

Participating media 参与介质



Fong, Julian, Magnus Wrenninge, Christopher Kulla, and Ralf Habel, SIGGRAPH ProductionVolume Rendering course, Aug. 2017.


Participating media 是指参与光传输的介质,它们通过散射和吸收来影响通过它们的光子,在虚拟世界上,我们通常指关心实体的表面,这些表面看起来是不透明的,因为它们的光从稠密的参与介质(例如金属,和非金属),在计算机中通常使用BRDF来定义的。密度较低的众所周知的水,雾,蒸汽,甚至是空气,它们是由稀疏的分子组成的。根据介质的成分不同,介质会与穿过他的光产生不同的相互作用,并于它的粒子发生反弹,这种事件通常被称为光散射。粒子的密度可以是均匀的,如空气或水的密度。或者它可能是不均匀的(不均匀的,随空间位置而改变),就像云或蒸汽的情况一样。一些高密度的材料通常呈现为固态,表现出高的光散射,如皮肤或蜡烛。











综上所述,向路径添加光子是In-scattering σs和emission函数。函数:σt = σa + σs代表吸收(absorption)和向外散射(out-scattering)。由辐射(radiative)传输方程可知,这组系数表示位置x和v方向上的radiance相对于L(x,v)的导数,所以这些系数的值都在[0, +]范围内,

ρ表示了在考虑的每个可见光谱范围内介质中相对于吸收的散射的重要的程度,(占的比例)即介质整体反射率,ρ的值在[0, 1]范围内,接近0的值表示大部分光线被吸收,导致介质浑浊,如深色的尾气烟雾。接近1的值表示大部分光线是散射的,而不是被吸收的,从而产生更明亮的介质,如空气,云或地球的大气层。

介质是它的散射和吸收特性的结合,已经测量并公布了真实参与介质的系数值,例如,牛奶有很高的散射值,产生浑浊和不透明的外观,由于高反射率ρ > 0.999 ,牛奶也呈现白色。另一方面,红葡萄酒的特点是几乎没有散射,二十高吸收,使其半透明和彩色的外观,如图:





Tr(c, p)是给定点p与摄像机位置c之间的透光率(transmittance),Lscat(x, v)是光线上给定点x沿视线方向散射的光线。计算的不同组成部分如上图所示,并在以下给与解释。



这种关系也被称为Beer-Lambert定律。optical深度τ无单位,表示为光衰减量。消光或穿越距离越高。optical深度就越大,反过来,穿过的介质的光就越少。当optical深度τ = 1时,约60%的光会被移除,例如,如果RGB的σt =(0.5, 1,2),那么穿过深度d = 1米的光线将是:


需要对不透明的(i)表面的radiance Lo(p,v),(ii)in-scattering事件产生的radiance Lscat(x,v)和(iii)从散射事件到光源的每条路径应用透光率。从视觉上看,(i)将导致一些雾状的表面遮挡,(ii)将导致散射光遮挡,提供关于介质厚度的另一个视觉线索,(iii)将导致参与介质的体积子遮挡。




其中n为光源数量,P()为相位函数,v()为可见性函数,lci为第i个灯的方向向量,Plighti 为第i个灯的位置。此外,Clight()时第i个光源的radiance作为器位置距离的函数,v(x, Plighti)表示光源在Plighti处到达位置x的光的比率:


在实时渲染中,阴影是由两种遮挡造成的:不透明遮挡和体积遮挡。不透明物体的阴影(shadowmap)传统上是通过使用阴影贴图或其他技术来计算的。VolShad(x,Plighti)表示光源位置Plighti到采样点x的透射率,取值范围为[0, 1].由体积产生的遮挡是体积渲染的一个重要的组成部分,其中体积元素可以投射子阴影或在其他场景元素上投射阴影。这种结果通常是通过从眼睛通过体积到第一个表面的主光线,然后沿着从每个采样点到每个光源的次级光线路劲来实现的。“Ray marching” 是指用n个样本对两点之间的路径进行采样,并对沿途的散射光和透射率进行积分。


