAS library context. | |
trans | input | operation op(A) that is non- or (conj.) transpose. | |
m | input | number of rows of matrix A. | |
n | input | number of columns of matrix A. | |
kl | input | number of subdiagonals of matrix A. | |
ku | input | number of superdiagonals of matrix A. | |
alpha | host or device | input | scalar used for multiplication. |
A | device | input | array of dimension lda x n with lda>=kl+ku+1. |
lda | input | leading dimension of two-dimensional array used to store matrix A. | |
x | device | input | vector with n elements if transa == CUBLAS_OP_N and m elements otherwise. |
incx | input | stride between consecutive elements of x. | |
beta | host or device | input | scalar used for multiplication, if beta == 0 then y does not have to be a valid input. |
y | device | in/out | vector with m elements if transa == CUBLAS_OP_N and n elements otherwise. |
incy | input | stride between consecutive elements of y. |
Error Value | Meaning |
操作成功完成 |
库未初始化 |
该功能无法在 GPU 上启动 |
sgbmv, dgbmv, cgbmv, zgbmv