A Mad Man's Tale

It was ridiculous how it all came to mind, but, as soon as it was conceived, it haunted me day and night. I am not mad for what I think and for what I do, I am not mad. I held my desire and my thoughts. I went to high school the next morning as the sun hung up high yet the air was bitterly cold. I sat down and looked out the window. The sun was slowly blocked by thick layers of stormy clouds and soon the sky was dark, as dark as death...

School ended. As usual I went out with my friends to the old pub and we will take some hard alcohol and drugs.  That night when I went back home I could feel my heart beating fast. My heartbeat seems to be telling me something. The beats made words and soon it took over me. The swirl of darkness the haunted shadow the thirst of blood. 

I walked out of the house walking on the abandoned streets feeling the bitter wind blowing against me as if it's trying to stop me. I walked towards a small narrow street the lights flickered on and off and sitting on the side walks was my first target. I walked up to him smiling. He looked up and smiled back, he slowly reached into a pocket and took out a little box of smoke and took one out. He gave it to me, I took it and lit it up. I sat next to him and time was spent in silence. I looked up into the sky where the moon is covered with that dark gloomy sky. ' why don't you go home?' I ask gently. He looked up as well sighing 'well' he said 'I don't want to go home you see' my wife has gone to the other world.' He looked at me and continued 'now I suffer pain of what my daughter is giving me all those rules and laws at home is nearly the same as the ones in prisons.' I stood up and looked down at him, and asked 'what's your wish then?' 

'My wish is to be free.'

'I can make that wish come true' he looked at me in surprise; he smiled; he laughed. He looked me at me with hope and joy. It's fun watching him, watching him feel hope and happiness when I know he will die, he will die when the clock rings the third time.



Three times.

And when I opened my eyes I saw him laying on the streets lying in a puddle of blood. A sprinkling of raindrops fell from the sky and soon dark red liquid washed down into the sewer like wine flowing away as the rain poured down. I cut him open and dug out his heart and placed it in his hands. I looked at the corpse with glee. 

It was the morning news, a story made by me. A man died with his heart in his own hands. I was not afraid; I felt happy. It was a tremendously good feeling when I saw this news, gradually, O so gradually I felt the blood within me flow with excitement. I smiled. I wanted more. More blood, and that split second I knew my desire grew... I laid back on my bed laughing, I laughed harder and harder remembering how much I enjoyed the blood washing down me. I knew I needed more. For the next few days or so I managed to keep myself calm.

The evening the sky was painted red, orange and pink.  For a minute the sunset made me forget all the negatives in my mind. When I moved my eyes away from the sunset I started to clean my bookshelves, I picked up a dusty old album and flicked through, then stopped and stared with anger and hatred. Looking at the picture of my mother I knew the next prey for my desire will be her, my mother.

I went to the southern city that my mum now lived in. It was a grey miserable day, I jogged passed the streets looking for a big old but magnificent building and like I thought it wasn't hard to find. I lurked around the building then I sneaked into the backyard and there sitting in the chair was a women with long grey hair reading a book. She had beautiful blue eyes that glimmered in the light of the fire place. All her beauty and glamorousness made my desire grow. That night from my hotel room I saw a gleam of red light from the old magnificent building, I could feel the heat from here and if you listen carefully enough you can here the lady inside screaming for help. I packed my things away and walked out of the door looking back at the fire I smiled and turned, walking away.

It was nearly a month from when I first felt the desire within me. For my one month anniversary I want a new prey. I went out in the warm spring morning searching for my target I looked around the streets which seemed hopeless. I went towards the little bridge and there I saw a girl, smiling at space. I lost my mind, every single cell in my body was out of control I walked towards her and touched her silky black hair it ran through my fingers like melted chocolate, as I stood beside her I felt a light smell of lily. I looked at her eyes the colour of hazelnuts. I grabbed her wrist pulled her towards me she bumped against my chest and looked up. She was biting her cherry coloured lips, I leaned down my lips touching hers, I felt every breath she took, her hands fighting with no power, and her tears that rolled down her pale cheeks. I hugged her tight and she didn't fight back, she was blushing in my arms. I took her to the ferris wheel. It was nearly midnight when we reached there, the sky shines bright without the sun, the stars beamed with confidence. We went up and when it reached the highest point I said to her in a serious voice "I love you, be my girl friend." With that I looked out of the window feeling a tiny bit nervous. Then I heard her shy little voice say' I love you, will you always love me?' I looked at her surprised and thrilled 'yes' I said 'yes., of course.' Love at first sight, just like the novels i read before, sweet, surprising and simple. 

Days flew past so quickly that it only felt like it happened yesterday but when you look at the dates you see that it was already a year ago. Today was a special day because I'm going to marry the girl that let me forget my desire and greed and feel love and warmth. Today the 30th of January the God from above witnesses the marriage of me and my bride. 

After the marriage my days became brighter and brighter. Having my wife beside me felt like honey, so sweet; I felt like i was in the garden so peaceful, I felt like being in heaven so calm and relaxing. I loved the time spent with her every second every minute every hour everyday. All of this is happy, this must be my happy ending. I thought.

It was a raining afternoon you can hear the rain washing the streets of this city. A thunder lit the dark gloomy sky and slowly my head begun to spin and swirl and it got faster and faster and faster. I knew what it was 'It' came back and 'It' took over me, with a loud shriek I was lost in my desire...

My wife came in asking what happened but I ignored her and went into the kitchen and started to sharpen the knife. My wife came running in and asking me what I was doing. She was looking at me and she looked very worried, I guess. I ignored her and continued sharpening. My blood ran cold as cold as ice my wife cried and pulled my hand, I stopped. I grinned a nasty smile, without a doubt I turned around and thrusted the knife into my wife, the one I said I loved with all my heart. The blood came pouring out, it was so fantastically dark, warm and smooth. I chuckled for a bit, feeling her blood running down me was hideously comfortable. She hugged me, my eyes widened. She looked up, so quietly and so weakly she whispered 'I love you' and with that she smiled and closed her eyes; she laid in the puddle of blood.

I dropped my knife, I noticed what I did I killed that only girl I loved and now she is dead in front of me. I screamed and cried. I lost control I ran out of the house and went up the tallest building in sight. It rained penetratingly on me. I fell on my knees, as if the Angels high above could here my soul, so sad, so angry they cried and cried, tears falling upon my broken heart, I howled in regret and the thunder shouted in response. My tears rolled down my face unstoppably. I whispered ' if only it is possible honey, wait for me I will go up and find you, wait for me.' And with that I jumped off the building with no regret, with no pain, with no horror but in hope of having her back.

I laid on the ground of the familiar old streets in a puddle of my own blood. Feeling the glacial wind blowing my dark black hair. With that I breathed out the last bit of air and departed to hell...

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