下面分析光的scattering和extinction(消光现象)假设σs = (0.5,1,2),σa = (0,0,0),在材质中的较短的光路中,in-scattering事件将主导extincation,例如对于小的深度,Tr≈1,此时out-scattering将是主导事件。由于该通道σs值最高,材质将呈现蓝色,光穿透介质越深,通过的光子就越少,这是由于extinction导致的,在这种情况下,来自extinction的投射色将开始主导地位。这可以用σa= (0,0,0)的σt = σs解释,因此:






红色的相位函数用参数θ表示,蓝色表示光的前进路线与绿色视线v的夹角,在这里的相位函数主要有2个:一个光路相反的方向小backward-scattering lobe和一个大的forward-scattering lobe.相机B的方向在大的forward-scattering lobe方向。所以它将比相机A获取更多散射radiance,这里有个注意点 相位函数在单位求的积分必须是1.






当Sp << 1时,存在Rayleigh散射(如空气)。

当Sp ≈ 1时,存在Mie散射。

当Sp >> 1时,存在geometric散射。

Rayleigh 散射

Lord Rayleigh(1842-1919)堆导出了光从空气分子散射的公式,在其他应用中,这些公式被用来描述光在地球大气层中的散射,这个相位函数有2个lobel,下图所示,分别对光方向的向后和向前散射。















获得与Henyey-Greenstein 相函数相似结果的一种更快的方法是使用Blas等人提出的近似方法,通常为Schlick相函数:








