

此博文详细描述如何通过机器学习的算法(随机森林)对一张图片进行去噪处理。并且,这里也会附上及其详细的代码以及注解。如果感兴趣的同学可以自行下载。注:代码运行于Ubuntu AMD 环境。


  • OCR预处理之:通过随机森林机器学习对图像进行预处理去噪
    • 0. 效果图
    • 1. 准备
      • 1.1 代码的安装与使用
      • 1.2 代码结构
      • 1.3 数据集
    • 2. 用随机森林去噪
    • 2.1. 特征提取:Random Forest Regression
    • 2.2 特征提取:代码
    • 2.3 模型训练
    • 2.4 测试训练

0. 效果图


1. 准备

1.1 代码的安装与使用

首先,我们将代码下载后,新建一个虚拟环境:virtualenv [venv][venv]指的是我们自己命名的虚拟环境的名称。接下来进入虚拟环境:source [venv]/bin/activate。如是自己创建的新虚拟环境,还需要安装依赖:pip install -r requirements.txt -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple。如想直接看到结果,可以直接运行python main.py(在项目的根目录下)。

1.2 代码结构


--document denoise
	|---img-ml-denoise (包含我们训练模型用的数据集)
		|---img2test (测试数据集,我们实际不用)
		|---img2trn (训练数据集,带有噪声的照片,如上图左)
		|---imggroundtruth (训练数据集,没有噪声的照片,如上图右)
	|---imgRaw (测试用的照片,用于测试我们训练出来的模型的效果)
	|---imgSave (保存照片的路径)
	|---buildfeature4trn.py (训练模型的第一步是从照片中提取特征并将其存于一个.csv文件中)
	|---imgmlfeatures.csv (运行buildfeature4trn.py后,会生成这个csv文件,用于保存特征)
	|---main.py (主程序)
	|---mathe.py (一些与计算有关的函数)
	|---modeltrain,py (模型的训练)
	|---modeltest.py (模型的测试)
	|---configInputsParse.py (读取config.txt文件中的参数)
	|---config.txt (所有可调参数)
	|---requirements.txt (所有安装包以及版本)
	|---imgdenoiser,pickle (ML 模型)
	|---readme.md (说明文档)



def main(args):
    config = configparser.ConfigParser()        # Set properties of parameters inside config file.
    cfgParameters.cfgInputParameters(config)    # Parameters to load.

    # For the first step of training, we need to build features based on train images and ground truth images
    buildFeature = buildFeature4TrnCls(cfgParameters)

    # After getting the feature and saving into file, we load them and use data inside for training.
    model2Trn = trainModelCls(cfgParameters)

    # Test and display results
    testModel = testModelCls(cfgParameters)


  • 读取参数(就是config文件,cfgParameters.cfgInputParameters(config)
  • 提取特征(buildFeature.buildFeaturesMain()
  • 训练(model2Trn.trainModelMain()
  • 测试结果(testModel.testModelMain()

1.3 数据集

数据集源于Kaggle的Denoising Dirty Documents。



2. 用随机森林去噪


2.1. 特征提取:Random Forest Regression

我们这个Random Forest Regression (RFR) 算法的工作原理是应用一个从左到右、从上到下滑动的5 x 5窗口。这个滑动窗口在带有噪声的图像(即我们要自动预处理和清理的图像)中滚动。痛过RFR算法,去预测/拟合在没有噪声的图像中对应位置的中心点的值。(这里的5x5的尺寸是可以根据输入图片的分辨率进行调整的)


--document denoise
	|---img-ml-denoise (包含我们训练模型用的数据集)
		|---img2test (测试数据集,我们实际不用)
		|---img2trn (训练数据集,带有噪声的照片,如上图左)
		|---imggroundtruth (训练数据集,没有噪声的照片,如上图右)



  1. 带有噪声图像的5 x 5区域。然后,我们将5x5区域展平为一个25维列表(25x1),并将其视为一个特征向量。
  2. 不带噪声图像的相同5x5区域,但这次我们只取中心点(x,y)坐标。
  3. 给定来自噪声输入图像的25维特征向量,这个不带噪声图像的单像素值就是我们希望RFR预测的值。

2.2 特征提取:代码

def buildFeaturesMain(self):

    # grab the paths to our training images
    allTrainImgPaths = sorted(list(paths.list_images(self.imgMlTrainPath)))
    allGtImgPaths = sorted(list(paths.list_images(self.imgMlGtPath)))

    # initialize the progress bar
    widgets = ["Creating Features: ", progressbar.Percentage(), " ", progressbar.Bar(), " ", progressbar.ETA()]
    pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=len(self.allTrnFilesPath), widgets=widgets).start()

