Node.js编码规范 - JavaScript standardStyle() {


  • Use 2 Spaces for indentation.
    eslint: indent
function hello (name) {
  console.log('hi', name)
  • Use single quotes for strings except to avoid escaping.
    eslint: quotes
console.log('hello there')
  • No unused variables.
    eslint: no-unused-vars
function myFunction () {
  var result = something();    // ✗ avoid
  • Add a space after keywords.
    eslint: keyword-spacing
if (condition) { ... }   // ✓ ok
if(condition) { ... }    // ✗ avoid
  • Add a space before a function declaration's parentheses.
    eslint: space-before-function-paren
function name (arg) { ... }   // ✓ ok
function name(arg) { ... }    // ✗ avoid

run(function () { ... })      // ✓ ok
run(function() { ... })       // ✗ avoid
  • Always use === instead of ==.
    Exception: obj == null is allowed to check for null || undefined.
    esling: eqeqeq
if (name === 'John')   // ✓ ok
if (name == 'John')    // ✗ avoid

if (name !== 'John')   // ✓ ok
if (name != 'John')    // ✗ avoid
  • Infix operators must be spaced.
    eslint: space-infix-op
// ✓ ok
var x = 2
var message = 'hello, ' + name + '!'

// ✗ avoid
var x=2
var message = 'hello, '+name+'!'
  • Commas should have a space after them.
    eslint: comma-spacing
// ✓ ok
var list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
function greet (name, options) { ... }

// ✗ avoid
var list = [1,2,3,4]
function greet (name,options) { ... }
  • Keep else statements on the same line as their curly braces.
    eslint: brace-style
// ✓ ok
if (condition) {
  // ...
} else {
  // ...

// ✗ avoid
if (condition) {
  // ...
else {
  // ...
  • For multi-line if statements, use curly braces.
    eslint: curly
// ✓ ok
if (options.quiet !== true) console.log('done')

// ✓ ok
if (options.quiet !== true) {

// ✗ avoid
if (options.quiet !== true)
  • Always handle the err function parameter.
    eslint: handle-callback-err
// ✓ ok
run(function (err) {
  if (err) throw err

// ✗ avoid
run(function (err) {
  • Declare browser globals with /* global */ comment.
    Exceptions are: window, document, navigator.
    Prevents accidental use of poorly-named browser globals like open, length, event and name.
/* global alert, prompt */


Explicitly referencing the function or property on window is okay too, though such code will not run in a Worker which uses self instead of window.
eslint: no-undef

window.alert('hi')   // ✓ ok
  • Multiple blank line are not allowed.
    eslint: no-multiple-empty-lines
// ✓ ok
var value = 'hello world'

// ✗ avoid
var value = 'hello world'

  • For the ternary operator in multi-line setting, place ? and : on their own lines.
    eslint: operator-linebreak
// ✓ ok
var location = env.development ? 'localhost' : ''

// ✓ ok
var location = env.development
  ? 'localhost'
  : ''

// ✗ avoid
var location = env.development ?
  'localhost' :
  • For var declarations, write each declaration in its own statements.
    eslint: one-var
// ✓ ok
var silent = true
var verbose = true

// ✗ avoid
var silent = true, verbose = true

// ✗ avoid
var silent = true,
    verbose = true
  • Wrap conditional assignments with additional parentheses. This makes it clear that expression is intentionally an assignment (=) rather than a typo for equality (===).
    eslint: no-cond-assign
// ✓ ok
while ((m = text.match(expr))) {
  // ...

// ✗ avoid
while (m = text.match(expr)) {
  // ...
  • Add space in single line blocks.
    eslint: block-spacing
  function foo () {return true}    // ✗ avoid
  function foo () { return true }  // ✓ ok
  • Use camelcase when naming variables and functions.
    eslint: camelcase
  function my_function () { }    // ✗ avoid
  function myFunction () { }     // ✓ ok

  var my_var = 'hello'           // ✗ avoid
  var myVar = 'hello'            // ✓ ok
  • Tailing commas not allowed.
    eslint: comma-dangle
  var obj = {
    message: 'hello',   // ✗ avoid
  • Commas should be placed at the end of the current line.
    eslint: comma-style
  var obj = {
    foo: 'foo'
    ,bar: 'bar'   // ✗ avoid

  var obj = {
    foo: 'foo',
    bar: 'bar'   // ✓ ok
  • Dot should be on the same line as property
    eslint: dot-location
    log('hello')  // ✗ avoid

