2024年1月8日 晨会报告

Good morning, esteemed colleagues.

  • Today, I am going to provide an update on my latest work, which is composed of two main aspects.

  • On the past Friday, I implemented a new feature in the facility comment section as per Mr. Yao’s instructions from his informative session.

  • Specifically, I engineered the system to enable comments that had been previously marked as ‘hidden’ to be restored to their ‘public’ visibility with ease.

  • Subsequently, in the later part of the afternoon, I engaged in a detailed discussion and coordination with Ms. Gui on integrating the data interface for our email backend management module.

  • This feature has been successfully developed and is now poised for the forthcoming round of thorough self-testing.

For today’s agenda, I am dedicating my efforts to rigorously self-test the functionalities associated with the email backend management module.

  • Furthermore, as soon as Ms. Zhang finalizes the design for the background image, my task will be to seamlessly integrate this fresh design into our web project’s static resources.

  • This encompasses everything I have to share in today’s briefing.

  • I look forward to any feedback you might have and extend my gratitude for your attention.

Thank you!
