动态窗口法Dynamic Window Approach在动态环境中避障


动态窗口法:【路径规划】局部路径规划算法——DWA算法(动态窗口法)|(含python实现 | c++实现)-CSDN博客

DWA的大致思路就是,在一个线速度和角度的可行二维空间中,进行采样,计算每个可行速度在未来一定时间内的轨迹(假定匀速运动), 对这些轨迹进行评价,取最优轨迹,以最有轨迹对应的当前下一时刻的线速度和角速度,最为速度控制器的v_target。缺点是容易陷入局部最优。

import random

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
import time

class Config:
    simulation parameter class
    def __init__(self):
        # robot parameter
        # 线速度边界
        self.v_max = 1.0  # [m/s]
        self.v_min = -0.5  # [m/s]
        # 角速度边界
        self.w_max = 40.0 * math.pi / 180.0  # [rad/s]
        self.w_min = -40.0 * math.pi / 180.0  # [rad/s]
        # 线加速度和角加速度最大值
        self.a_vmax = 0.2  # [m/ss]
        self.a_wmax = 40.0 * math.pi / 180.0  # [rad/ss]
        # 采样分辨率
        self.v_sample = 0.01  # [m/s]
        self.w_sample = 0.1 * math.pi / 180.0  # [rad/s]
        # 离散时间
        self.dt = 0.1  # [s] Time tick for motion prediction
        # 轨迹推算时间长度
        self.predict_time = 3.0  # [s]
        # 轨迹评价函数系数
        self.alpha = 0.15
        self.beta = 1.0
        self.gamma = 1.0
        # Also used to check if goal is reached in both types
        self.robot_radius = 1.0  # [m] for collision check
        self.judge_distance = 10  # 若与障碍物的最小距离大于阈值(例如这里设置的阈值为robot_radius+0.2),则设为一个较大的常值

class DWA:
    def __init__(self, config) -> None:

            config (_type_): 参数类
        self.dt = config.dt
        self.v_min = config.v_min
        self.w_min = config.w_min
        self.v_max = config.v_max
        self.w_max = config.w_max
        self.predict_time = config.predict_time
        self.a_vmax = config.a_vmax
        self.a_wmax = config.a_wmax
        self.v_sample = config.v_sample  # 线速度采样分辨率
        self.w_sample = config.w_sample  # 角速度采样分辨率
        self.alpha = config.alpha
        self.beta = config.beta
        self.gamma = config.gamma
        self.radius = config.robot_radius
        self.judge_distance = config.judge_distance
    def dwa_control(self, state, goal, obstacle, ob_dyna, dyna_ob_v):

            state (_type_): 机器人当前状态--[x,y,yaw,v,w]
            goal (_type_): 目标点位置,[x,y]

            obstacle (_type_): 障碍物位置,dim:[num_ob,2]

            _type_: 控制量、轨迹(便于绘画)
        control, trajectory = self.trajectory_evaluation(state, goal, obstacle, ob_dyna, dyna_ob_v)
        return control, trajectory
    def cal_dynamic_window_vel(self, v, w, state, obstacle):

            v (_type_): 当前时刻线速度
            w (_type_): 当前时刻角速度
            state (_type_): 当前机器人状态
            obstacle (_type_): 障碍物位置
            [v_low,v_high,w_low,w_high]: 最终采样后的速度空间
        Vm = self.__cal_vel_limit()
        Vd = self.__cal_accel_limit(v, w)
        Va = self.__cal_obstacle_limit(state, obstacle)
        a = max([Vm[0], Vd[0], Va[0]])
        b = min([Vm[1], Vd[1], Va[1]])
        c = max([Vm[2], Vd[2], Va[2]])
        d = min([Vm[3], Vd[3], Va[3]])
        return [a, b, c, d]
    def __cal_vel_limit(self):

            _type_: 速度边界限制后的速度空间Vm
        return [self.v_min, self.v_max, self.w_min, self.w_max]
    def __cal_accel_limit(self, v, w):

            v (_type_): 当前时刻线速度
            w (_type_): 当前时刻角速度
        v_low = v - self.a_vmax * self.dt
        v_high = v + self.a_vmax * self.dt
        w_low = w - self.a_wmax * self.dt
        w_high = w + self.a_wmax * self.dt
        return [v_low, v_high, w_low, w_high]
    def __cal_obstacle_limit(self, state, obstacle):

            state (_type_): 当前机器人状态
            obstacle (_type_): 障碍物位置

            _type_: 某一时刻移动机器人不与周围障碍物发生碰撞的速度空间Va
        # 不与静态障碍物碰撞
        v_low = self.v_min
        v_high = np.sqrt(2 * self._dist(state, obstacle[:, :]) * self.a_vmax)
        w_low = self.w_min
        w_high = np.sqrt(2 * self._dist(state, obstacle[:, :]) * self.a_wmax)
        return [v_low, v_high, w_low, w_high]
    def trajectory_predict(self, state_init, v, w):

            state_init (_type_): 当前状态---x,y,yaw,v,w
            v (_type_): 当前时刻线速度
            w (_type_): 当前时刻线速度