    .log('hello') // ✓ ok
  • Files must be ended with new line.
    eslint: eol-last
  • No space between function identifiers and their invocations.
    eslint: func-call-spacing
console.log ('hello') // ✗ avoid
console.log('hello')  // ✓ ok
  • Add space between colon and value in key value pairs.
    eslint: key-spacing
var obj = { 'key' : 'value' }    // ✗ avoid
var obj = { 'key' :'value' }     // ✗ avoid
var obj = { 'key':'value' }      // ✗ avoid
var obj = { 'key': 'value' }     // ✓ ok
  • Constructor names must begin with a capital letter.
    eslint: new-cap
function animal () {}
var dog = new animal()    // ✗ avoid

function Animal () {}
var dog = new Animal()    // ✓ ok
  • Constructor with no arguments must be invoked with parentheses.
    eslint: new-parens
function Animal () {}
var dog = new Animal    // ✗ avoid
var dog = new Animal()  // ✓ ok
  • Objects must contain a getter when a setter is defined.
    eslint: accessor-pairs
var person = {
  set name (value) {    // ✗ avoid
    this._name = value

var person = {
  set name (value) {
    this._name = value
  get name () {         // ✓ ok
    return this._name
  • Constructor of derived classes must call super.
    eslint: constructor-super
class Dog {
  constructor () {
    super()   // ✗ avoid

class Dog extends Mammal {
  constructor () {
    super()   // ✓ ok
  • Use array literals instead of array constructors.
    eslint: no-array-constructor
var nums = new Array(1, 2, 3)   // ✗ avoid
var nums = [1, 2, 3]            // ✓ ok
  • Avoid using arguments.callee and arguments.caller.
    eslint: no-caller
function foo (n) {
  if (n <= 0) return

  arguments.callee(n - 1)   // ✗ avoid

function foo (n) {
  if (n <= 0) return

  foo(n - 1)                // ✓ ok
  • Avoid modifying variables of class declarations.
    eslint: no-class-assign
class Dog {}
Dog = 'Fido'    // ✗ avoid
  • Avoid modifying variables declared using const.
    eslint: no-const-assign
const score = 100
score = 125       // ✗ avoid
  • Avoid using constant expressions in conditions (except loops).
    eslint: no-constant-condition
if (false) {    // ✗ avoid
  // ...

if (x === 0) {  // ✓ ok
  // ...

while (true) {  // ✓ ok
  // ...
  • No control characters in regular expressions.
    eslint: no-control-regex
var pattern = /\x1f/    // ✗ avoid
var pattern = /\x20/    // ✓ ok
  • No debugger statements.
    eslint: no-debugger
function sum (a, b) {
  debugger      // ✗ avoid
  return a + b
  • No delete operator on variables.
    eslint: no-delete-var
var name
delete name     // ✗ avoid
  • No duplicate arguments in function definitions.
    eslint: no-dupe-args
function sum (a, b, a) {  // ✗ avoid
  // ...

function sum (a, b, c) {  // ✓ ok
  // ...
  • No duplicate name in class members.
    eslint: no-dupe-class-members
class Dog {
  bark () {}
  bark () {}    // ✗ avoid
  • No duplicate keys in object literals.
    eslint: no-dupe-keys
var user = {
  name: 'Jane Doe',
  name: 'John Doe'    // ✗ avoid
  • No duplicate case labels in switch statements.
    eslint: no-duplicate-case
switch (id) {
  case 1:
    // ...
  case 1:     // ✗ avoid
  • Use a single import statement per module.
    eslint: no-duplicate-imports
import { myFunc1 } from 'module'
import { myFunc2 } from 'module'          // ✗ avoid

import { myFunc1, myFunc2 } from 'module' // ✓ ok
  • No empty character classes in regular expressions.
    eslint: no-empty-character-classes
const myRegex = /^abc[]/      // ✗ avoid
const myRegex = /^abc[a-z]/   // ✓ ok
  • No empty destructing patterns.
    eslint: no-empty-patterns
const { a: {} } = foo         // ✗ avoid
const { a: { b } } = foo      // ✓ ok
  • No using eval().
    eslint: eval()
eval( "var result = user." + propName ) // ✗ avoid
var result = user[propName]             // ✓ ok
  • No reassigning exceptions in catch clauses.
    eslint: no-ex-assign
try {
  // ...
} catch (e) {
  e = 'new value'             // ✗ avoid

try {
  // ...
} catch (e) {
  const newVal = 'new value'  // ✓ ok
  • No extending native objects.
    eslint: no-extend-native
Object.prototype.age = 21     // ✗ avoid
  • Avoid unnecessary function binding.
    eslint: no-extra-bind
const name = function () {
}.bind(user)    // ✗ avoid

const name = function () {
}.bind(user)    // ✓ ok
  • Avoid unnecessary boolean casts.
    eslint: no-extra-boolean-cast
const result = true
if (!!result) {   // ✗ avoid
  // ...

