# 方法一:直接通过CRAN进行安装
# 方法二:从github上安装
# 连接mongodb数据库
con <- mongo("mtcars", url = "mongodb://readwrite:[email protected]:43942/jeroen_test")
# collection:要连接的集合(数据表)的名称。默认为"test"。
# db:要连接的数据库的名称。默认为"test"。
# url:标准URI格式的MongoDB服务器的地址。
# verbose:如果TRUE,发出一些额外的输出
# options:其他连接选项,例如SSL密钥/证书。
# 如果数据表是空的,就自己插入一下
[注]: 该
具体的url格式可以参考 《Mongo连接字符串手册》
# mongolite的一些具体操作
# 直接输出连接成功后数据库的变量,会输出mongodb常见操作的公式,及使用方法
# 'mtcars'
# $aggregate(pipeline = "{}", options = "{\"allowDiskUse\":true}", handler = NULL, pagesize = 1000, iterate = FALSE)
# $count(query = "{}")
# $disconnect(gc = TRUE)
# $distinct(key, query = "{}")
# $drop()
# $export(con = stdout(), bson = FALSE, query = "{}", fields = "{}", sort = "{\"_id\":1}")
# $find(query = "{}", fields = "{\"_id\":0}", sort = "{}", skip = 0, limit = 0, handler = NULL, pagesize = 1000)
# $import(con, bson = FALSE)
# $index(add = NULL, remove = NULL)
# $info()
# $insert(data, pagesize = 1000, stop_on_error = TRUE, ...)
# $iterate(query = "{}", fields = "{\"_id\":0}", sort = "{}", skip = 0, limit = 0)
# $mapreduce(map, reduce, query = "{}", sort = "{}", limit = 0, out = NULL, scope = NULL)
# $remove(query, just_one = FALSE)
# $rename(name, db = NULL)
# $replace(query, update = "{}", upsert = FALSE)
# $run(command = "{\"ping\": 1}", simplify = TRUE)
# $update(query, update = "{\"$set\":{}}", filters = NULL, upsert = FALSE, multiple = FALSE)
# aggregate函数可以说是我使用最多的函数,很多操作都可以用这个函数实现
# 该代码实现的功能用sql语句实现就是:
# select * from mtcars where cyl = 4 limit 0, 3
SQL 操作/函数 | mongodb aggregate操作 |
select * from mtcars where cyl = 4 | conKaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: …nt color="red">match" : {“cyl” : 4}} ]') |
select cyl as _id from mtcars group by cyl | conKaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: …nt color="red">group" : {“_id” : “$cyl”}}]') |
select cyl from mtcars | conKaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: …nt color="red">project“:{”_id" : 0, “cyl” : 1}}]') |
select * from mtcars order by cyl | conKaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: …nt color="red">sort" : {“cyl” : 1}}]') |
select * from mtcars limit 0, 4 | conKaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: …nt color="red">limit" : 4}]') |
select cyl as _id, count(1) as count from mtcars group by cyl | conKaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: aggregate('[{"group" : {“_id” : “KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: …nt color="red">sum” : 1}}}]') |
select cyl as _id, sum(mpg) as sum from mtcars group by cyl | conKaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: aggregate('[{"group" : {“_id”:“KaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: …nt color="red">sum”:“$mpg”}}}]') |
select * from services, flows inner join services.flow = flows.name | conKaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: …nt color="red">lookup": {“from” : “flows”,“localField” : “flow”, “foreignField” : “name”, “as” : “flow_detail”}} ]') (没试过,不确定) |
select * from mtcars order by rand() limit 20 | conKaTeX parse error: Expected '}', got 'EOF' at end of input: …nt color="red">sample" : {“size” : 20}}]') |
# $count()可以输出该数据表中有多少的数据
# 在还不确定数据表大小的时候,可以先用这个函数看一下大小
# [1] 32
# [1] 11
# 断开连接用的
# 去重,返回该字段的唯一值。
# 可在后面增加其他条件加以限制。
con$distinct("mpg", '{"cyl":4}')
# 删除数据表(警告:不要拿公司数据库试这个函数)
# 将数据以json的形式输出,当bson = TRUE时,它会输出二进制bson格式。
con$export(query = '{"mpg":19.2}')
#{ "_id" : { "$oid" : "5dd29754e9280000e8000fbd" }, "mpg" : 19.199999999999999289, "cyl" : 6.0, "disp" : 167.59999999999999432, "hp" : 123.0, "drat" : 3.9199999999999999289, "wt" : 3.4399999999999999467, "qsec" : 18.300000000000000711, "vs" : 1.0, "am" : 0.0, "gear" : 4.0, "carb" : 4.0, "_row" : "Merc 280" }
#{ "_id" : { "$oid" : "5dd29754e9280000e8000fcc" }, "mpg" : 19.199999999999999289, "cyl" : 8.0, "disp" : 400.0, "hp" : 175.0, "drat" : 3.0800000000000000711, "wt" : 3.8450000000000001954, "qsec" : 17.050000000000000711, "vs" : 0.0, "am" : 0.0, "gear" : 3.0, "carb" : 2.0, "_row" : "Pontiac Firebird" }
# 整理后的json长这样
"_id": {
"$oid": "5dd29754e9280000e8000fbd"
"mpg": 19.199999999999999289,
"cyl": 6.0,
"disp": 167.59999999999999432,
"hp": 123.0,
"drat": 3.9199999999999999289,
"wt": 3.4399999999999999467,
"qsec": 18.300000000000000711,
"vs": 1.0,
"am": 0.0,
"gear": 4.0,
"carb": 4.0,
"_row": "Merc 280"
"_id": {
"$oid": "5dd29754e9280000e8000fcc"
"mpg": 19.199999999999999289,
"cyl": 8.0,
"disp": 400.0,
"hp": 175.0,
"drat": 3.0800000000000000711,
"wt": 3.8450000000000001954,
"qsec": 17.050000000000000711,
"vs": 0.0,
"am": 0.0,
"gear": 3.0,
"carb": 2.0,
"_row": "Pontiac Firebird"
# 查询函数,也是一个非常常用的函数,和$aggregate一样都能完成查询的工作
# 但至于哪个查询速度更快,目前没看出来。望大神指教。
query = '{"cyl" : 4}', # 查询条件
fields = '{"mpg" : true, "cyl" : true, "disp" : true}', # 那些列需要显示出来
limit = 5, # 查询出几条数据
skip = 1 # 跳过几条数据,skip = 1 表示跳过一条数据。也就是函数从第二条数据开始查询5条符合条件的函数.