Jon Louis Bentley. 1975. Multidimensional Binary Search Trees Used for Associative Searching. Commun. ACM 18, 9 (Sept. 1975),509–517.H. W. Bertini. 1963. Monte Carlo Simulations on Intranuclear Cascades. Technical Report ORNL–3383. Oak Ridge NationalLaboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA.L. L. Carter, E. D. Cashwell, and W. M. Taylor. 1972. Monte Carlo Sampling with Continuously Varying Cross Sections AlongFlight Paths. Nuclear Science and Engineering 48, 4 (1972), 403–411.Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar. 1950. Radiative Transfer. Clarendon Press.Andrew Clinton and Mark Elendt. 2009. Rendering Volumes with Microvoxels. In SIGGRAPH 2009: Talks (SIGGRAPH ’09). ACM,New York, NY, USA, Article 47, 47:1–47:1 pages.Michael F. Cohen, John Wallace, and Pat Hanrahan. 1993. Radiosity and Realistic Image Synthesis. Academic Press Professional,Inc., San Diego, CA, USA.Robert L. Cook, Thomas Porter, and Loren Carpenter. 1984. Distributed ray tracing. Computer Graphics (Proc. of SIGGRAPH) 18, 3(Jan. 1984), 137–145.S. N. Cramer. 1978. Application of the Fictitious Scattering Radiation Transport Model for Deep-Penetration Monte CarloCalculations. Nuclear Science and Engineering 65, 2 (1978), 237–253.Roger Eckhardt. 1987. Stan Ulam, John von Neumann, and the Monte Carlo Method. Los Alamos Science, Special Issue (1987),131–137.Christian Eisenacher, Gregory Nichols, Andrew Selle, and Brent Burley. 2013. Sorted Deferred Shading for Production PathTracing. Computer Graphics Forum (2013).Iliyan Georgiev, Jaroslav Křivánek, Stefan Popov, and Philipp Slusallek. 2012. Importance Caching for Complex Illumination.Computer Graphics Forum 31, 2pt3 (2012), 701–710. EUROGRAPHICS ’12.M. Hapala and V. Havran. 2011. Review: Kd-tree Traversal Algorithms for Ray Tracing. Computer Graphics Forum 30, 1 (March2011), 199–213.L. G. Henyey and J. L. Greenstein. 1941. Diuse radiation in the Galaxy. Astrophysical Journal 93 (Jan. 1941), 70–83.Frederik W Jansen. 1986. Data Structures for Ray Tracing. In Proceedings of a Workshop (Eurographics Seminars on Data Structuresfor Raster Graphics. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., 57–73.James T. Kajiya. 1986. The Rendering Equation. Computer Graphics (Proc. of SIGGRAPH) (1986), 143–150.Doyub Kim and Hyeong-Seok Ko. 2007. Eulerian Motion Blur. In Eurographics Workshop on Natural Phenomena, D. Ebert andS. Merillou (Eds.). The Eurographics Association.Christopher Kulla and Marcos Fajardo. 2012. Importance Sampling Techniques for Path Tracing in Participating Media. CGF(Proc. of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering) 31, 4 (June 2012), 1519–1528.Peter Kutz, Ralf Habel, Yining Karl Li, and Jan Novák. 2017. Spectral and Decomposition Tracking for Rendering HeterogeneousVolumes. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2017) 36, 4 (2017).Tom Lokovic and Eric Veach. 2000. Deep Shadow Maps. In Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics andInteractive Techniques (SIGGRAPH ’00). ACM Press/Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., New York, NY, USA, 385–392.David J. MacDonald and Kellogg S. Booth. 1990. Heuristics for Ray Tracing Using Space Subdivision. Vis. Comput. 6, 3 (May 1990),153–166.Stephen Marshall, Tim Speltz, Greg Gladstone, Krzysztof Rost, and Jon Reisch. 2017. Racing to the Finish Line: Eects Challengeson Cars 3. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2017 Talks (SIGGRAPH ’17). ACM, New York, NY, USA.Johannes Meng, Marios Papas, Ralf Habel, Carsten Dachsbacher, Steve Marschner, Markus Gross, and Wojciech Jarosz. 2015.Multi-Scale Modeling and Rendering of Granular Materials. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH) 34, 4(July 2015).Ken Museth. 2013. VDB: High-resolution Sparse Volumes with Dynamic Topology. ACM TOG 32, 3 (July 2013), 27:1–27:22.Jan Novák, Andrew Selle, and Wojciech Jarosz. 2014. Residual Ratio Tracking for Estimating Attenuation in Participating Media.ACM TOG (Proc. of SIGGRAPH Asia) 33, 6 (Nov. 2014), 179:1–179:11.Ken H. Perlin and Eric M. Hoert. 1989. Hypertexture. Computer Graphics (Proc. of SIGGRAPH) 23, 3 (July 1989), 253–262.Matt Pharr and Greg Humphreys. 2010. Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation (2nd ed.). Morgan KaufmannPublishers Inc., San Francisco, CA, USA.Matthias Raab, Daniel Seibert, and Alexander Keller. 2008. Unbiased Global Illumination with Participating Media. In Monte Carloand Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2006. Springer, 591–606.Charles M. Schmidt and Brian C. Budge. 2002. Simple Nested Dielectrics in Ray Traced Images. Journal of Graphics Tools 7, 2(2002), 1–8.

