在CentOS7.3上yum安装PHP 5.6.35

Command to install the Remi repository configuration package:

yum install http://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/remi-release-7.rpm

Command to install the yum-utils package (for the yum-config-manager command):

yum install yum-utils

The php56 collection is available in the remi-safe repository

Command to install:

yum install php56

Command to install additional packages:

Command to check the installed version and available extensions:

php56 --version

php56 --modules

Enable php-fpm:

vi /etc/yum.repos.d/remi.repo

Find [remi] and [remi-php56] block, enable this repository, you have to change enabled=0 into enabled=1, after the change the blocks look like this:

Save the file. You are now ready to install PHP-FPM

yum install php-fpm

To ensure it also starts automatically with the server, run the following command:

systemctl enable php-fpm


systemctl start php-fpm

instead of editing remi.rpo file we can also use :

yum-config-manager --enable remi-php56


你可能感兴趣的:(在CentOS7.3上yum安装PHP 5.6.35)