const result = true
if (result) {     // ✓ ok
  // ...
  • No unnecessary parentheses around function expressions.
    eslint: no-extra-parens
const myFunc = (function () { })   // ✗ avoid
const myFunc = function () { }     // ✓ ok
  • Use break to prevent fallthrough in switch cases.
    eslint: no-fallthrough
switch (filter) {
  case 1:
    doSomething()    // ✗ avoid
  case 2:

switch (filter) {
  case 1:
    break           // ✓ ok
  case 2:

switch (filter) {
  case 1:
    // fallthrough  // ✓ ok
  case 2:
  • No floating decimals.
    eslint: `no-floating-decimal
const discount = .5      // ✗ avoid
const discount = 0.5     // ✓ ok
  • Avoid reassigning function declarations.
    eslint: no-func-assign
function myFunc () { }
myFunc = myOtherFunc    // ✗ avoid
  • No reassigning read-only global variables.
    eslint: no-global-assign
window = {}     // ✗ avoid
  • No impled eval().
    eslint: no-implied-eval
setTimeout("alert('Hello world')")                   // ✗ avoid
setTimeout(function () { alert('Hello world') })     // ✓ ok
  • No function declarations in nested blocks.
    eslint: no-inner-declarations
if (authenticated) {
  function setAuthUser () {}    // ✗ avoid
  • No invalid regular expression strings in RegExp constructors.
    eslint: no-invalid-regexp
RegExp('[a-z')    // ✗ avoid
RegExp('[a-z]')   // ✓ ok
  • No irregular whitespace.
    eslint: no-irregular-whitespace
function myFunc () /**/{}   // ✗ avoid
  • No using iterator.
    eslint: no-iterator
Foo.prototype.__iterator__ = function () {}   // ✗ avoid
  • No labels that share a name with an in scope variable.
    eslint: no-label-var
var score = 100
function game () {
  score: while (true) {      // ✗ avoid
    score -= 10
    if (score > 0) continue score
  • No label statements.
    eslint: no-labels
  while (true) {
    break label     // ✗ avoid
  • No unnecessary nested blocks.
    eslint: no-lone-blocks
function myFunc () {
  {                   // ✗ avoid

function myFunc () {
  myOtherFunc()       // ✓ ok
  • Avoid mixing spaces and tabs for indentation.
    eslint: no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs
  • Do not use multiple spaces except for indentation.
    eslint: no-multi-spaces
const id =    1234    // ✗ avoid
const id = 1234       // ✓ ok
  • No multiline strings.
    eslint: no-multi-str
const message = 'Hello \
                 world'     // ✗ avoid
  • No new without assigning object to a variable.
    eslint: no-new
new Character()                     // ✗ avoid
const character = new Character()   // ✓ ok
  • No using the Function constructor.
    eslint: no-new-func
var sum = new Function('a', 'b', 'return a + b')    // ✗ avoid
```- **No using the `Object` constructor**.
  eslint: `no-new-object`
let config = new Object()   // ✗ avoid
  • No using new require.
    eslint: no-new-require
const myModule = new require('my-module')    // ✗ avoid
  • No using the Symbol constructor.
    eslint: no-new-symbol
const foo = new Symbol('foo')   // ✗ avoid
  • No using primitive wrapper instances.
    eslint: no-new-wrappers
const message = new String('hello')   // ✗ avoid
  • No calling global object properties as functions.
    eslint: no-obj-calls
const math = Math()   // ✗ avoid
  • No octal literals.
    eslint: no-octal
const num = 042     // ✗ avoid
const num = '042'   // ✓ ok
  • No octal escape sequences in string literals.
    eslint: no-octal-escape
const copyright = 'Copyright \251'  // ✗ avoid
  • Avoid using string concatenation when using __dirname and __filename.
    eslint: no-path-concat
const pathToFile = __dirname + '/app.js'            // ✗ avoid
const pathToFile = path.join(__dirname, 'app.js')   // ✓ ok
  • **Avoid using __proto__**. UsegetPrototypeOfinstead. eslint:no-proto`
const foo = obj.__proto__               // ✗ avoid
const foo = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj)  // ✓ ok
  • No redeclaring variables.
    eslint: no-redeclare
let name = 'John'
let name = 'Jane'     // ✗ avoid

let name = 'John'
name = 'Jane'         // ✓ ok
  • Avoid using multiple spaces in regular expression literals.
    eslint: no-regex-spaces
const regexp = /test   value/   // ✗ avoid

const regexp = /test {3}value/  // ✓ ok
const regexp = /test value/     // ✓ ok
  • Assignment in return statements must be surrounded by parentheses.
    eslint: no-return-assign
function sum (a, b) {
  return result = a + b     // ✗ avoid

function sum (a, b) {
  return (result = a + b)   // ✓ ok
  • Avoid assigning a variable to itself.
    eslint: no-self-assign
name = name   // ✗ avoid
  • Avoid comparing a variable to itself.
    eslint: no-self-compare
if (score === score) {}   // ✗ avoid
  • Avoid using the comma operator.
    eslint: no-sequences
if (doSomething(), !!test) {}   // ✗ avoid
  • Restricted names should not be shadowed.
    eslint: no-shadow-restricted-names
let undefined = 'value'     // ✗ avoid


你可能感兴趣的:(Node.js编码规范 - JavaScript standardStyle() {)