

Can humans copy/store their minds?

When that day indeed come, the science fictions become realities, we are truly shocked.

AlphaGo beat the great cheese player in March 2016, robot work the way like a brain. Or, the man-made machine fly out of the earth, diving in to the universe has been wondered by generations and generations. or, even earlier, when the first call has been made , which is the start of real time communication.

Like Blaise Pascal said, humans are thinking reeds.We are shocked by our imagination, our curiosity ,our creativity and mostly, by the fact we embrace humanities whever .

When the clone was invented and first baby sheep was born, we also had a moral debt on the practice of it. As the factory becomes highly efficient and globally produced, we see the hand-made art becomes new luxury. Also, 24/7 non-stop man-made sun implemented in animal farms, and the growing period is shortened from 90 days to 40days. On the condition we can produce as fast and as many as we need, why the brand like Lous Vitton and Gucci announced that the won’t sell leather products any more?

In terms of techs, We take and also we reject.We are making the choices that what we want from it. We are man who create it so we should know guide it to serve the human tribe.

However, can we handle this job? I mean, how do we draw the line between bad and good. And, how do we know where and when to stop before the tech are hurting us? Besides, what is hurting?

Black mirror is a Britain produced tv series which in theme of relationship between humans and technology. One series named HATED IN NATION, tells a story that a tech guy used bees to kill the people who use hastag die, like #die. In another story WHITE BEER, a female’s memory washed every night, then she will “be played” in a ture man show every day. Here is another story which stimulates me to write the topic down for discussion:

The time frame set in a future point when people have AI eyes. So one can see whatever another sees, and also one can block people from seeing and hearing. Mathew tells Joe that he used to teach a boy to date girl and guide him in real time and got him killed eventually. Joe, who has been silent for five years finally start to talk about his story. His wife got pregnant but left him away and blocked him. He got to check his daughter every Christmas even he was blocked by his next generation(he couldn’t see). Upon his wife died, the blocked erased automatically. So at the fourth year, he got to see his daughter the first time in his life. However, when he looked at the girl’s face, he know his wife had affair with his friend. He rushed into the house and accidentally killed his wife’s father. Then the little girl died later because of coldness.

At the end of the conversation, Mathew asked Joe, do you confess? Do you kill them? Joe nods and says yes. Mathew is so happy just like his work his done. In realities, his job is done.As a man whose job is to talk with the copy of humans brain, he help a police to make Joe talk in his mind. For an exchange, the police won’t sue him. But Mathew still be deregistered by government.

Which means, he will by blocked by everyone.

How much authority we should have as the tech is becoming powerful? How far should we move further on exchange for more power given by techs?

发布于 2018-03-27
