Unit3 translation

1.预言 prediction, foreseeing  严重的severe

As the scientist's prediction, the global polluction has been one of the most severe problems humans are faced with.

2. 激烈 fierce 五倍 five times as large as

Competition for this position are very fierce—the applicant in this year is five times as large as  these in last year.

3.教育大纲 educational program 国家经济发展计划 nation plan for economic development 表明 indicate

As the fact indicate, educational program shouid fit the nation plan for econmic development.

4. 价格 price 几乎,大约 approximately

This car is burns too much fuel,and moreover it's price is approximately double expensiver than I want to pay.

5.为了  in  order to  重要的significant,essential    政治politics

In order to learn a significant international  event,  we  should consider  it's  historical and political background  at  first.

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