经济学人-Let it be

今天看到披头士的let it be里有一句歌词

When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom, let it be.

let it be顺其自然

我认为真正的let it be是将纠结的过往随风逝,既然木已成舟,何必执着于过去,懊悔暑假的种种颓废,它既这样发生了,也算是一场经历。现在要做的是拿起书本,专(专心)和钻(钻研)。



一、Prostitution: Sin city

1. 首先要强调的是我们的主角:东莞(Dongguan)

2. 话题词语了解一下

lewd jokes淫秽笑话

prostitute妓女,男妓 prostitution卖淫

sex workers



作案场所:saunas , massage parlour 桑拿房

karaoke bars

hair salon洗发沙龙

posh hotels 上流酒店

3. 出现在里面的值得记忆的同义词:stamp out v.=crackdown n.镇压

看到saunas, karaoke bars,hair salon这些词汇,我突然想起去年看的“从你的全世界路过”彭于晏说,我的梦想就是歌舞厅里只唱歌,桑拿房里只洗澡。听到这句话,我男朋友还和我打趣说难道不是这样的吗?其实在我眼中真的是这样的。但对于社会管理者来说,这就是难以实现的hope.只要贫富差距在,总有人为了营生去做,也有人为了享乐去接受。再怎么打击又或是想办法使它legalise,都会有弊端出现,就像毒品一样。

二、The status of Taiwan


Chinese Taipei中华台北

Taiwan China中国台湾



    In April its civil aviation administration, CAAC, sent a letter to 44 of them, demanding that they specify Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau as being parts of China when including them in drop-down menus of countries on booking websites. Fair enough for Hong Kong and Macau, which are universally recognised as being Chinese territories. But CAAC wants Taiwan to be called "Taiwan, China", and maps to use the same colour for both the island and the people's Republic. That is a problem. The island calls itself an independent, sovereign state.

Civil Aviation Administration民航局


In May it deprived Taiwan of two members of its tiny band of diplomatic partners by establishing relations with Burkina Faso and the Dominican Republic (China does not allow countries to have formal ties with Taiwan and China at the same time).

Burkina Faso布基纳法索,西非内陆国家,全部国土都位于撒哈拉沙漠南缘。

the Dominican Republic多米尼加共和国,通称多米尼加,是位于加勒比海的岛国,与西侧的海地共处于西班牙岛。)

在经济学人中,对于Taiwan, China是这样定义的

In theory, the island should have no objection to being called “Taiwan, China”. Its official name is the Republic of China and Taiwan is technically a province of that. But it worries that the word China is usually understood to mean the Communist-ruled entity that lays claim to Taiwan.

(强调 lays claim to译为坚持对……的所有权;对……提出所有权要求)


backlash n.强烈反对

feud n.(家族和团体之间的)长期不和,宿怨

blazed with rage显现出愤怒的情绪

excoriate v.严厉指责,痛骂

hysteria n.群众狂热情绪的爆发

disdain n./v.蔑视

spat n.口角,小争吵

fudge n.敷衍了事 v.回避,捏造

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