

英文 中文
Previously on "The Good Doctor"... 「良医」前情回顾
How hard can it be to just act like a normal human being? 表现得像个普通人能有多难
Will you stop petting that stupid rabbit?! 你能别玩你那破兔子了吗
We're never going home again. 我们再也不会回家了
We have each other, and that's all we need. 我们有彼此这就够了
Your fiancé sure can handle a knife. 你未婚夫的刀法不错
He's got a serious deficit. 他有严重的缺陷
So, are you proud or disappointed? 你是骄傲还是失望
Marcus, stop making everything so personal. 马库斯别掺杂个人情绪
You've wanted his job since day one. 你从上班第一天起就想要他的职位
Everyone in this room knows that. 在座各位都知道
- How did you... - It's my department. -你怎么-这是我的科室
It's my job to know everything. 我需要了解一切
Since I work for you, 那既然我为你工作
doesn't that make all this actually your fault? 这是不是都算你的错
Oh, I'm sorry. I stopped listening after "I work for you". 不好意思我只听到「我为你工作」
A surgeon needs to communicate. 一个外科医生需要懂得沟通
Can Dr. Murphy do that? Can he do that under stress? 莫菲医生能吗重压之下他能行吗

Can he do that knowing that a human life 明知别人真的命悬一线时
literally hangs in the balance? 他能做到吗
So, I'm in the middle of "Uncharted", and I'm dead. 我正在玩「神秘海域」没电了
Can I borrow some triple A's? 能借我几粒7号电池吗
I'm your neighbor. 我是你的邻居
Hello. 你好
34? 住34号
I moved in last week. 33. 我上周搬来的住33号
Yeah, I know. 我知道
I work at a hospital. 我在医院上班
That's cool. 太酷了
Yes. 是啊
Triple A's, por favor? 7号电池拜托啦
Batteries. 电池
Do you have any? 你有吗
Triple A batteries. 7号电池
Thank you. 谢谢
Piece of advice -- don't feed the cat. 给你个建议别喂猫
Which cat? 哪只猫
Feed it once, and it'll never leave you alone. 你喂它一次它就赖着不走了
Thank you for the batteries, neighbor. 谢谢你的电池邻居
You're welcome! 不客气
Surgical. 外科
Well, you're in luck because I'm not a nurse, 算你运气好我不是护士
I'm a surgical resident. 我是外科住院医师
How can I help you? 有什么事吗
We got a liver for Chuck! 找到跟查克匹配的肝源了
- Where? - SF Municipal Hospital! -在哪-旧金山市医院
And how long do we have body-to-body on the liver transplant? 肝脏从摘除到移植能存活多久
- Eight hours. - Eight hours. -八小时-八小时
You don't know the longevity of a liver? 你不知道肝脏的存活时间
This is a teaching hospital, and I'm the teacher. 这里是教学医院我是老师
You and Murphy, you're on organ pick-up. 你和莫菲负责去取器官
Check the health and bring the liver back from SFM. 检查健康情况把肝脏从旧市医带回来
I was at Chuck's intake. I'd really like to be -- 是我接收的查克我真的很想
Now you're gonna be at the intake for his new liver. 那你现在负责接收他的新肝脏
Jared, get Chuck down here and get him prepped. 杰瑞德带查克下来准备好
We got eight hours on this thing, 肝脏只能存活八小时
and the clock starts ticking now. 时间不等人

