gem5学习(12):理解gem5 统计信息和输出——Understanding gem5 statistics and output





官方教程:gem5: Understanding gem5 statistics and output

在运行 gem5 之后,除了仿真脚本打印的仿真信息外,还会在根目录中名为 m5out 的目录中生成三个文件:

  • config.ini:包含仿真过程中创建的每个 SimObject 及其参数值的列表。
  • config.json:与 config.ini 相同,但以 JSON 格式存储。
  • stats.txt:gem5 仿真期间注册的所有统计信息的文本表示。

这些文件存储在名为 m5out 的目录中。


该文件是仿真过程中所模拟内容的确切版本。它显示了每个被仿真的 SimObject 的所有参数,无论这些参数是在配置脚本中设置的还是使用了默认值。

下面是从在运行 simple-config-chapter 中的 配置文件时生成的 config.ini 文件中提取的内容。

该文件是仿真过程中所模拟内容的确切版本。它显示了每个被仿真的 SimObject 的所有参数,无论这些参数是在配置脚本中设置的还是使用了默认值。

以下是我自己的配置文件时生成的 config.ini 文件中提取的内容(只截取了部分)。

gem5学习(12):理解gem5 统计信息和输出——Understanding gem5 statistics and output_第1张图片

在每个 SimObject 的描述开头,首先是它在配置文件中创建时用方括号括起来的名称(例如[system])。

接下来,显示了每个 SimObject 的每个参数及其值(在截取的部分主要看system),包括在配置文件中未明确设置的参数。例如,配置文件将时钟域设置为 1 GHz(在此情况下为 1000 个时钟周期)。然而,它没有设置 cache line size(在系统中为 64)对象。

config.ini 文件类似于一个对照工具,用来确保仿真配置和预期相同。gem5有多重设置默认值和覆盖默认值的可能,所以对config.ini进行合理性检查,用来确保子啊配置文件中设置的参数传递到实际的类中。


与 config.ini 相同,但以 JSON 格式存储(不作过多说明)。


gem5拥有一个灵活的统计信息生成系统。gem5统计信息在Statistics - gem5上有详细介绍。每个SimObject的实例化都有自己的统计信息。在仿真结束时,或者当发出特殊的统计信息转储命令时,所有SimObject的当前统计信息状态将被转储到一个文件中。



---------- Begin Simulation Statistics ----------
simSeconds                                   0.000057                       # Number of seconds simulated (Second)
simTicks                                     57467000                       # Number of ticks simulated (Tick)
finalTick                                    57467000                       # Number of ticks from beginning of simulation (restored from checkpoints and never reset) (Tick)
simFreq                                  1000000000000                       # The number of ticks per simulated second ((Tick/Second))
hostSeconds                                      0.03                       # Real time elapsed on the host (Second)
hostTickRate                               2295882330                       # The number of ticks simulated per host second (ticks/s) ((Tick/Second))
hostMemory                                     665792                       # Number of bytes of host memory used (Byte)
simInsts                                         6225                       # Number of instructions simulated (Count)
simOps                                          11204                       # Number of ops (including micro ops) simulated (Count)
hostInstRate                                   247382                       # Simulator instruction rate (inst/s) ((Count/Second))
hostOpRate                                     445086                       # Simulator op (including micro ops) rate (op/s) ((Count/Second))

---------- Begin Simulation Statistics ----------
simSeconds                                   0.000490                       # Number of seconds simulated (Second)
simTicks                                    490394000                       # Number of ticks simulated (Tick)
finalTick                                   490394000                       # Number of ticks from beginning of simulation (restored from checkpoints and never reset) (Tick)
simFreq                                  1000000000000                       # The number of ticks per simulated second ((Tick/Second))
hostSeconds                                      0.03                       # Real time elapsed on the host (Second)
hostTickRate                              15979964060                       # The number of ticks simulated per host second (ticks/s) ((Tick/Second))
hostMemory                                     657488                       # Number of bytes of host memory used (Byte)
simInsts                                         6225                       # Number of instructions simulated (Count)
simOps                                          11204                       # Number of ops (including micro ops) simulated (Count)
hostInstRate                                   202054                       # Simulator instruction rate (inst/s) ((Count/Second))
hostOpRate                                     363571                       # Simulator op (including micro ops) rate (op/s) ((Count/Second))

