Python:pyinstaller报错【A RecursionError maximum recursion depth exceeded occurred】

pyinstaller demo.py时出现如下问题:

A RecursionError (maximum recursion depth exceeded) occurred.
For working around please follow these instructions

1. In your program's .spec file add this line near the top::

     import sys ; sys.setrecursionlimit(sys.getrecursionlimit() * 5)

2. Build your program by running PyInstaller with the .spec file as

     pyinstaller myprog.spec

3. If this fails, you most probably hit an endless recursion in
   PyInstaller. Please try to track this down has far as possible,
   create a minimal example so we can reproduce and open an issue at following the
   instructions in the issue template. Many thanks.


import sys

Python:pyinstaller报错【A RecursionError maximum recursion depth exceeded occurred】_第1张图片

然后pyinstaller demo.spec

==END ==