# _id mpg cyl disp
# 1 5dd29754e9280000e8000fbb 24.4 4 146.7
# 2 5dd29754e9280000e8000fbc 22.8 4 140.8
# 3 5dd29754e9280000e8000fc5 32.4 4 78.7
# 4 5dd29754e9280000e8000fc6 30.4 4 75.7
# 5 5dd29754e9280000e8000fc7 33.9 4 71.1
# 说明中可以导入json格式的数据,但实际测试没有成功。实际作用为止
con$import(con, bson = FALSE)
# 为数据文件创建索引,来加快数据的查询速度(不知道为啥有时候加了索引反而更慢)
# 用户 系统 流逝
# 0.00 0.00 2.47
con$index(add = '{"qsec":1}')
# v key._id key.qsec name ns
# 1 2 1 NA _id_ jeroen_test.mtcars
# 2 2 NA 1 qsec_1 jeroen_test.mtcars
# 用户 系统 流逝
# 0.00 0.00 0.73
con$index(remove = "qsec_1")
# v _id name ns
# 1 2 1 _id_ jeroen_test.mtcars
# 输出服务器的信息(如果有的话,例子来自官网)
#> List of 4
#> $ collection: chr "test"
#> $ db : NULL
#> $ stats : NULL
#> $ server :List of 25
#> ..$ host : chr "Jeroens-MBP.fritz.box"
#> ..$ version : chr "4.0.1"
#> ..$ process : chr "mongod"
#> ..$ pid : num 64577
#> ..$ uptime : num 5625
#> ..$ uptimeMillis : num 5625324
#> ..$ uptimeEstimate : num 5625
#> ..$ localTime : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2018-08-09 22:18:01"
#> ..$ asserts :List of 5
#> ..$ connections :List of 3
#> ..$ extra_info :List of 2
#> ..$ freeMonitoring :List of 1
#> ..$ globalLock :List of 3
#> ..$ locks :List of 3
#> ..$ logicalSessionRecordCache:List of 11
#> ..$ network :List of 7
#> ..$ opLatencies :List of 3
#> ..$ opcounters :List of 6
#> ..$ opcountersRepl :List of 6
#> ..$ storageEngine :List of 5
#> ..$ transactions :List of 3
#> ..$ wiredTiger :List of 17
#> ..$ mem :List of 6
#> ..$ metrics :List of 10
#> ..$ ok : num 1
# 插入数据(如果又不小心把数据删了,可以执行这个语句)
# 作用不明(待完善)
con$iterate('{"cyl":4}',limit = 2)
# $batch(size = 1000)
# $json(size = 1000)
# $one()
# $page(size = 1000)
# mapreduce 是一种编程模型,用于大规模数据集(大于1TB)的并行运算。
# 可以将其分为用于映射的 Map 和用于组合的 Reduce。可以根据例子进行简单的理解
# map = "function() {emit(key,value);}",
# 映射函数 (生成键值对序列,作为 reduce 函数参数)(在函数中调用字段需要用到 this.*)
map = "function(){emit(Math.floor(this.disp/100)*100, 1)}",
# reduce = "function(key,values) {return reduceFunction},
# {
# out: collection,
# query: document,
# sort: document,
# limit: number
# }"
# reduce函数的任务就是将key-values变成key-value,也就是把values数组变成一个单一的值value
reduce = "function(id, counts){return Array.sum(counts)}"
# 整个函数的作用就是将字段 cyl 进行百分位向下取整,并进行分组统计
[注]: 由于 mapreduce 函数相对与其他函数而言比较不好理解,如果实在没理解的可以查>看下列配图解释,或者查阅菜鸟教程和mongodb官方的解释,网站连接和配图如下:
# 删除查询出来的结果
# 删除前
# 删除后
# 修改集合的名称(也可以修改数据库的,但是比较麻烦)
# 替换数据(在单表的处理上与 update 功能基本相同。但是修改的时候需要将完整的数据输入进去,建议用 update)
con$replace('{"wt": 2.620,"qsec":16.46}',
'{"mpg": 21,
"cyl": 6,
# 允许使用最原始的mongodb命令,simplify = TRUE 表示同意简化输出
# 下面的操作用于检查服务器链接是否正常
con$run('{"ping" : 1}')
# 更新数据(与 replace 的不同在于,需要叫上 "$set" 来修改部分数据)
con$update('{"wt": 2.875,"qsec":17.02}',
'{"$set" : {