
Harry's Business Trip1

Harry is on a business trip. 

Yesterday he was supposed to fly from San Francisco to Shanghai. 

However, things didn’tturn out(发生) the way they were supposed to.

In fact,nothing went the way it was supposed to. 


Everything went wrong and he didn’t get on his flight. 

As a result, he's still in San Francisco. 

The following isa summary of what happened.


Yesterday morning he got up as usual and had breakfast. 

Everything seemed to be fine and he was looking forward to the trip. 

He was just about to check out(结账退房) of his hotel when he felt a pain.

It was a pain in his lower back. 

It wasa dull pain(隐隐作痛) at first, not too bad.

So he didn’t worry about it and he checked out the hotel. 

Then he got on the shuttle bus(穿梭巴士) to the airport.

About half way to the airport, the pain in his back started to get worse. 

It wasa growing pain(越来越痛) and he was beginning to worry.

Soon it was difficult for him to sit in his seat. 

The pain was getting worse. 

He wanted to lie down.

He started tosweat(出汗) and breathe quickly.

He was in real pain then.

Ona scale of(程度、范围) 1 to 10,the pain was an 8.

When the bus got to the airport, the bus driver helped him get off.

It was difficult for him to walk but he finally made it to the terminal(终端、航空站).

Inside the terminal, he went to the men’s bathroom. 

He went to the toilet but that didn’t help. 

Instead of improving, his felt dizzy(头昏目眩), and he threw up(呕吐).

By now he was wet from all his sweating.

He knew he couldn’t get on his flight. 
