Wise way of dealing with problems 解决问题的智慧方式

Wise way of dealing with problems

How to handle life’s problems

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Spiritual Leader | Humanitarian | Peacemaker


古儒德芙 诗丽 诗丽 诺威香卡 精神领袖| 人道主义| 和平使者

Most people wish for a problem-free life. However, such a life, if it were ever possible, would be dull and boring. As humans we are shaped by experiences both positive and not-so-positive. Challenging circumstances push people to expand their limits and bring more richness and beauty to the human experience. If one doesn’t have any problem, the person is likely to end up becoming a problem for others! It is better to have a problem than be a problem!


A situation becomes a problem when we perceive a gap between an actual and an ideal state of it. Not everything that looks like a problem is a problem. You could either get stuck in a difficult situation or take it as an opportunity to learn and grow in life.


Accept and Act

Whenever a problem arises, the general tendency of the mind is to either go into a denial mode or get consumed by it. A problem is not going to disappear by denying it nor will it get solved by brooding over it. The first step to effective problem-solving is accepting that the problem that has arisen. This recognition enables one to focus on the solution. With the acceptance of the problem comes the ability to respond with calmness. Conversely, the inability to accept triggers agitation in the mind, prompting wrong actions that worsen the situation.


每当出现问题时,头脑的一般倾向就是进入拒绝模式或被拒绝模式所消耗。 问题不会因否认而消失,也不会因沉思而解决。 有效解决问题的第一步是接受已经出现的问题。 这种认识使人们可以专注于解决方案。 随着人们对问题的接受,能够冷静地做出回应。 相反,无法接受会触发头脑中的躁动,促使错误的行为使情况恶化。

“How” Focus

Often, people waste too much time trying to find out the “what” and “why” of the problem. This habit of excessive post-mortem is not only energy-consuming but also makes the problem look bigger than it actually is. Rather than seeing the problem as it is, one gets overwhelmed in its exaggerated appearance. The wise way is to spend less time and energy on “what” and “why” and focus on “how” to solve the problem.


通常,人们浪费太多时间试图找出问题的“原因”和“原因”。 这种过多的验尸习惯不仅消耗能量,而且使问题看起来比实际更大。 与其看到问题本身,不如说是夸张的外观。 明智的方法是花更少的时间和精力在“什么”和“为什么”上,而专注于“如何”来解决问题。

A New Vision in New Light

With the right approach and attitude, problems no longer remain problems and solutions start presenting themselves. Problems are an inevitable part of life and your ability to solve them with grace will always be a prized trait in all the roles you play, especially those of leadership. The wise have a different way of looking at problems.
Here are five ways of looking at a problem that can enable you to handle them with a calm mind and feel free.


有了正确的态度和态度,问题就不再是问题,解决方案就会开始出现。 问题是生活中不可避免的一部分,而您得体地解决问题的能力将永远是您所扮演的所有角色(尤其是领导角色)中宝贵的特征。 智者有不同的看待问题的方式。


Everything is changing 万物变化中

The realization that everything is changing will save you from getting overpowered by problems. Just observe, your body is constantly changing; so are your feelings, thoughts, opinions, likes, dislikes and attitude. So are yours problems. Know that you are not going to be stuck with a problem for all of your life. Many problems have come and gone in your life.

Remind yourself, “this too shall pass”. This intelligence to recognise the changing nature of the creation is a sign of maturity.


一切都在改变的认识将使您免于被问题压倒一切。 只要观察,您的身体就在不断变化。 您的感觉,想法,意见,喜欢,不喜欢和态度也是如此。 您的问题也是如此。 知道您一生都不会遇到问题。 您的生活中遇到了许多问题。

提醒自己,“这也将过去”。 认识到创作不断变化的本质的这种智慧是成熟的标志。

Some Things Are Inevitable, So What?

The second way of looking at a problem is accepting that certain things aren’t going to change. If you expect the weather to become cold during summer, it’s bound to create problems. There are many things in life you have zero control over. You can’t control how other people feel, you can’t control the weather and you can’t force your spouse to change.

The moment you accept the situation as it is, it is no longer a problem. Learning to accommodate the opposites with patience is a precious skill in life.


解决问题的第二种方法是接受某些事情不会改变。 如果您预计夏季天气会变冷,那肯定会造成问题。 生活中有很多事情是您零控制的。 您无法控制他人的感觉,无法控制天气,也无法强迫配偶改变。

您一接受现状,就不再是问题。 学会忍耐地适应对立是生活中的一项宝贵技能。

Roar Like a Lion

When the above two approaches don’t work, it's time to invoke your inner power and courage. Difficult times can bring out our hidden courage and potential in more ways than one. This valour will keep you afloat in the sea of changing and not-changing events. The feeling,“I have the power to handle it. Come what may, I will face it” is a powerful booster. When you summon this energy, self-doubt vanishes.

Realize that you are bigger than the problem. A problem appears too big only when you think you cannot handle it. Look at those who have bigger problems, then yours will appear small.


如果以上两种方法都无效,那么该是您发挥内在力量和勇气的时候了。 困难时期可以通过多种方式发掘我们隐藏的勇气和潜力。 这种勇气会让您在不断变化和不变的事件中漂浮。 感觉,“我有能力去处理它。 来吧,我将面对的挑战”是强大的助推器。 当您召唤这种能量时,自我怀疑就消失了。

意识到自己比问题要大。 仅当您认为无法解决问题时,问题才显得太大。 看看那些有更大问题的人,那么你的问题就会显得很小。

Give It Up With Faith

Even after your valor has failed you, there is a way-- offering or surrendering the problem to the higher power. Often we give it up in frustration. Now try giving it up in faith. Surrender is the realization that your effort cannot bring forth all that you want in life. The big or great cannot be had by the effort of the small mind alone. Surrender brings up a deep sense of ease, relief, and peace and gives us immense strength to smile even through difficult times.

When the body, mind and intellect are tired, you are unlikely to come up with any solution. That’s why pray, meditate and move ahead with faith. Faith brings you stability, centeredness, calmness and love.


即使在您的英勇失败之后,也有一种方法-将问题提交或交出给更高的权力。 我们常常无奈地放弃它。 现在尝试凭信念放弃它。 臣服是意识到您的努力无法带来生活中想要的一切。 仅仅靠小脑子的努力就不能拥有大国或大国。 臣服带来了深刻的自在,宽慰与和平感,即使在困难时期也给我们以极大的力量微笑。

当身体,思想和智力疲倦时,您不太可能提出任何解决方案。 这就是为什么祈祷,冥想和继续信仰前进的原因。 信念带给您稳定,集中,平静和爱心。

Good Idea to Celebrate

When you are consumed by a problem, it’s a good idea to indulge in some celebration. Your life has several dimensions. If you are facing problems in your professional life, celebrate the positives in your personal life and vice versa. When you put the problem out of your mind and celebrate, solutions emerge with time.

Problems and challenges add charm to life and bring the best out of you. Learn from them and grow bigger than them.


当您被问题困扰时,不妨参加一些庆祝活动。 您的生活有多个层面。 如果您在职业生涯中遇到问题,请赞扬个人生活中的积极因素,反之亦然。 当您将问题抛诸脑后去庆祝时,解决方案就会随着时间而出现。

问题和挑战为生活增添魅力,并为您带来最好的生活。 向他们学习,并变得比他们更大。

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