流利说 L5-U2-P1 Vocabulary

~~ Describing situations~~

Forbidden or prohibited, to be against rules or not allowed.

Smoking is prohibited on many airplanes.

Athletes are forbidden from taking certain kinds of drugs.

If something is allowed, it isn’t forbidden or prohibited.

They were forbidden from going to that website because of its content.

Risky: to be a bit dangerous or unsafe.

A risky investment may not be a good idea for people who worry too much.

If you make a risky investment you may lose a lot of money.

What level of risk are you willing to take?

Investing in that company is very risky because it has many strong competitors.

Ridiculous: to be foolish or not make any sense.

Their proposal is ridiculous because it requires too much time and money.

Without enough quality practice, it’s ridiculous to expect much progress.

It’s ridiculous for us to expect great results from such a poorly designed product.

Innovative: to come up with a new idea or way of doing things

Innovative people are usually clever and creative.

To innovate means to come up with a new way of doing something.

Innovative thinking can lead to the development of new product and service.

If they want to be innovative, they should change the way they’ve been doing things.

Conservative: to be conservative is to avoid taking risks.

Conservative investors try to make safe investments.

A conservative investors wants to minimize risks.

A conservative approach to management may discourage innovation.

If you don’t want to take a risk, you should take a conservative approach to investing.

Meeting someone on the Internet can be very risky, so be careful.

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