            _type_: _description_
        state = np.array(state_init)
        trajectory = state
        _time = 0
        # 在预测时间段内
        while _time <= self.predict_time:
            x = KinematicModel(state, [v, w], self.dt)  # 运动学模型
            trajectory = np.vstack((trajectory, x))
            _time += self.dt
        return trajectory
    def predict_dyna_ob_traj(self, ob_dyna, dyna_ob_v):
        trajectory = np.zeros((ob_dyna.shape[0], int(self.predict_time / self.dt) + 1, 2))
        trajectory[0, 0, 0] = ob_dyna[0, 0]
        trajectory[0, 0, 1] = ob_dyna[0, 1]
        trajectory[1, 0, 0] = ob_dyna[1, 0]
        trajectory[1, 0, 1] = ob_dyna[1, 1]
        time = 0
        idx = 1
        while time <= self.predict_time:
            # 维度:个体数 时刻 坐标
            trajectory[0, idx, 0] = trajectory[0, idx - 1, 0] + dyna_ob_v[0, 0] * self.dt
            trajectory[0, idx, 1] = trajectory[0, idx - 1, 1] + dyna_ob_v[0, 1] * self.dt
            trajectory[1, idx, 0] = trajectory[1, idx - 1, 0] + dyna_ob_v[1, 0] * self.dt
            trajectory[1, idx, 1] = trajectory[1, idx - 1, 1] + dyna_ob_v[1, 1] * self.dt
            time += self.dt
            idx += 1
        return trajectory
    def collision_detection(self, trajectory, traj_dyob):
        trajectory = np.repeat(trajectory[np.newaxis, :, :], 2, axis=0)
        distances = np.linalg.norm(trajectory - traj_dyob, axis=2)
        min_values = np.min(distances, axis=1)
        min_value = np.min(min_values, axis=0)
        if min_value < 0.3:
            return True
            return False
    def trajectory_evaluation(self, state, goal, obstacle, ob_dyna, ob_dyna_v):

            state (_type_): 当前状态---x,y,yaw,v,w
            dynamic_window_vel (_type_): 采样的速度空间窗口---[v_low,v_high,w_low,w_high]
            goal (_type_): 目标点位置,[x,y]
            obstacle (_type_): 障碍物位置,dim:[num_ob,2]

            _type_: 最优控制量、最优轨迹
        G_max = -float('inf')  # 最优评价
        trajectory_opt = state  # 最优轨迹
        control_opt = [0., 0.]  # 最优控制
        dynamic_window_vel = self.cal_dynamic_window_vel(state[3], state[4], state, obstacle)  # 第1步--计算速度空间
        # 在速度空间中按照预先设定的分辨率采样
        sum_heading, sum_dist, sum_vel = 1, 1, 1  # 不进行归一化
        for v in np.arange(dynamic_window_vel[0], dynamic_window_vel[1], self.v_sample):
            for w in np.arange(dynamic_window_vel[2], dynamic_window_vel[3], self.w_sample):
                trajectory = self.trajectory_predict(state, v, w)  # 第2步--轨迹推算
                heading_eval = self.alpha * self.__heading(trajectory, goal) / sum_heading
                dist_eval = self.beta * self.__dist(trajectory, obstacle) / sum_dist
                vel_eval = self.gamma * self.__velocity(trajectory) / sum_vel
                G = heading_eval + dist_eval + vel_eval  # 第3步--轨迹评价
                if G_max <= G:
                    G_max = G
                    trajectory_opt = trajectory
                    control_opt = [v, w]
        traj_dyob = self.predict_dyna_ob_traj(ob_dyna, ob_dyna_v)
        collision = self.collision_detection(trajectory_opt[:, :2], traj_dyob)
        if collision:
            control_opt = [0, 0]
        return control_opt, trajectory_opt
    def _dist(self, state, obstacle):

            state (_type_): 当前机器人状态
            obstacle (_type_): 障碍物位置

            _type_: 移动机器人距离障碍物最近的几何距离
        ox = obstacle[:, 0]
        oy = obstacle[:, 1]
        dx = state[0, None] - ox[:, None]
        dy = state[1, None] - oy[:, None]
        r = np.hypot(dx, dy)
        return np.min(r)
    def __dist(self, trajectory, obstacle):
            trajectory (_type_): 轨迹,dim:[n,5]
            obstacle (_type_): 障碍物位置,dim:[num_ob,2]

