the Pacific Health Ministers Meeting 太平洋国家卫生部长会议
the Pacific Island Leaders Forum 太平洋岛屿领导人论坛
strike at the heart of 沉重打击
fan the flames of 火上浇油
Zika 寨卡病
Cholera 霍乱
non-communicable disease 非传染性疾病
Climate Action Summit 气候行动峰会
WHO Air Quality Guidelines 世卫组织《空气质量准则》
Climate mitigation and adaptation 减缓和应对气候变化
Tahiti 大溪地
Tuvalu 图瓦卢
Tonga 汤加
Fiji 斐济
Kiribati 基里巴斯
名词 复数 communities
1countable, also + plural verb 英式 the people who live in the same area, town etc
The new arts centre will serve the whole community.
community education programmes
community relations affairs needs etc
We meet once a month to discuss community problems
That really affects me. 我听后深受触动。
For these communities, climate change is not a political argument. It’s an everyday reality. 对于这些当地居民来说,气候变化不是一个政治上的争论,而是他们每天所要面对的现实。
Climate change strikes at the heart of what it means to be human:The air we breath, the food we eat, and the water we drink. 气候变化触及人类生存的核心问题:包括我们呼吸的空气、吃的食物以及饮用水。
Less than 1.5% of international finance for climate change adaptation is allocated to health. 用于应对气候变化的国际资金只有不到1.5%拨给了卫生健康。
The same emissions that warm our planet also pollute the air we breathe. 温室气体排放在使地球变暖的同时,也污染了我们呼吸的空气。
Emissions from burning fossil fuels 燃烧化石燃料所产生的排放
Air pollution kills more than 7 million people every year- about 1 in 8 deaths worldwide.
But the health effects of climate change go beyond air pollution. 但气候变化造成的健康危害不仅限于空气污染。
Climate change fans the flames of infectious disease such as Malaria, Dengue, Zia and Cholera. 气候变化加剧了疟疾、登革热、寨卡病、霍乱等传染病的肆虐。
It fuels the spread of non-communicable disease by polluting the air, food and water that sustain life. 气候变化给人赖以生存的空气、食物和水造成了污染,从而助长了非传染性疾病的蔓延。
Extreme weather events destroy lives and livelihoods. 极端天气对人类的生命和生计造成破坏。
Health is also a powerful argument for why we need to act now. 而健康正是我们为什么需要立即采取行动的强有力理由。
The effects of climate change on the atmosphere, polar ice caps and sea levels are serious and significant, but for many people they can’t close enough to home. 气候变化对大气、极地冰盖和海平面造成了非常严重的影响,但对很多人来说,这些影响离他们较远。
mental health 心理健康
At tomorrow’s Climate Action Summit, world leaders will be asked to make concrete commitments with tangible impacts on climate mitigation and adaptation. 在明天的气候行动峰会上,我们将请世界各国领导人就切实减缓和应对气候变化做出具体承诺。
WHO has been given the mandate to develop two health commitments. 已授权世界卫生组织提出两项有关健康的承诺。
First, to achieve air quality that is safe for people, by implementing policies in line with WHO Air Quality Guidelines. 第一,通过实施符合世卫组织《空气质量准则》的政策,来实现无损于健康的空气质量。
And second, to scale up financing to address the health effects of climate change. 第二,扩大融资规模,用以应对气候变化带来的健康影响。
I’m very glad to report that thanks to excellent collaboration with Peru and Spain, these commitments have turned into concrete actions for governments, mayors, development banks and funds, bilateral agencies, NGOs and the private sector. 我非常高兴地告诉大家,得益于同秘鲁和西班牙的出色合作,这两项承诺已经成为各国政府、市长们、发展银行及基金、双边机构、非政府组织和私营企业的具体行动。
advocacy ['ædvəkəsi]
n. 主张;拥护;辩护
Addressing the global health threat of air pollution takes good science, political courage, relentless advocacy and strong partnership. 解决空气污染对全球健康造成的威胁,需要良好的科学技术、政治勇气、坚持不懈的支持和牢固的伙伴关系。