Dr. Bender to the mental ward, please. 本德尔医生请到精神科病房
Dr. Bender. 本德尔医生
I'm not interrupting your pre-game, am I? 我没有打扰你的术前准备吧
I think this is my 400th breast reconstruction. 这是我第四百台乳房重建手术
The board should give me a plaque. 董事会真该送我块牌匾
What's up? 怎么了
Your 4:00 P.M. 下午四点
The V.I.P. -- Wannamaker. VIP患者万纳梅克
Yes! The Free-Flap. 对皮瓣移植
He's checked into the penthouse suite, 他住进了顶层豪华套房
resting comfortably I'm sure. 肯定住得很舒适
I've been working on him for awhile now, and he's close. 我给他做了一段时间工作他就快答应
He's real close to making the Foundation his tax relief. 给基金会减免税款了
That's good to hear. 太好了
I want aces on this. 我要手术万无一失
Everything perfect. 一切都要完美
That's good to know. I was gonna phone it in. 你这么想就好我正打算通知呢
Dr. Bender to the mental ward, please. 本德尔医生请到精神科病房
Dr. Bender. 本德尔医生
Is this the chairman's version of a pep talk? 这是主席式的动员谈话吗
I'm looking for a fail-safe outcome on the procedure. 我是给手术上个保险
I want you to use Dr. Melendez as your second. 我想让梅伦德斯医生做你的助手
That's your fail-safe? Melendez? 他就是你的「保险」梅伦德斯
I'm your Chief of Surgery. 我才是你的外科主任
It's just a precaution to guarantee a perfect outcome. 这只是保障完美手术的预防措施
Are you doubting my abilities? 你在质疑我的能力吗
Wannamaker is important. 万纳梅克很重要
Everything has to be perfect. 一切必须做到完美
You said that already. 你已经说过了
I'm your fail-safe. 我才是你的「保险」
The V.I.P. will be fine. 那个VIP患者不会有事的
How you doing? 你没事吧
I know these sounds and everything might be a lot for you. 我知道你可能受不了这些动静
It's -- it's hard for anyone. 谁都难以承受
I like helicopters. 我喜欢直升机
I, uh, didn't know you'd been on a helicopter. 我不知道你坐过直升机
I haven't. 我没坐过
15 minutes to San Francisco Municipal Hospital. 十五分钟后到达旧金山市立医院
Should be a smooth ride. 飞行应该很平稳
You do know what this is, right? 你知道这算什么吧
Well, I'll tell you what it is. It's scut work. 我告诉你吧这就是打杂
Jared gets the golden ticket, and we get... 杰拉德有黄金入场券而我们只能...
pizza delivery. 送披萨外卖
The rotors just go round and round, Shaun. 螺旋桨会一圈圈转下去肖恩
They don't change. 不会变的
How do I talk to you? 怎样才能跟你聊天呢
So, Chuck, any chest pains, shortness of breath? 查克你觉得胸痛气短吗
No. 没有
Any alcohol in the last six months? 最近六个月内喝过酒吗
No. 没有
-Here comes a quick pinch. -Any swelling in your limbs? -会疼一下-四肢有水肿吗
It's Walmart on Black Friday in here. 这里跟黑色星期五的沃尔玛一样
Things speed way up - when you're having a transplant. 准备器官移植时就会这样紧张
I like it. 我喜欢
It's good energy. 这是正能量
So, that's a "No" on the swelling? 所以没有水肿是吧
No. 没有
I feel lousy all the time, pretty much. 我时常情绪低落
But...I've got a second chance, you know, with this liver. 但...有了这个肝我就有了第二次生命
Sure. 当然
Excuse me. It's my daughter. 抱歉我女儿的电话
I already spoke to Mom. 我跟妈妈说过了
A-And Uncle Tommy, too. 还有汤米叔叔
Yeah, I need to see your face. 是啊我得亲眼看到你
All right. 好的
I love you. 我爱你
Bye. 再见
She just graduated from law school at Cal. 她刚从加州大学法学院毕业
I told you that. 我跟你说过
Uh, no. Congratulations. 没说过恭喜了
I must've told Dr. Browne, then. 那我应该是跟布朗医生说过
Where is Dr. Browne? 布朗医生呢
Here's your liver. 肝源在这里
I'm going to need you to sign for it. 需要你签个字
Standard operating procedure is to leave the liver 标准操作流程是
in the safety of the body cavity. 把肝留在供体腹腔内
I'm aware of the procedure. 我知道流程
We had a John Doe - at the top of the registry, 本来移植名单上有个无名氏排在前面
but that John Doe died before we could plant. 但还没来得及移植那人就死了
How long ago did you take it out? 你们摘取多久了
Three hours. 三小时
We just lost three hours. 我们一下少了三小时
Technically three hours and five minutes. 准确得说是三小时五分钟
True clock is on the cooler. 冷藏箱上有准确时间
Can't go below 39 degrees or above 47 degrees. 不得低于四摄氏度或高于八摄氏度
You want to sign for it? 可以签字了吗
Tissue looks healthy. 组织看起来很健康
What are you doing? 你在干什么
What are you looking for? 你在找什么
-What's he doing? - I'm not sure. -他干嘛呢-我不知道
Shaun, what are you looking for? 肖恩你在找什么
Masses? Cysts? 肿块囊肿
They're clean. 肝脏没问题
You think we'd miss a tumor? 你觉得我们遗漏了肿瘤
There's nothing there. 没有问题
I know. 我知道
There's nothing there. 没有问题
Okay, the liver needs to go back into cold storage, 好了得把肝脏放回冷藏箱
and we got to go. 我们该走了
...then I'll release the vascular clamp 然后我松开血管钳
and let your blood perfuse in your donor liver. 让你的血液灌注到移植肝脏里

