Snake.Net框架中的ORM version 0.4 Beta (一)



ORM,即Object-Relational Mapping(对象关系映射),它的作用是在关系型数据库和业务实体对象之间作一个映射,这样,我们在具体的操作实体对象的时候,就不需要再去和复杂的SQL语句打交道,只需简单的操作实体对象的属性和方法。




Snake.Net框架是基于.Net 2.0 Framework设计的企业应用框架。对比其它ORM系统Snake.Net具有以下特色:

1.       全面支持泛型操作,对比普通的对象操作,使用泛型将使编码更方便,并且免除封箱和拆箱操作,效率更优。

2.       Snake.Net通过DataSet配置映射关系(数据表、字段,关键字,外部关键字,关联关系等),对象的映射关系将通过元数据适配器转化为DataSet构架。因而可以使用多种方式进行关系映射(如DataSet Schema文件, Attribute特性以及外部定义文件等);此外还可以通过自定义的适配器进行扩展,以便于兼容一些其它的ORM系统配置。

3.       支持多种数据库系统,Snake.Net定义了标准的数据访问接口,通过定制不同的数据库适配器,Snake.Net几乎可以使用任何数据库产品。

4.       高效的持久层设计。Snake.Net可以通过配置文件设置不同的持久模式(缓存、对象池等)。

5.       增强的数据访问功能,支持EQLEntity Query Language 实体查询语言),事务环境,数据绑定等高级应用。


namespace Snake.Enterprise


    #region namespace

    using System;

    using ORM;



         #region Order

         /// <summary>

         /// This object represents the properties and methods of a Order.

         /// </summary>



         public class Order:DataBindEntity


                   #region declare

                   [Association(typeof(OrderDetail), "OrderID")]

                   [ColumnMapping("OrderID", IsPrimaryKey=true, AutoIncrement=true)]

                   protected int porderID;


                   protected string pcustomerID;


                   protected int pemployeeID;

                   protected decimal pfreight;

                   protected DateTime porderDate;

                   protected DateTime prequiredDate;

                   protected string pshipAddress;

                   protected string pshipCity;

                   protected string pshipCountry;

                   protected string pshipName;

                   protected DateTime pshippedDate;

                   protected string pshipPostalCode;

                   protected string pshipRegion;

                   protected int pshipVia;



                   #region constructors

                   public Order(Customer customer, Employee employee):this()


                            //check for arguments

                            if (customer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("customer");

                            if (employee == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("employee");



                            pcustomerID = customer.CustomerID;

                            pemployeeID = employee.EmployeeID;



                   protected Order():base()





                   #region properties

                   public string CustomerID{

                            get{return pcustomerID;}



                   public int EmployeeID{

                            get{return pemployeeID;}




                   public decimal Freight


                            get{return pfreight;}

                            set{pfreight = value;}




                   public DateTime OrderDate


                            get{return porderDate;}

                            set{porderDate = value;}



                   public int OrderID{

                            get{return porderID;}




                   public DateTime RequiredDate


                            get{return prequiredDate;}

                            set{prequiredDate = value;}




                   public string ShipAddress


                            get{return pshipAddress;}

                            set{pshipAddress = value;}




                   public string ShipCity


                            get{return pshipCity;}

                            set{pshipCity = value;}




                   public string ShipCountry


                            get{return pshipCountry;}

                            set{pshipCountry = value;}




                   public string ShipName


                            get{return pshipName;}

                            set{pshipName = value;}




                   public DateTime ShippedDate


                            get{return pshippedDate;}

                            set{pshippedDate = value;}




                   public string ShipPostalCode


                            get{return pshipPostalCode;}

                            set{pshipPostalCode = value;}




                   public string ShipRegion


                            get{return pshipRegion;}

                            set{pshipRegion = value;}




                   public int ShipVia


                            get{return pshipVia;}

                            set{pshipVia = value;}






         #region OrderDetail

         /// <summary>

         /// This object represents the properties and methods of a OrderDetail.

