
On Monday my first terms holidays have begun. For two weeks I am given the opportunity to rest and learn some new skills. This article will be about how I plan to spend my two week leave and my thoughts on holidays.

星期一我的第一个假期已经开始。 两周后,我有机会休息并学习一些新技能。 这篇文章将讲述我计划如何度过我的两周休假以及我对假期的看法。

Sometimes writing what you'll do can reinforce thought and action of doing things. So part of the reason to write this is to set some goals for myself in the holidays. More often than not, I slack off in my holidays and waste precious and  Validity time. By setting goals it will give me something to do and work for, keeping me still active and ready for term 2.

有时候写下你会做的事情可以强化做事的思想和行动。 所以写这个的部分原因是为我自己在假期设定一些目标。 我经常在假期里懈怠,浪费宝贵而宝贵的时间。 通过设定目标,它将为我提供一些工作和工作,让我保持活跃并为第二学期做好准备。

My first goal is to adjust my sleep schedule. Recently I've started to sleep later and wake up later. Waling up early is not only part of what I need to do to get to school on time, but also a way to train my  Discipline and time management skills. To be exact my goal in for two weeks to sleep at 17:00 and wake up at 06:30. Sounds good to me.

我的第一个目标是调整我的睡眠时间表。 最近我开始睡觉,后来醒来。 提前做好准备不仅是我按时上学的必要条件,也是培养我的纪律和时间管理技能的一种方式。 确切地说,我的目标是在两周内在17:00睡觉并在06:30醒来。 听起来不错。

My second goal is to write a plan for what to do everyday. This may sound ironic, writing about writing plans for the holidays and writing daily plans, but having a precise plan on your short term daily goals is very important. So at the beginning  Of each day I'll write a plan and fulfil the plan to the best of my ability. That way I know that no time is wasted doing nothing.

我的第二个目标是为每天做什么做一个计划。 这可能听起来很讽刺,写关于编写假期计划和编写日常计划,但对短期日常目标制定精确计划非常重要。 因此,在每一天的开始,我将编写一份计划并尽我所能完成计划。 这样我知道没有时间浪费无所事事。

My last goal is to relax and have fun. During the holidays is also a time to relax and rest. Speaking of it, I've forgotten that today was homework reign, and so I'm writing this at due time. But the main  Idea is to rest and become refreshed for the second term of learning.

我的最后一个目标是放松并享受乐趣。 在假期期间也是放松和休息的时间。 说到这,我忘了今天是作业统治,所以我在适当的时候写这篇文章。 但主要的想法是休息,并在第二学期学习。

Those were my opinions and thoughts of my holidays and what I plan to do. Goodnight and make sure to remember that time is precious.

这些是我对假期的看法和想法以及我打算做的事情。 晚安,一定要记住时间是宝贵的。