统计信息开始于 "---------- Begin Simulation Statistics ----------"。如果在gem5执行期间进行了多次统计信息转储,则在单个文件中会有多个此类转储。常见于运行时间较长的应用程序或从检查点恢复时。


大多数统计信息从其描述中很容易理解。其中几个重要的统计信息包括 sim_seconds,它是仿真的总时间;sim_insts,它是CPU提交的指令数量;host_inst_rate,它告诉您gem5的性能。


system.clk_domain.clock                          1000                       # Clock period in ticks (Tick)
system.clk_domain.voltage_domain.voltage            1                       # Voltage in Volts (Volt)
system.cpu.numCycles                            57467                       # Number of cpu cycles simulated (Cycle)
system.cpu.numWorkItemsStarted                      0                       # Number of work items this cpu started (Count)
system.cpu.numWorkItemsCompleted                    0                       # Number of work items this cpu completed (Count)           1941                       # number of demand (read+write) hits (Count)
system.cpu.dcache.demandHits::total              1941                       # number of demand (read+write) hits (Count)          1941                       # number of overall hits (Count)
system.cpu.dcache.overallHits::total             1941                       # number of overall hits (Count)          133                       # number of demand (read+write) misses (Count)
system.cpu.dcache.demandMisses::total             133                       # number of demand (read+write) misses (Count)          133                       # number of overall misses (Count)
system.cpu.dcache.overallMisses::total            133                       # number of overall misses (Count)     14301000                       # number of demand (read+write) miss ticks (Tick)
system.cpu.dcache.demandMissLatency::total     14301000                       # number of demand (read+write) miss ticks (Tick)     14301000                       # number of overall miss ticks (Tick)
system.cpu.dcache.overallMissLatency::total     14301000                       # number of overall miss ticks (Tick)         2074                       # number of demand (read+write) accesses (Count)
system.cpu.dcache.demandAccesses::total          2074                       # number of demand (read+write) accesses (Count)         2074                       # number of overall (read+write) accesses (Count)
system.cpu.dcache.overallAccesses::total         2074                       # number of overall (read+write) accesses (Count)     0.064127                       # miss rate for demand accesses (Ratio)
system.cpu.dcache.demandMissRate::total      0.064127                       # miss rate for demand accesses (Ratio)     0.064127                       # miss rate for overall accesses (Ratio)
system.cpu.dcache.overallMissRate::total     0.064127                       # miss rate for overall accesses (Ratio) 107526.315789                       # average overall miss latency ((Cycle/Count))
system.cpu.dcache.demandAvgMissLatency::total 107526.315789                       # average overall miss latency ((Cycle/Count)) 107526.315789                       # average overall miss latency ((Cycle/Count))
system.cpu.dcache.overallAvgMissLatency::total 107526.315789                       # average overall miss latency ((Cycle/Count))
system.cpu.mmu.dtb.rdAccesses                    1123                       # TLB accesses on read requests (Count)
system.cpu.mmu.dtb.wrAccesses                     953                       # TLB accesses on write requests (Count)
system.cpu.mmu.dtb.rdMisses                        11                       # TLB misses on read requests (Count)
system.cpu.mmu.dtb.wrMisses                         9                       # TLB misses on write requests (Count)
system.cpu.mmu.dtb.walker.power_state.pwrStateResidencyTicks::UNDEFINED     57467000                       # Cumulative time (in ticks) in various power states (Tick)
system.cpu.mmu.itb.rdAccesses                       0                       # TLB accesses on read requests (Count)
system.cpu.mmu.itb.wrAccesses                    7940                       # TLB accesses on write requests (Count)
system.cpu.mmu.itb.rdMisses                         0                       # TLB misses on read requests (Count)
system.cpu.mmu.itb.wrMisses                        37                       # TLB misses on write requests (Count)
system.cpu.mmu.itb.walker.power_state.pwrStateResidencyTicks::UNDEFINED     57467000                       # Cumulative time (in ticks) in various power states (Tick)
system.cpu.power_state.pwrStateResidencyTicks::ON     57467000                       # Cumulative time (in ticks) in various power states (Tick)
system.cpu.thread_0.numInsts                        0                       # Number of Instructions committed (Count)
system.cpu.thread_0.numOps                          0                       # Number of Ops committed (Count)
system.cpu.thread_0.numMemRefs                      0                       # Number of Memory References (Count)
system.cpu.workload.numSyscalls                    11                       # Number of system calls (Count)


