Unshackle your mind(3)

In the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the ancients already understood this truth. If you are calm and quiet in your mind and not greedy and delusional, then the true qi in your body will be harmonious, and your spirit will be kept inside and not dissipated, and disease will not occur. Huangdi Neijing further analyzed this and said, "Ancient people who knew how to keep in good health lived to 100 years old and did not fail in their movements. In addition to avoiding evil spirits and tiredness of work, the most important thing was that they had a peaceful mind, a stable state of mind, no fear, and few expectations. He ate well, dressed casually, enjoyed customs, had no envy of high or low status, and was simple.

Therefore they will not be diverted by evil appetites, nor will they be tempted by immoral thoughts." China modern birthday star, love life, not afraid of twists and turns, open-minded, regardless of fame and wealth of people, also common.

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