         /// </summary>

         [TableMapping("Order Details")]

         public class OrderDetail:DataBindEntity


                   #region declare

                   [ColumnMapping("OrderID", IsPrimaryKey=true)]

                   protected int porderID;

                   [ColumnMapping("ProductID", IsPrimaryKey=true)]

                   protected int pproductID;

                   protected float pdiscount;

                   protected short pquantity;

                   protected decimal punitPrice;



                   #region constructors

                  public OrderDetail(Order order, Product product):this()


                            //check for arguments

                            if (order == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("order");

                            if (order == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("order");



                            porderID = order.OrderID;

                            pproductID = product.ProductID;



                   protected OrderDetail():base()





                   #region properties

                   public Product Product{


                return EntityManager.Retrieve<Product>(ProductID);





                   public float Discount


                            get{return pdiscount;}

                            set{pdiscount = value;}



                   public int OrderID{

                            get{return porderID;}



                   public int ProductID{

                            get{return pproductID;}




                   public short Quantity


                            get{return pquantity;}

                            set{pquantity = value;}




                   public decimal UnitPrice


                            get{return punitPrice;}

                            set{punitPrice = value;}







string condition = "ShipName = 'Ernst Handel' && " +

                                               " (Product.ProductName begin 'e' || Product.ProductName begin 'c')";

string sort = "Order.OrderDate Desc";


using(IEntityManager<Order> em = em = EntityManager.Create<Order>())


IDataPage page = new DataPage(3, em.GetCount(condition));

IList<Order> orders = em.Query(condition, sort, page);


                                     //output orders

for(int i = 0; i < orders.Count; i++)






private void OutputOrder(Order order)


//check for arguments

if (order == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("order");



Console.WriteLine("-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------");


     Console.WriteLine("\tId:\t{0}", order.OrderID);

Console.WriteLine("\tShipName:\t{0}", order.ShipName);

Console.WriteLine("\tShippedDate:\t{0}", order.ShippedDate);



EntityCollection<OrderDetail> details;


details = order.GetChildren<OrderDetail>();


if (details.Count > 0)





foreach (OrderDetail detail in details.Entities)



new object[]{












     Id:  10895

     ShipName: Ernst Handel

     ShippedDate:  1998-2-23 0:00:00



     ProductName        UnitPrice     Quantity      Discount

     GuaranáFantástica           4.5           110           0

     Chartreuse verte            18            45            0

     Boston Crab Meat            18.4          91            0

     Camembert Pierrot           34            100           0

-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------


     Id:  10895

     ShipName: Ernst Handel

     ShippedDate:  1998-2-23 0:00:00



     ProductName        UnitPrice     Quantity      Discount

     GuaranáFantástica           4.5           110           0

     Chartreuse verte            18            45            0

     Boston Crab Meat            18.4          91            0

     Camembert Pierrot           34            100           0

-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------


     Id:  11072

     ShipName: Ernst Handel

     ShippedDate:  0001-1-1 8:00:00



     ProductName        UnitPrice     Quantity      Discount

     Chang              19            8             0

     Jack's New England Clam Chowder           9.65          40            0

     Valkoinen suklaa            16.25              22            0

     Wimmers gute Semmelkn? del             33.25              130           0

-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------


     Id:  10895

     ShipName: Ernst Handel

     ShippedDate:  1998-2-23 0:00:00



     ProductName        UnitPrice     Quantity      Discount

     GuaranáFantástica           4.5           110           0

     Chartreuse verte            18            45            0

     Boston Crab Meat            18.4          91            0

     Camembert Pierrot           34            100           0

-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------


     Id:  10895

     ShipName: Ernst Handel

     ShippedDate:  1998-2-23 0:00:00



     ProductName        UnitPrice     Quantity      Discount

     GuaranáFantástica           4.5           110           0

     Chartreuse verte            18            45            0
