2019-08-22 knack

英英释义:a skill or an ability to do something easily and well 

意思是“诀窍”“本领”,常常可以用来替换 skill,ability,be good at 等词,当我们想表达“擅长做某事”时就可以用到。


1. She has a knack of making people feel comfortable and relaxed. 

2. Some people seem to have a knack for cracking others up. 

3. 乔丹的篮球职业生涯中有许多精彩的“绝杀球”.

Michael Jordan has an unparalleled knack for hitting buzzer-beating shots, some from amazing distances. 

buzzer-beating shot: 压哨跳投

4. Germany’s knack for producing goods desired by emerging economies, notably a booming China, helped it recover rapidly from the financial crisis of 2007-08, and cushioned the impact of the sovereign-debt crisis that subsequently engulfed the euro zone. 

5. Turkey’s president has a knack for summoning (and burnishing) the legacy of the Ottoman Empire, including its laudable record on religious freedoms. 

6. Glenda Jackson has a reputation for asperity. As a star of stage and screen, she earned notoriety and two Academy Awards for her knack for finding something wise and sharp in even middling scripts. 


Jack 总是语出惊人。

Jack has a knack of giving impressive opinions.

参考翻译:Jack has a knack of/for saying the unexpected.

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