


1.Exactly what influences have shaped my identity?How have they done so ? How has my self-image been affected? In what situations am I less an individual because of these influence?
2.in what ways am I like the good thinker?in what ways like the poor thinker? What kinds of situations seem to bring out my best and worst qualities?

3.to what extent has my perspective on truth been reasonable?

4.how careful am I about separating hearsay and rumor from fact? About distinguishing the known from assumptions or guesses? How difficult is it for me to say" I don’t know”
5.how consistent am I in taking the trouble to make my opinions informed?

6.to what extent do I think that “mine-is-better” (not only the personal mine but the ethnocentric mine as well)? In what ways has this kind of thinking affected my view of personal problems and public issues? To what extent does it affect my ability to listen to those who disagree with me? My ability to control my emotions? My willingness to change my mind and revise a judgment ?


7.in what matters am I inclined to assume too much, take too much for granted?

8.to what degree do I tend to have the either /or outlook, expecting that the right answer will always be extreme and never moderate?

9.to what or to whom do I feel the strongest urge to conform? In what situations has this conformist tendency interfered with my judgment?

10.do I tend to be an absolutist, demanding that truth be neat and simple, or a relativist, claiming that everyone creates his or her own truth? In what ways has my characteristic tendency hindered my development as a critical thinker?

11.in what matters am I most biased toward change? Am I overly accepting to change or overly resistant to it? What is the cause of this tendency and how can I best control it?

12.in what situations do I seek to confirm my biases rather than control them? In what situations do I interpret evidence in a way that flatters my bias?

13.how often do I approach issues with a double standard, overlooking flaws in arguments that agree with mine and nitpicking those that disagree?

14.to what extend do I tend to jump to conclusions? Do I tend to do so more in certain areas? If so, which? Do I draw my conclusions pre-maturely purely for the sake of convenience? Am I motivated by the desire to sound authoritative and impress people?

15.to what extend do I overgeneralize? What kinds of stereotypes do I most readily accept? Racial? Religious?ethnic?

16.to what extent do I oversimplify complex matters? Am I simply un-willing to take the trouble to learn the truth in ints complexity? Or do I feel threatened by answers that are not neat and tidy? What has made me this way?
我喜欢过度简化复杂问题吗? 我不喜欢花力气在复杂中寻找真理,我会为问题不整洁而感到压力吗,什么让我变成这样?

17.what errors of expression do I most often commit? Reasoning that if b follows a, a must be the cause of b? Shifting the issue to avoid difficult or embarrassing discussions? Contradicting myself? Arguing in a circle? Making meaningless statements? Confusing real with bogus authorities? Making false analogies? Using irrational appeals?

18.which of the following errors are most characteristic of my responses to challenges and criticism of my ideas: automatic rejection?shifting the burden of proof? Straw man? Attacking the critic rather than dis-cussing the issue?