    # zip training image paths and ground truth image paths, then open the output featureFile2Save file for writing
    allImgPaths = zip(allTrainImgPaths, allGtImgPaths)
    featureFile2Save = open(self.featureFileName, "w")

    # loop over the training  images together
    for (i, (trainPath, gtPath)) in enumerate(allImgPaths):
        trainImage = cv2.imread(trainPath)                          # Load train image (noisy image)
        gtImage = cv2.imread(gtPath)                                # Load ground truth image
        trainImage = cv2.cvtColor(trainImage, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)   # Convert train image from BGR to grey
        gtImage = cv2.cvtColor(gtImage, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)         # Convert ground truth image from BGR to grey

        # apply paddingStepxpaddingStep padding to both images, replicating the pixels along 
        # the border/boundary. This denoising document algorithm works by sliding a 5 x 5 window 
        # from left-to-right and top-to-bottom across the noisy input. This padding is similar 
        # as which in CNN in deep learning.
        trainImage = cv2.copyMakeBorder(trainImage, self.paddingStep, self.paddingStep, \
            self.paddingStep, self.paddingStep, cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE)
        gtImage = cv2.copyMakeBorder(gtImage, self.paddingStep, self.paddingStep, \
            self.paddingStep, self.paddingStep, cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE)

        # blur and threshold the noisy image
        trainImage = ImgBlurThresholding(trainImage)

        # scale the pixel intensities in the ground truth image from the range [0, 255] to [0, 1] 
        # (the train/noisy image is already in the range [0, 1])
        gtImage = gtImage.astype("float") / 255.0

        for ii in range(self.featureNumPerImage):
            # We randomly select the position on the image
            x = random. randint(1,trainImage.shape[1])
            y = random. randint(1,trainImage.shape[0])
            # extract the window ROIs for both the train image and ground truth image, 
            # then grab the spatial dimensions of the ROI
            trainROI = trainImage[y:y + self.filterScale, x:x + self.filterScale]
            gtROI = gtImage[y:y + self.filterScale, x:x + self.filterScale]
            (rH, rW) = trainROI.shape[:2]

            # if the ROI is not filterScale x filterScale, throw it out
            if rW != self.filterScale or rH != self.filterScale:

            # our features will be the flattened filterScale x filterScale raw pixels from the noisy ROI while 
            # the target prediction will be the center pixel in the filterScale x filterScale window
            features = trainROI.flatten()
            target = gtROI[self.paddingStep, self.paddingStep]

            # write the target and features to our CSV file
            features = [str(x) for x in features]
            row = [str(target)] + features
            row = ",".join(row)

        # update the progress bar

    # close the featureFile2Save file
    print("All features were generated and saved in {} file.".format(self.featureFileName))


allTrainImgPaths = sorted(list(paths.list_images(self.imgMlTrainPath)))
allGtImgPaths = sorted(list(paths.list_images(self.imgMlGtPath)))
allImgPaths = zip(allTrainImgPaths, allGtImgPaths)

在每一次的循环迭代中,我们首先通过cv2.cvtColor将照片灰度化,然后再照片的外面做一圈padding。回顾一下上一章节中我们提到,这个RFR算法的核心在于滑动的5 x 5窗口,这里我们希望原图的每一个像素点都能取到,所以在图像的外面padding了一圈。padding的尺寸为paddingStep这个变量,而滑动框的尺寸为filterScale,也是一个变量。两者之间的关系是:self.paddingStep = int(np.floor(self.filterScale/2)),比如filterScale=5的话,paddingStep=2

trainImage = cv2.copyMakeBorder(trainImage, self.paddingStep, self.paddingStep, \
            self.paddingStep, self.paddingStep, cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE)
gtImage = cv2.copyMakeBorder(gtImage, self.paddingStep, self.paddingStep, \
            self.paddingStep, self.paddingStep, cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE)

经过一些简单的预处理,比如模糊取差(类似经典图像处理里面的hat),详细参见ImgBlurThresholding函数,以及归一(像素点从0-255归一到0-1),详细参见gtImage.astype("float") / 255.0,我们在每一组图像中的随机位置抽取featureNumPerImage个点。之所以这么做,是因为普通的滑动滚窗计算量太大,而且没有必要(就类似于stochastic gradient decent)。所以我们这里就做了一些随机取点的处理。
对于每一个随机取到的像素点位置,在有噪声的图片中,我们抽取以这个点为中心,长宽为filterScale的矩阵,然后把它转换为一个filterScale x filterScale纬的向量;在没有噪声的图片中,我们则直接选取这个像素点即可。

x = random. randint(1,trainImage.shape[1])
y = random. randint(1,trainImage.shape[0])
trainROI = trainImage[y:y + self.filterScale, x:x + self.filterScale]
gtROI = gtImage[y:y + self.filterScale, x:x + self.filterScale]
features = trainROI.flatten()
target = gtROI[self.paddingStep, self.paddingStep]


features = [str(x) for x in features]
row = [str(target)] + features
row = ",".join(row)

