《钱在哪儿》(Where the Money Was)翻译第211-212页








当我们将他们全部控制后,我们命令他们在圆形大厅的正中心排成一队,远离其他所有物体。当他们排队时,从医院区域传来了敲门声。是吉米麦基( Jimmy McGee),他的出现完全是意外。他对那天晚上我们正在进行的事情一无所知。为了保护他,我们威胁他如果不照我们说的去做,会有各种悲惨结果,然后命令他和其他狱警呆在一起。

特努托靠近桌子后做的第一件事就是从墙上拿那一圈钥匙。现在所有的事情都在控制之下,他吧手枪给我,然后去D区把克莱尼和艾肯斯( Kliney and Aikens )放出来。副巡长看上去非常不舒服,我很容易就猜出了原因。他因为带违禁品给囚犯而从东区(监狱)调到这里,你可以看到,他正在想谁会是那个带进那只枪的最大嫌疑犯。




按照我的指令,他们将梯子扛到院子里;两个守卫走在前面,副巡长扶着后面。我们三个穿着制服紧紧跟在副巡长后面。克莱尼和艾肯斯( Kliney and Aikens )在加入我们前还要在地下室呆一分钟。


After a week, Tenuto arranged to have one of his brothers visit him so that he could explain to him that we needed a car to get out of there.

On the morning of February 10, 1947, it began to snow. It snowed very hard through the day and we all decided we were going to make the attempt that night. We had already cut our bars and put them back in place with putty and paint. (The cell guard, Greenwood, who wasn’t a bad guy, got fired over that. According to the book, it was his duty to check the bars daily by running a hammer over them. That was the excuse that was used, anyway. He had never done it once from the day we got there. The overconfidence in their security again.)

At 1:00 A.M., the guard came in from the hub for his semihourly check, went up and down with his flashlight, and then went back to the hub.

That was our signal to get up and get dressed. Five minutes before the next check was due, we pulled out the bars and crept up to the steel door. I gave the pistol to Tenuto. We crouched down and waited. We were wearing our black prison pants and blue shirts, and thin blue windbreakers. I was also wearing a baseball cap which one of the other inmates on isolation had given me to keep the sun out of my eyes while I was playing handball.

Both the cellblock and the hub were kept dimly lit at that time of night. We could hear the two guards coming down from the hub. We could hear the key grate in the lock. As the door swung open we flung ourselves through. The plan was for Spence and me to bull both guards back with our first charge so that Tenuto could shoot through the gap and cover the five officers and the captain in the hub before they could make a move. It worked very nearly to perfection. One of the guards did manage to grab the side of the door and try to slam it shut, but it was purely a reflex action. Tenuto was already through and gone. All he succeeded in doing was jamming one of his own fingers very badly.

Five of the six guards in the hub were grouped around the desk, and the sight of Tenuto charging down at them, waving a gun, completely immobilized them. It would have immobilized me, too. Tenuto was a menacing enough figure even without a gun. Immediately, he ordered the captain to stand up and get in line with the others. Spence and I already had our two guys well under control. Stunned as they were, they had no idea whether we had a gun or not. I barked at them as if I had one, and they acted as if they were taking my word for it.

When we had them all together, we ordered them to line up in the exact center of the rotunda, away from everything. While they were obeying, there was a tapping on the door from the hospital block. It was Jimmy McGee, and he was there by sheer accident. He didn’t have the slightest idea we were going that night. In order to protect him, we threatened him with all kinds of unpleasant things if he didn’t do exactly as he was told and then ordered him to join the others.

The first thing Tenuto had done upon reaching the desk was grabbed the ring of keys from the wall. Now that everything was under control, he handed me the gun and went down to D block to get Kliney and Aikens. The captain looked positively sick and I could very easily guess why. He had been transferred from Eastern for bringing contraband in to a few of the inmates, and you could see him thinking who was going to be picked out as the prime suspect for bringing in that gun.

The question of what we were going to do about Jimmy McGee was resolved quite neatly. To get to the powerhouse we had to go through the B block, and we locked him in one of the empty cells along the way.

Lying against the wall of the cellar, just as McGee had said, were the two ladders. Each of them about twenty-one feet in length. A spool of copper wire was in the bench drawer, just where he had told me. So were the hook and the rope.

Before we went out, I picked out the guard who was closest to me in size and ordered him to take off his coat and hat. Tenuto and Waldron did the same. Those three, plus two of the others, were then locked inside the little utility room. That left two guards and the captain. I told them that they were going to lead us out into the yard. “I’m going to give you your instructions,” I said, “and you had better listen very carefully. If anything goes wrong we’re taking you with us as hostages. If any shooting starts, you’re going to be the first ones up the ladder.” I didn’t want to take them with us unless it was absolutely essential. I did want them to feel so relieved when we started up the ladder without them that they’d be more pleased about seeing us disappear than worried about our getting away.

Following my instructions, they carried the ladders out into the yard; the two guards out in front, the captain holding up the rear. The three of us in uniform walked directly behind the captain. Kliney and Aikens were to remain in the cellar for one minute before joining us.

你可能感兴趣的:(《钱在哪儿》(Where the Money Was)翻译第211-212页)