



At least with a stomach virus you may drop a few pounds; a virtual virus just screws up your computer. Take these precautions to avoid problems.

You will need: anti-virus software, spyware scanner, a firewall and a healthy dose of skepticism.

Step 1:

Install anti-virus software that regularly updates itself. __________

Step 2:

Use a spyware scanner. __________ Spyware is usually unleashed when you download a peer-to-peer file-swapping product.

Step 3:

Install a firewall. __________

You can find free safety software on the internet.

Step 4:

__________ Don't even open e-mails from unknown senders.

Step 5:

Before you shut down for the day, go to “find” and check the files that were created that day. __________

Step 6:

Don't fall for e-mails that warn you that you have a worm and urge you to download a safety program. __________

Bad grammar and/or misspellings are often a tipoff that a virus warning is bogus.

Step 7:

Don’t ignore those updates that your anti-virus software manufacturer periodically offers; they will help protect your computer from viruses.

Did you know? A Chinese man was sentenced in 2007 to four years in prison for unleashing a computer virus that infected millions of computers.


Viruses are constantly mutating into new forms.

This protects you from inadvertently installing a system that will help advertisers spam you by monitoring your internet use.

This software guards against online attacks from other computers.

Don't open attachments unless you're absolutely sure you know who sent them.

Delete any that you don't recognize.

This is a ploy to get you to install a virus!

dose n.剂量

这里的a healthy dose of skepticism 意思就是“适量的怀疑态度”。

mutate v.改变,发展

peer-to-peer a.对等网络,局域网的一种,对等网络中的计算机之间可以互相通信和共享资源(文件、外设等)。

file-swapping a.文件交换的

shut down 停工(永久或暂时)

e.g: Our local hardware shop has shut down. 我们本地的硬件商店关门了。

urge sb. to do sth. 强烈建议某人做某事

e.g: I got a note from Moira urging me to get in touch.我从莫伊拉得到一个纸条,强烈要求我保持联系。

tipoff n.密报,警告