            _type_: _description_
        ox = obstacle[:, 0]
        oy = obstacle[:, 1]
        dx = trajectory[:, 0] - ox[:, None]
        dy = trajectory[:, 1] - oy[:, None]
        r = np.hypot(dx, dy)
        return np.min(r) if np.array(r < self.radius + 0.2).any() else self.judge_distance
    def __heading(self, trajectory, goal):

            trajectory (_type_): 轨迹,dim:[n,5]
            goal (_type_): 目标点位置[x,y]

            _type_: 方位角评价数值
        dx = goal[0] - trajectory[-1, 0]
        dy = goal[1] - trajectory[-1, 1]
        error_angle = math.atan2(dy, dx)
        cost_angle = error_angle - trajectory[-1, 2]
        cost = math.pi - abs(cost_angle)
        return cost
    def __velocity(self, trajectory):
        """速度评价函数, 表示当前的速度大小,可以用模拟轨迹末端位置的线速度的大小来表示

            trajectory (_type_): 轨迹,dim:[n,5]

            _type_: 速度评价
        return trajectory[-1, 3]

def KinematicModel(state, control, dt):
          state (_type_): 状态量---x,y,yaw,v,w
          control (_type_): 控制量---v,w,线速度和角速度
          dt (_type_): 离散时间
          _type_: 下一步的状态
    state[0] += control[0] * math.cos(state[2]) * dt
    state[1] += control[0] * math.sin(state[2]) * dt
    state[2] += control[1] * dt
    state[3] = control[0]
    state[4] = control[1]
    return state

def plot_arrow(x, y, yaw, length=0.5, width=0.1):  # pragma: no cover
    plt.arrow(x, y, length * math.cos(yaw), length * math.sin(yaw),
              head_length=width, head_width=width)
    plt.plot(x, y)

def plot_robot(x, y, yaw, config):  # pragma: no cover
    circle = plt.Circle((x, y), config.robot_radius, color="b")
    out_x, out_y = (np.array([x, y]) +
                    np.array([np.cos(yaw), np.sin(yaw)]) * config.robot_radius)
    plt.plot([x, out_x], [y, out_y], "-k")

def dynamic_ob(t, dyna_ob_v):
    y1 = (dyna_ob_v[0, 1] * t) % 14
    x2 = (dyna_ob_v[1, 0] * t) % 9
    return np.array([[9, y1],
                     [x2, 9]])

def do_dwa(current_x=0.0, current_y=0.0, goal_x=10.0, goal_y=10.0, ob=np.array([[-1, -1]])):
    # initial state [x(m), y(m), yaw(rad), v(m/s), omega(rad/s)]
    x = np.array([current_x, current_y, math.pi / 8.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    # goal position [x(m), y(m)]
    goal = np.array([goal_x, goal_y])
    config = Config()
    trajectory = np.array(x)
    dwa = DWA(config)
    # fig=plt.figure(1)
    st_i = 0
    while True:
        ob_speed = 0.2
        dyna_ob_v = np.array([[0, ob_speed],
                              [ob_speed, 0]])
        ob_dyna = dynamic_ob(st_i, dyna_ob_v)
        u, predicted_trajectory = dwa.dwa_control(x, goal, ob, ob_dyna, dyna_ob_v)
        x = KinematicModel(x, u, config.dt)  # simulate robot
        trajectory = np.vstack((trajectory, x))  # store state history
        # for stopping simulation with the esc key.
            lambda event: [exit(0) if event.key == 'escape' else None])
            plt.plot(predicted_trajectory[:, 0], predicted_trajectory[:, 1], "-g")
        plt.plot(x[0], x[1], "xr")
        plt.plot(goal[0], goal[1], "xb")
        plt.plot(ob[:, 0], ob[:, 1], "ok")
        plt.plot(ob_dyna[:, 0], ob_dyna[:, 1], "ok")
        plot_robot(x[0], x[1], x[2], config)
        plot_arrow(x[0], x[1], x[2])
        st_i += 1
        # check reaching goal
        dist_to_goal = math.hypot(x[0] - goal[0], x[1] - goal[1])
        if dist_to_goal <= config.robot_radius:
    # plt.plot(trajectory[:, 0], trajectory[:, 1], "-r")
    # plt.pause(0.001)
    # plt.show()
    return trajectory

if __name__ == "__main__":
    num_points = 10
    points = [(random.uniform(0, 16), random.uniform(0, 16)) for _ in range(num_points)]
    ob = np.array(points)
    current_x = 0.0
    current_y = 0.0
    goal_x = 10.0
    goal_y = 10.0
    current_x = random.randint(-5, 2)
    current_y = random.randint(2, 7)
    trajectory = do_dwa(current_x, current_y, goal_x, goal_y, ob=ob)
    plt.scatter(ob[:, 0], ob[:, 1], c="k")
    plt.plot(trajectory[:, 0], trajectory[:, 1], "-r")
