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一、交际用语(共计 10 分,每小题 2 分)

1-5 题:阅读下面的小对话,选择恰当的答语。

1. -Hello, I’ m David Chen. Nice to meet you.

- .

A. Are you? B. Nice to meet you, too. C. Very nice.

2. - It’s rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window?

- .

A. No, go ahead. B. Yes, please. C. Sure, please.

3. - May I use your hike for a moment?

- .

A. It doesn’t matter. B. By all means. C. I have no idea.

4. - ?

- My mother is retired. My father is a manager.

A. What are your parents doing right now

B. Do your parents still work

C. What do your parents do

5. - Hey, Derek, which do you think is harder to learn, marketing or designing?

- .

A. It is the best design I have ever seen.

B. Personally, I think designing is more difficult.

C. I like it very much.

二、词汇与结构( 共计 划 分,每小题 2 分)

6-20 题:阅读下面的句子,从 A 、B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。

6. People here usually each other by their first names instead of family names.

A. call B. work C. hear

7. - What is your job?

- I’ m accountant.

A. a B. an C. I

8. Don’t be afraid ask a lot of questions.

A. of B. to C. on

9. Smile a lot and be friendly as possible to everyone you meet.

A. very B. so C. as

10. Keeping eye contact makes the other person welcome and comfortable.

A. feel B. to feel C. feeling

11. Professor Smith promised to look my paper, that is, to read it carefully before the defense.

A. after B. over C. into

12. Children under fifteen are not pem1itted to see such kind of movies had for their mental development.

A. that is B. which is C. as is

13. The work was done her instructions.

A. according to B. according with C. accordance with

14. She kept on although she was tired,

A. to work B. working C. work

15. Your goal is to publish a book and have manuscript sent out to publishers by November 2016.

A. a B. an C. the

16. If you have any questions here, please tell us. We’ 11 all be to help you.

A. ready B. already C. readiness

17. I like the working atmosphere here. It’s very

A. funny B. boring C. friendly

18. I’ m looking forward to together with you.

A. worked B. work C. working

19. How do I the gym?

A. get to B. arrive C. go

20. Charles regretted the TV set last year. The price has now come down.

A. to buy B. buying C. of

三 、阅读理解(共 40 分,每小题 4 分)

21-25 ... 更多>>