Jon Louis Bentley. 1975. Multidimensional Binary Search Trees Used for Associative Searching. Commun. ACM 18, 9 (Sept. 1975),509–517.H. W. Bertini. 1963. Monte Carlo Simulations on Intranuclear Cascades. Technical Report ORNL–3383. Oak Ridge NationalLaboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA.L. L. Carter, E. D. Cashwell, and W. M. Taylor. 1972. Monte Carlo Sampling with Continuously Varying Cross Sections AlongFlight Paths. Nuclear Science and Engineering 48, 4 (1972), 403–411.Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar. 1950. Radiative Transfer. Clarendon Press.Andrew Clinton and Mark Elendt. 2009. Rendering Volumes with Microvoxels. In SIGGRAPH 2009: Talks (SIGGRAPH ’09). ACM,New York, NY, USA, Article 47, 47:1–47:1 pages.Michael F. Cohen, John Wallace, and Pat Hanrahan. 1993. Radiosity and Realistic Image Synthesis. Academic Press Professional,Inc., San Diego, CA, USA.Robert L. Cook, Thomas Porter, and Loren Carpenter. 1984. Distributed ray tracing. Computer Graphics (Proc. of SIGGRAPH) 18, 3(Jan. 1984), 137–145.S. N. Cramer. 1978. Application of the Fictitious Scattering Radiation Transport Model for Deep-Penetration Monte CarloCalculations. Nuclear Science and Engineering 65, 2 (1978), 237–253.Roger Eckhardt. 1987. Stan Ulam, John von Neumann, and the Monte Carlo Method. Los Alamos Science, Special Issue (1987),131–137.Christian Eisenacher, Gregory Nichols, Andrew Selle, and Brent Burley. 2013. Sorted Deferred Shading for Production PathTracing. Computer Graphics Forum (2013).Iliyan Georgiev, Jaroslav Křivánek, Stefan Popov, and Philipp Slusallek. 2012. Importance Caching for Complex Illumination.Computer Graphics Forum 31, 2pt3 (2012), 701–710. EUROGRAPHICS ’12.M. Hapala and V. Havran. 2011. Review: Kd-tree Traversal Algorithms for Ray Tracing. Computer Graphics Forum 30, 1 (March2011), 199–213.L. G. Henyey and J. L. Greenstein. 1941. Diuse radiation in the Galaxy. Astrophysical Journal 93 (Jan. 1941), 70–83.Frederik W Jansen. 1986. Data Structures for Ray Tracing. In Proceedings of a Workshop (Eurographics Seminars on Data Structuresfor Raster Graphics. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., 57–73.James T. Kajiya. 1986. The Rendering Equation. Computer Graphics (Proc. of SIGGRAPH) (1986), 143–150.Doyub Kim and Hyeong-Seok Ko. 2007. Eulerian Motion Blur. In Eurographics Workshop on Natural Phenomena, D. Ebert andS. Merillou (Eds.). The Eurographics Association.Christopher Kulla and Marcos Fajardo. 2012. Importance Sampling Techniques for Path Tracing in Participating Media. CGF(Proc. of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering) 31, 4 (June 2012), 1519–1528.Peter Kutz, Ralf Habel, Yining Karl Li, and Jan Novák. 2017. Spectral and Decomposition Tracking for Rendering HeterogeneousVolumes. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2017) 36, 4 (2017).Tom Lokovic and Eric Veach. 2000. Deep Shadow Maps. In Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics andInteractive Techniques (SIGGRAPH ’00). ACM Press/Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., New York, NY, USA, 385–392.David J. MacDonald and Kellogg S. Booth. 1990. Heuristics for Ray Tracing Using Space Subdivision. Vis. Comput. 6, 3 (May 1990),153–166.Stephen Marshall, Tim Speltz, Greg Gladstone, Krzysztof Rost, and Jon Reisch. 2017. Racing to the Finish Line: Eects Challengeson Cars 3. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2017 Talks (SIGGRAPH ’17). ACM, New York, NY, USA.Johannes Meng, Marios Papas, Ralf Habel, Carsten Dachsbacher, Steve Marschner, Markus Gross, and Wojciech Jarosz. 2015.Multi-Scale Modeling and Rendering of Granular Materials. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH) 34, 4(July 2015).Ken Museth. 2013. VDB: High-resolution Sparse Volumes with Dynamic Topology. ACM TOG 32, 3 (July 2013), 27:1–27:22.Jan Novák, Andrew Selle, and Wojciech Jarosz. 2014. Residual Ratio Tracking for Estimating Attenuation in Participating Media.ACM TOG (Proc. of SIGGRAPH Asia) 33, 6 (Nov. 2014), 179:1–179:11.Ken H. Perlin and Eric M. Hoert. 1989. Hypertexture. Computer Graphics (Proc. of SIGGRAPH) 23, 3 (July 1989), 253–262.Matt Pharr and Greg Humphreys. 2010. Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation (2nd ed.). Morgan KaufmannPublishers Inc., San Francisco, CA, USA.Matthias Raab, Daniel Seibert, and Alexander Keller. 2008. Unbiased Global Illumination with Participating Media. In Monte Carloand Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2006. Springer, 591–606.Charles M. Schmidt and Brian C. Budge. 2002. Simple Nested Dielectrics in Ray Traced Images. Journal of Graphics Tools 7, 2(2002), 1–8.