2.3 模型训练


def trainModelMain(self):
    # initialize lists to hold our features and target predicted values
    print("Start training the model.\nLoading dataset...")
    featureList = []
    predictList = []

    # loop over the rows in our features CSV file
    for row in open(self.featureFileName):
        # parse the row and extract (1) the target pixel value to predict
        # along with (2) the 5x5=25 pixels which will serve as our feature vector
        row = row.strip().split(",")
        row = [float(x) for x in row]
        predict_ = row[0]
        feature_ = row[1:]

        # update our featureList and predictList

    # convert the features and targets to NumPy arrays
    featureArray = np.array(featureList, dtype="float")
    predictArray = np.array(predictList, dtype="float")

    # construct our training and testing split, using 75% of the data for
    # training and the remaining 25% for testing
    (trainX, testX, trainY, testY) = train_test_split(featureArray, predictArray,
        test_size=self.mltrnValidDataPercentage, random_state=42)

    # train a random forest regressor on our data
    print("training model...")
    model = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=10)
    model.fit(trainX, trainY)

    # compute the root mean squared error on the testing set
    print("Evaluating model...")
    preds = model.predict(testX)
    rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(testY, preds))
    print("rmse: {}".format(rmse))

    # serialize our random forest regressor to local.
    f = open(self.imgDenoiseModel, "wb")

首先我们打开上一个步骤中保存好的特征csv文件,然后分别把带有噪声的特征(featureList)以及不带噪声的特征(其实就是ground truth)(predictList)放入对应的列表中。

for row in open(self.featureFileName):
    row = row.strip().split(",")
    row = [float(x) for x in row]
    predict_ = row[0]
    feature_ = row[1:]


# construct our training and testing split, using 75% of the data for
# training and the remaining 25% for testing
(trainX, testX, trainY, testY) = train_test_split(featureArray, predictArray,
    test_size=self.mltrnValidDataPercentage, random_state=42)
# train a random forest regressor on our data
print("training model...")
model = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=10)
model.fit(trainX, trainY)

2.4 测试训练


def testModelMain(self):
    # load our document denoiser from disk
    model = pickle.loads(open(self.imgDenoiseModel, "rb").read())

    # load the test image
    print("Load test image from {}".format(self.imgTestPath))
    imgTest = cv2.imread(self.imgTestPath)
    imgTest = cv2.cvtColor(imgTest, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)     # Convert from BGR to gray
    imgOrig = imgTest.copy()

    # pad the image followed by blurring/thresholding it
    imgTest = cv2.copyMakeBorder(imgTest, self.paddingStep, self.paddingStep, \
        self.paddingStep, self.paddingStep, cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE)
    imgTest = ImgBlurThresholding(imgTest)

    # initialize a list to store our ROI features (i.e., filterScale x filterScale pixel neighborhoods)
    features2Predict = []

    # slide a filterScale x filterScale window across the image
    for y in range(0, imgTest.shape[0]):
        for x in range(0, imgTest.shape[1]):
            # extract the window ROI and grab the spatial dimensions
            roi = imgTest[y:y + self.filterScale, x:x + self.filterScale]
            (rH, rW) = roi.shape[:2]

            # if the ROI is not filterScale x filterScale, throw it out
            if rW != self.filterScale or rH != self.filterScale:

            # our features will be the flattened filterScale x filterScale pixels from the training ROI
            features = roi.flatten()

    print("self.filterScale: ",self.filterScale)
    print("self.paddingStep: ",self.paddingStep)
    # use the ROI features to predict the pixels of our new denoised image
    imgPredict = model.predict(features2Predict)

    # the pixels list is currently a 1D array so we need to reshape
    # it to a 2D array (based on the original input image dimensions)
    # and then scale the pixels from the range [0, 1] to [0, 255]
    imgPredict = imgPredict.reshape(imgOrig.shape)
    imgPredict = (imgPredict * 255).astype("uint8")
    imgOrig = cv2.cvtColor(imgOrig, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)     # Convert from gray to BGR
    imgPredict = cv2.cvtColor(imgPredict, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)     # Convert from gray to BGR

    # show the original and output images
    imgs2Display = {"Original image":imgOrig, "Image after denoising":imgPredict}
    self.imgSaveFullPath = os.path.join(self.imgSaveFullPath,"imgSave.png")
    displaySaveMultipleImgs(imgs2Display,rows=1,cols=2, imgDisplay=self.imgDisplay, \
        imgSave=self.imgSave, imgSaveFullPath=self.imgSaveFullPath)
