

The Alhambra is a palace and fortress complex located in Granada, Andalusia, Spain. The complex was begun in 1238 by Muhammad I Ibn al-Ahmar, the first Nasrid emir.It was built on the Sabika hill, an outcrop of the Sierra Nevada which had been the site of earlier fortresses and of the 11th-century palace of Samuel ibn Naghrillah. Later Nasrid rulers continuously modified the site. The most significant construction campaigns, which gave the Comares Palace (or Court of the Myrtles) and the Palace of the Lions their definitive character, took place in the 14th century during the reigns of Yusuf I and Muhammad V. After the conclusion of the Christian Reconquista in 1492, the site became the Royal Court of Ferdinand and Isabella (where Christopher Columbus received royal endorsement for his expedition), and the palaces were partially altered in the Renaissance style. In 1526, Charles I of Spain commissioned a new Renaissance palace better befitting the Holy Roman Emperor in the revolutionary Mannerist style influenced by humanist philosophy in direct juxtaposition with the Nasrid Andalusian architecture, but it was ultimately never completed due to Morisco rebellions in Granada.

阿尔罕布拉宫坐落在西班牙安达卢西亚地区的格拉纳达,是一座结合了宫殿与城堡的建筑。它由纳斯瑞德王朝第一任埃米尔(国王)穆罕默德一世(Muhammad I Ibn al-Ahmar)在公元 1238 年建成。这座宫殿建在萨比卡山上,这是内华达山脉一处突出的山岩,同时也是早期城堡和 11 世纪塞缪尔·伊本·纳格里拉(Samuel ibn Naghrillah)的宫殿旧址所在。后来纳斯瑞德的统治者一直在改建这些房屋。最重要的建设活动发生在 14 世纪优素福一世和穆罕默德五世的统治期间,赋予了科玛莱斯宫(桃金娘庭院)和狮子中庭最显要的特征。在公元 1492 年复国运动结束后,阿尔罕布拉宫成为费迪南德和伊莎贝拉的宫廷,一些宫殿被部分地改建成文艺复兴风格。公元 1526 年,西班牙的查理一世委托修建一座新的文艺复兴风格宫殿。这座宫殿带有受人文主义哲学影响的革命性矫饰主义的风格,更适合神圣罗马帝国。同时,它也与纳斯瑞德王朝的安达卢西亚建筑并存。然而,由于格拉纳达爆发的莫里斯科叛乱,这座宫殿最终并没有完工。

Alhambra's last flowering of Islamic palaces was built for the final Muslim emirs in Spain during the decline of the Nasrid dynasty, who were increasingly subject to the Christian kings of Castile. After being allowed to fall into disrepair for centuries, the buildings occupied by squatters, Alhambra was rediscovered following the defeat of Napoleon I, who had conducted retaliatory destruction of the site. The rediscoverers were first British intellectuals and then other northern European Romantic travelers. It is now one of Spain's major tourist attractions, exhibiting the country's most significant and well-known Islamic architecture, together with 16th-century and later Christian building and garden interventions. The Alhambra is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

作为一座伊斯兰宫殿,阿尔罕布拉宫最后的辉煌来自于西班牙末代穆斯林国王的建设。伴随着纳斯瑞德王朝的衰落,他最终臣服于卡斯蒂利亚的基督教国王。经历数个世纪的荒废后,阿宫的建筑变得破败不堪,被一些流民所占据。随着拿破仑一世在西班牙的胜利,阿宫遭受了其报复性的破坏,也因此重新被世人发现。首先是英国的知识分子发现了阿宫,随后是北欧浪漫主义旅行者的关注。如今,阿宫是西班牙的主要景点之一,展示着这个国家最重要、最知名的伊斯兰建筑,除此之外,还包括了 16 世纪及后期基督教建筑和花园。阿尔罕布拉宫同时也是联合国教科文组织认定的世界文化遗产。

Moorish poets described it as "a pearl set in emeralds", an allusion to the colour of its buildings and the woods around them. The palace complex was designed with the mountainous site in mind and many forms of technology were considered. The park (Alameda de la Alhambra), which is overgrown with wildflowers and grass in the spring, was planted by the Moors with roses, oranges, and myrtles; its most characteristic feature, however, is the dense wood of English elms brought by the Duke of Wellington in 1812. The park has a multitude of nightingales and is usually filled with the sound of running water from several fountains and cascades. These are supplied through a conduit 8 km long, which is connected with the Darro at the monastery of Jesus del Valle above Granada.

摩尔人的诗将阿宫描绘为「翡翠上的珍珠」,作为对其建筑颜色和周围树木的隐喻。宫殿的设计考虑了山地的选址以及各种技术的运用。摩尔人在春天长满野花和绿草的花园里种上了玫瑰、橘树和桃金娘。而其中最有特色的,是惠灵顿公爵在 1812 年带来的英国榆树,如今已长得颇为浓密。栖息着大量夜莺的花园,沉浸在喷泉和小瀑布带来的潺潺流水中。一条长达 8 公里的水渠在 Jesus del Valle 修道院与达罗河相连,为宫殿花园输送着源源不断的水流。

Despite long neglect, willful vandalism, and some ill-judged restoration, the Alhambra endures as an atypical example of Muslim art in its final European stages, relatively uninfluenced by the direct Byzantine influences found in the Mezquita of Córdoba. Most of the palace buildings are quadrangular in plan, with all the rooms opening on to a central court, and the whole reached its present size simply by the gradual addition of new quadrangles, designed on the same principle, though varying in dimensions, and connected with each other by smaller rooms and passages. Alhambra was extended by the different Muslim rulers who lived in the complex. However, each new section that was added followed the consistent theme of "paradise on earth". Column arcades, fountains with running water, and reflecting pools were used to add to the aesthetic and functional complexity. In every case, the exterior was left plain and austere. Sun and wind were freely admitted. Blue, red, and a golden yellow, all somewhat faded through lapse of time and exposure, are the colors chiefly employed. The name Alhambra means the red one or the red castle, which refers to the sun-dried bricks that the outer wall is made of.


The decoration consists for the upper part of the walls, as a rule, of Arabic inscriptions—mostly poems by Ibn Zamrak and others praising the palace—that are manipulated into geometrical patterns with vegetal background set onto an arabesque setting ("Ataurique"). Much of this ornament is carved stucco (plaster) rather than stone. Tile mosaics ("alicatado"), with complicated mathematical patterns ("tracería", most precisely "lacería"), are largely used as panelling for the lower part. Metal was not utilized much. Similar designs are displayed on wooden ceilings (Alfarje). Muqarnas are the main elements for vaulting with stucco, and some of the most accomplished dome examples of this kind are in the Court of the Lions halls. The palace complex is designed in the Nasrid style, the last blooming of Islamic art in the Iberian Peninsula, that had a great influence on the Maghreb to the present day, and on contemporary Mudejar art, which is characteristic of western elements reinterpreted into Islamic forms and widely popular during the Reconquista in Spain.

