【巴黎】Bless Notre Dame, 送单词送句子

4月16日ABC出了一篇新闻,标题是“Notre Dame: The national and architectural significance of the historic cathedral”,让我们一起祈祷吧,为古老的巴黎圣母院祈祷。



1. There are few... 表示否定,语气强烈

 weave into the history 卷入历史的长河

Cathedral [kə'θiːdr(ə)l] n.大教堂

新闻原句:There are few monuments that are more distinctly French or more woven into the history of France than Notre Dame Cathedral.


说说:罗列几个教堂给大家:(从左到右从上到下)chapel ['tʃæp(ə)l] n.小教堂;church n.正常教堂; Cathedral [kə'θiːdr(ə)l] n.大教堂; abbey ['æbɪ]  n.修道院;从出现的频率说说:小教堂基本就是社区教堂,街道随处可见;正常教堂大点,估计几个街区能看见一个;大教堂挺逗,听英国人说,一个城市就一个,不是城市的还没有,所以他们也开玩笑说看一个地方的大小以及重要性就看它有没有一个大教堂;修道院感觉就像是教堂组合,一个四合院教堂。

2. ravage ['rævɪdʒ] v.损坏

people from all walks of life 各行各业的人

spark outcry 激起痛楚

mourn v.哀悼 

新闻原句:As images of the fire ravaging through the historic church sparked outcries around the globe, people from all walks of life are mourning.


3. Catholicism [kə'θɔlisizəm] n.天主教

undisputed a.无可争辩的

coronation [kɒrə'neɪʃ(ə)n] n. 加冕礼

Emperor Napoleon 拿破仑大帝

新闻原句:Its place in Catholicism is undisputed, as is its role in French history. It was the site of some of the most notable coronations, including that of Emperor Napoleon.


4. Catholic  [kæθəlɪk] n.天主教徒

mass 弥撒

Quasimodo 卡西莫多

permanently scarred 永久的伤痕

disfigured a.损坏外形的

新闻原句:Beyond the Catholics who attend mass there and the tourists who go to look for a glimpse of Quasimodo, the cathedral represents a landmark in Parisian life that is now likely permanently scarred, if not disfigured or ruined.



The arena was scarred by deep muddy ruts.(留下了痕迹)

This is something that's going to scar him forever.(心灵创伤)


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