石生 Stone Being



Being closer, it’s coming brighter


Once touched its head, swing following

光影明暗 呼吸若生 人物問答 光為言語

Light and shadow, being brightened and dimmed, changing like breath, asking and answering, talk to you with the language of light

靜回平語 光亦定安 柔柔黃似凝註爾心 為何愁

It’s calming down and the light’s softness, mild yellow, yellow light, worrying about your unhappiness, asking your heart

謝而離之 石徐安 至畢則光漸昏

Thanking and leaving, stone is made relieved, with the light being dimmer and dimer

手作自廢席者 以竹為材 亦倡保生

Made in discarded bamboo mat and advocating environmental protection


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