system.mem_ctrl.bytesReadWrQ                        0                       # Total number of bytes read from write queue (Byte)
system.mem_ctrl.bytesReadSys                    23168                       # Total read bytes from the system interface side (Byte)
system.mem_ctrl.bytesWrittenSys                     0                       # Total written bytes from the system interface side (Byte)
system.mem_ctrl.avgRdBWSys               403153113.96105593                       # Average system read bandwidth in Byte/s ((Byte/Second))
system.mem_ctrl.avgWrBWSys                 0.00000000                       # Average system write bandwidth in Byte/s ((Byte/Second))
system.mem_ctrl.totGap                       57336000                       # Total gap between requests (Tick)
system.mem_ctrl.avgGap                      158386.74                       # Average gap between requests ((Tick/Count))
system.mem_ctrl.requestorReadBytes::cpu.inst        14656                       # Per-requestor bytes read from memory (Byte)         8512                       # Per-requestor bytes read from memory (Byte)
system.mem_ctrl.requestorReadRate::cpu.inst 255033323.472601681948                       # Per-requestor bytes read from memory rate ((Byte/Second)) 148119790.488454252481                       # Per-requestor bytes read from memory rate ((Byte/Second))
system.mem_ctrl.requestorReadAccesses::cpu.inst          229                       # Per-requestor read serviced memory accesses (Count)          133                       # Per-requestor read serviced memory accesses (Count)
system.mem_ctrl.requestorReadTotalLat::cpu.inst      6234000                       # Per-requestor read total memory access latency (Tick)      4141000                       # Per-requestor read total memory access latency (Tick)
system.mem_ctrl.requestorReadAvgLat::cpu.inst     27222.71                       # Per-requestor read average memory access latency ((Tick/Count))     31135.34                       # Per-requestor read average memory access latency ((Tick/Count))
system.mem_ctrl.dram.bytesRead::cpu.inst        14656                       # Number of bytes read from this memory (Byte)         8512                       # Number of bytes read from this memory (Byte)
system.mem_ctrl.dram.bytesRead::total           23168                       # Number of bytes read from this memory (Byte)
system.mem_ctrl.dram.bytesInstRead::cpu.inst        14656                       # Number of instructions bytes read from this memory (Byte)
system.mem_ctrl.dram.bytesInstRead::total        14656                       # Number of instructions bytes read from this memory (Byte)
system.mem_ctrl.dram.numReads::cpu.inst           229                       # Number of read requests responded to by this memory (Count)           133                       # Number of read requests responded to by this memory (Count)
system.mem_ctrl.dram.numReads::total              362                       # Number of read requests responded to by this memory (Count)
system.mem_ctrl.dram.bwRead::cpu.inst       255033323                       # Total read bandwidth from this memory ((Byte/Second))       148119790                       # Total read bandwidth from this memory ((Byte/Second))
system.mem_ctrl.dram.bwRead::total          403153114                       # Total read bandwidth from this memory ((Byte/Second))
system.mem_ctrl.dram.bwInstRead::cpu.inst    255033323                       # Instruction read bandwidth from this memory ((Byte/Second))
system.mem_ctrl.dram.bwInstRead::total      255033323                       # Instruction read bandwidth from this memory ((Byte/Second))
system.mem_ctrl.dram.bwTotal::cpu.inst      255033323                       # Total bandwidth to/from this memory ((Byte/Second))      148119790                       # Total bandwidth to/from this memory ((Byte/Second))
system.mem_ctrl.dram.bwTotal::total         403153114                       # Total bandwidth to/from this memory ((Byte/Second))
system.mem_ctrl.dram.readBursts                   362                       # Number of DRAM read bursts (Count)
system.mem_ctrl.dram.writeBursts                    0                       # Number of DRAM write bursts (Count)

