2021-03-01 词缀记忆系列1_Sur-

前缀 super- 的含义为“over"。

sur-, supr-, sop-, sopr-, sove-是它的变化型。

前缀super- 一般不改变词基单词的词性。


1.supersede  [super( =over) +sed( =sit)在上面坐]

  vt. take the place of; put or use someone or something in the place of 取代;更替

    supersession  取而代之;更替

  ex) Model AE-400 supersedes Model AE-200.

    模型 AE-400 取代 AE-2000

2.surplus [sur

  n. amount that remains after needs have been supplied; excess of receipts over

    expenditure  过剩,残余,剩余;剩余额

  adj. exceeding what is needed or used  过剩的,剩余的

  ex) We have a surplus of uniforms in size XL.


3.surmount  [sur

  vt. overcome dffficulties or obstacles; have on or over the top  克服(困难、障碍),越过,翻越;放、搁在…上

  surmountable可以克服的  insurmountable无法克服的

  ex) The typical hero of a romance novel surmounts difficulty and triumphs.


4.insuperable [in( =not) +super( =over)无法越过某物的]

  adj. insurmountable; that cannot be overcome  无法克服的;不可逾越的

  ex) Today a lack of education is a virtually insuperable impediment.


5.supercilious  [super( =above) +cili( =eyelid)向上提眉毛的]

  adj. showing contemptuous indifference  傲慢的,轻视别人的,自大的

  ex) His supercilious manner is quite off-putting.


6.superficial [super(=above,over)+fic( =make,do)使登到上边]

  adj. of or on the surface only; not thorough or profound  表面的,外表的;肤浅的,没有深度的,浅薄的

   superficiality  表面性;肤浅,浅薄

  ex)I got a C-minus. The teacher said my essay was superficial.


7. surfeit  [sur

  n. too much of anything, especially food and drink  过多,过食,过饮,腻烦

  v. (cause to) take too much of anything (使)喝过多,(使)吃太多.(使)腻烦

  ex) There's a surfeit of great recipes on the Internet. 网上的食谱多得让人腻烦。

8.surmise  [sur

  vt. conjecture  推测,猜想

  n. guess  推测,猜想

  ex) The Republicans in this district aren't as conservative as you might surmise.


详细介绍:前缀super-来自拉丁介副词super,意为“over",还有“over, above, beyond, than, more, excessively”的含义。前缀sur-, supr-, sop-, sopr-, sove-是super-的变化型。super- 既可以作为原生前缀存在拉丁借词中,也可以作为派生前缀跟名词、形容词及动词相缀合,构成许多常用词,与super结合的单词,多是拉丁借词,本族语词较少。这些派生词都是17世纪出现的的,此外,在构词过程,派生前缀super- 一般不改变词基单词的词性。


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