VNDK On Android




Vendor Native Development Kit (VNDK)

The Vendor Native Development Kit (VNDK) is a set of libraries exclusively for vendors to implement their HALs. The VNDK ships in system.img and is dynamically linked to vendor code at runtime.



Android 8.0 and higher enables framework-only updates in which the system partition can be upgraded to the latest version while vendor partitions are left unchanged. This implies that binaries built at different times must be able to work with each other; VNDK covers API/ABI changes across Android releases.


Framework-only updates include the following challenges:


Dependency between framework modules and vendor modules. Before Android 8.0, modules from both sides could link with modules from the other side. However, dependencies from vendor modules imposed undesired restrictions to framework modules development.


Extensions to AOSP libraries. Android 8.0 and higher requires all Android devices to pass CTS when the system partition is replaced with a standard Generic System Image (GSI). However, as vendors extend AOSP libraries to boost performance or to add extra functionalities for their HIDL implementations, flashing the system partition with a standard GSI might break a vendor's HIDL implementation. (For guidelines on preventing such breakages, seeVNDK extensions.)


To address these challenges, Android 8.0 introduces several techniques such as VNDK (described in this section), HIDL, hwbinder, device tree overlay, and sepolicy overlay.


This section includes the following VNDK resources:

VNDK concepts (below) describes framework shared libraries, same-process HALs (SP-HALs), and VNDK terminology.


VNDK extensions classifies vendor-specific changes into categories. For example, libraries with extended functionalities on which vendor modules rely must be copied into the vendor partition, but ABI-incompatible changes are prohibited.


VNDK Build System Support describes the build system configurations and module definition syntaxes that are related to VNDK.


The VNDK Definition Tool helps migrate your source tree to Android 8.0 and higher.

Linker Namespace provides fine-grained control over shared library linkages.


Directories, Rules, and sepolicy defines the directory structure for devices running Android 8.0 and higher, VNDK rules, and associated sepolicy.

The VNDK Design presentation illustrates fundamental VDNK concepts used in Android 8.0 and higher.

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