英语流利说Level 6 Unit 3 Part3 Reading What Happened to Films

Level 6 Unit 3 Reading What Happened to Films

Media and technologies are reprogramming the human brain, changing how we think and live in significant ways. Nobody really knows how this will affect the future, and few seem to care. The tendency is to let it happen and go with the flow, despite warnings from some that all is not well. Nobody can stop progress. Still, it’s fun to reflect on changes to see what might be lost.


reprogram 英 [rɪ'prəʊgræm] 美 [rɪ'proʊgræm] v. 改编,程序重调

Looking back to classic movies and comparing them with what we have today, we see many similarities. However, there are major differences. In particular, classic movies succeeded with few if any special effects. The camera focused more on faces and expressions, like in the movie Casablanca. Violent actions were seldom shown in gruesome detail but were inferred from the situation. Storylines focus on character and personal dilemmas. Much was left to the imagination. And of course, sex was hinted at, but never shown, except in seedy theaters.

gruesome :英 [ˈgru:səm] 美 [ˈɡrusəm] adj. 可怕的;令人毛骨悚然的;阴森的;可憎的

inferred: v. 推断( infer的过去式和过去分词 );间接地提出;暗示;意指

storylines: n. 故事情节( storyline的名词复数 )

dilemma :英 [dɪˈlemə] 美 [dɪˈlɛmə] n. 进退两难;窘境,困境

hint :英 [hɪnt] 美 [hɪnt] n. 暗示;线索,迹象;提示,注意事项;微量 vt. 暗示 vi. 暗示,提示

seedy 英 [ˈsi:di] 美 [ˈsidi] adj. 破烂的;多籽的,籽状的;疲倦的;粗鄙的

Some of the best movies took place in a single location, such as on a lifeboat or in a jury room. Would such movies draw an audience today? Those movies depended on writers who could build drama into the interactions between characters who had character. This required an interest in human psychology. It also required audiences to have a similar interest, who could empathize and be moved. Do those audiences exist today?

empathize 英 [ˈempəθaɪz] 美 [ˈɛmpəˌθaɪz] v. 移情,神会

jury 英 [ˈdʒʊəri] 美 [ˈdʒʊri] n. 陪审团;(展览会,竞赛等的)全体评审员;舆论的裁决;评判委员会 adj. 应急的;[航](船上)应急用的;暂时的

Flash forward to the present. So many movies are filled with fast-moving special effects, explicit violence, and lots of sex. We have become voyeurs, addicted to getting thrills through the experiences of others.Subtle emotions? Psychological dilemmas? Or just plain escape! Of course, there have always been escape movies - Bollywood movies with stars dancing in the streets. It’s just the balance which has shifted.

explicit: 英 [ɪkˈsplɪsɪt] 美 [ɪkˈsplɪsɪt] adj. 明确的,清楚的;直言的;详述的;不隐瞒的

voyeur 英 [vwaɪˈɜ:(r)] n. <贬>窥淫癖者

subtle 英 [ˈsʌtl] 美 [ˈsʌtl] adj. 微妙的;巧妙的;敏感的;狡猾的

plain 英 [pleɪn] 美 [plen] n. 平原;平地;[纺织业]平针;朴实无华的东西 adj. 平的;素的;清晰的;相貌平平的 adv. 清楚地,明白地;平易地;[用以加强语气]显然;完全地 vi. 发牢骚;诉苦

Classical music and jazz played for more than a few minutes. People concentrated and took time to enjoy and savor it. But now,immersed in media, there is no time. Experiences are quick and shallow, measured by the number of likes. We flee into the noise, perhaps to escape from ourselves.

savor 英 ['seɪvə] 美 ['seɪvə] n. 滋味;气味;食欲;特定的味道或气味v.;有…气味;加调味品于;使有风味 vi. 意味,带有…的性质 vt. 品尝;欣赏;给…加调味品;使有风味

immersed 英 [ɪ'mɜ:st] 美 [ɪ'mɜ:st] adj. 浸入的,沉入的,沉思的 v. 使浸入( immerse的过去式和过去分词 );使沉浸于,使深陷于;沉浸在

shallow 英 [ˈʃæləʊ] 美 [ˈʃæloʊ] adj. 浅的,肤浅的;表面的,皮毛的;(水,器物等)浅的;(呼吸)浅的 n. 浅处;浅滩 v. 使变浅;使变浅薄

flee 英 [fli:] 美 [fli] vi. 逃走,逃掉;消失 vt. 逃离,逃避

What do you think? Or has it always been this way?

你可能感兴趣的:(英语流利说Level 6 Unit 3 Part3 Reading What Happened to Films)